
  • 1、夫妻两人生活,好比两只刺猬过冬,只能双方都把接触的刺削去一半,才会温暖又不会伤到对方!
  • 2、我本不该拥抱太过炙热的梦比如明天比如你
  • 3、The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 4、世界上最美好的一个字是吃两个字是睡觉三个字是你名字(www.liyancom 有关伤感短语)
  • 5、喜欢就是毫无理由的护短和潜意识的偏爱。
  • 男人感情就是这样,像水龙头一样说关就关了


  • 7、缘分是本书,翻的不经意会错过,读得太认真会流泪。
  • 8、A man has already forgotten the memory of one's own mind.
  • 9、Love is like multiplication, one of which is zero, and its result is always zero.
  • 10、Because of the injury, the feeling becomes more careful.
  • 11、山山聚起落,人聚相识晚,于你终是命,唯情不散。
  • 12、我耳朵是听人说话的你就别乱叫了
  • 13、你来了我就安安稳稳本本分分收起我的泛滥心,全天下我最宝贝你,你让我喜欢到了骨子里。
  • 14、The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 15、哥们,昨晚上那个都还在你床上睡着呢,怎么今天一大早就换成这个了啊!
  • 16、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.

  • 17、I do not know where the lover is, only looking up to the distance. I do not know whether it is in the southeast, or far in the northwest. In any case, we must go to that place.
  • 18、Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually blurred at the bottom of your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs to be your own.
  • 19、千言万语,道不尽我有多爱你;千山万水,挡不我疯狂的爱你。宝宝,我们永远也不要分离一夜大雪如席,如我缠绵的心,思念不变的你。孤单在两地,痴痴的想你,纯纯的爱给了真真的你,情书如雪:生命有你。
  • 20、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。
  • The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 21、The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 22、遇见你不是巧合,而是我这辈子无心的谋算。
  • 23、花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝!
  • 24、有一种爱叫无缘,不是不爱而是没有缘分,也有一种爱叫成全!去成全别人也成全自己。
  • 25、冷淡忧伤希望诗句,伤感的散文语段摘抄简短,
  • 26、我没想到是你啊,但我知道是你了。

  • 27、最佳的报复不是仇恨,而是打心底发出的冷淡,干嘛花力气去恨一个不相干的人。
  • 28、你怎么变得这么快啊,你昨天不是这辈子最爱的人就是我,只会和我在一起吗?
  • 29、没有你,每天的生活只剩下呼吸;全世界,最要的就是你;这一生,只想和你在一起。
  • 30、Love is like multiplication, one of which is zero, and its result is always zero.
  • 31、其实并不是所有人都有那么好的脾气,如果你恰巧碰到了那个愿意迁就你的人,记得别磨光了他的感情。
  • 32、思念是午夜里的咖啡,让人无法入眠;思念是夏日里的凉风,让人无比留恋;思念是炒菜的盐,多了便难以下咽;思念是因为爱,才会如此沦陷!
  • 33、予你情诗三千愿无忧无虑无彷徨
  • 34、有一种爱叫无缘,不是不爱而是没有缘分,也有一种爱叫成全!去成全别人也成全自己。
  • 35、一日夫妻百日恩。百日夫妻比海深
  • 想对你撒娇想紧紧抱住你想向你证明无论这个世界多么严苛我都偏爱你


  • 37、我过的不好我不想说谎
  • 38、“我喜欢固定的座位同一款果汁和不变的朋友”
  • 39、你是我遇见的所有美好里的刚刚好!
  • 40、说好兄弟同甘同苦,你却先有对象了。
  • 41、我耳朵是听人说话的你就别乱叫了
  • 42、My thought, hate long, hate to be caused when Hugh, the moon relies on the floor.
  • 43、予你情诗三千愿无忧无虑无彷徨
  • 44、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。
  • 45、夫妻两人生活,好比两只刺猬过冬,只能双方都把接触的刺削去一半,才会温暖又不会伤到对方!
  • 46、爱情就像乘法,其中一项为零,其结果永远为零。

  • 47、思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。
  • 48、There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.
  • 49、Equinox flower, flower leaves, Ye Sheng flowers, read, but not meet.
  • 50、这个世界乱糟糟的而你干干净净可以悬在我的心上作太阳和月亮
  • Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.
  • 51、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.
  • 52、我虽然不再喜欢你,可依然关心你;我虽然决心离开你,但仍希望你幸福。不是我伟大,只是因为那一句——一夜夫妻百日恩!
  • 53、Equinox flower, flower leaves, Ye Sheng flowers, read, but not meet.
  • 54、夫妻两人生活,好比两只刺猬过冬,只能双方都把接触的刺削去一半,才会温暖又不会伤到对方!
  • 55、恩爱的心不是像你想的那样,即使你的心被撕成千丝万段,也要信任对方,那才是真正恩爱的心。
  • 56、你说你长得好看我也就忍了,还偏偏长成我喜欢的样子,你要我怎么办

  • 57、这个世界乱糟糟的而你干干净净可以悬在我的心上作太阳和月亮
  • 58、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。
  • 59、I give all the truth of the world to the moon, to illuminate every shadow in life for you!