
  • 1、一日不见,如三月兮。佚名《子衿》
  • 2、I would rather be ignored by others than be thoroughly questioned by others.
  • 3、Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.
  • 4、Less detours, but also missed the scenery. Anyway, thanks for the experience.
  • 5、I do not take the initiative to find you, not because you are not important, but I do not know I do not important.
  • 我没有去挽留,只是因为你在渐渐远离我的世界。
  • 6、我没有去挽留,只是因为你在渐渐远离我的世界。
  • 7、那些终将过下去的日子,叫做余生。而与你有关的日子,才是未来。

  • 8、Occasionally meet, is I this lifetime all ignore the flowery.
  • 9、I really want to know, in your world, how important is it to me.
  • 10、世界并不会对你温柔以待,上帝也不会对你特殊照顾,但我会。
  • 11、No matter how good others are, they have nothing to do with me. No matter how bad you are, I like them all.
  • 12、Some things are not what I don't care about, but what I care about.
  • 13、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。
  • 14、就算你不爱我,也请给我个念想好吗。
  • 15、If I hadn't met you, I would still believe in love as always.
  • 16、Glasses after my world become blurred, you don't understand these myopia?
  • 17、找一个值得死心塌地的人,好好爱。

  • 18、你在我身边也好,在天边也罢,想到世界的角落有一个你,觉得整个世界也变得温柔安定了。
  • 19、我渴望能见你一面,但我清楚的知道,唯有你也想见我的时候,我们见面才有意义。
  • 20、Wait for the morning fire for cooking will not be too full, so back to cremate before the end.
  • Being single is not terrible. It's terrible that people think you're not single.
  • 21、Being single is not terrible. It's terrible that people think you're not single.
  • 22、Remove the camouflage armor, since it is so vulnerable.
  • 23、The deepest loneliness is not a person for a long time, but in the heart without any expectations.
  • 24、对不起,敬个礼。发个屁,臭死你。
  • 25、My so-called dream is to dream at night and daytime.
  • 26、We give up, painted white memory, that can be a beautiful camouflage.
  • 27、Tired, pain, despair, and will naturally put down.

  • 28、芳野无阔,苍茫无度,沾的一身桃花落。
  • 29、In fact, it's not a big deal, looking and glebe's old.
  • 30、鱼书经岁绝,烛泪流残月。徐灿《菩萨蛮秋闺》
  • 31、你说不是每个人都是你想的那样,那是不是有些就是。
  • 32、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。
  • 33、相思本是无凭语,莫向花笺费泪行。晏几道《鹧鸪天醉拍春衫惜旧香》
  • 34、你知道我为什么喜欢仰望天空吗?我害怕我的眼泪扑灭了你的幸福。
  • 35、When I was young, a smile was a kind of mood. When you grow up, a smile is an expression.
  • 年轻人的爱是最纯洁的,最容易破碎。
  • 36、年轻人的爱是最纯洁的,最容易破碎。
  • 37、我没有想象的坚强,但却找不到让懦弱休息的地方。

  • 38、相恨不如潮有信,相思始觉海非深。白居易《浪淘沙》
  • 39、The more blind things in life are, the closer they get to happiness.
  • 40、崇光真的爱林萧,他变成陆烧只是换了个方式爱她。
  • 41、Those days that will last are called the rest of life. And the days that relate to you are the future.
  • 42、曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。
  • 43、Almost lost in the night, tell you I miss you.
  • 44、如果没有离开你的那一天世界会突然变美好。
  • 45、Some love is destined to be violated because of the favourable weather, place and people.
  • 46、Since the beginning is a joke, why do you want it to be a fairy tale?
  • 47、爱情这东西,时间很关键,认识得太早或太晚,都不行。

  • 48、如果上天知道我心诚,就让石头发芽吧!
  • 49、I didn't go to retain, just because you're away from my world.
  • 50、You taught me strong, taught me later, you said you extremely cruel and merciless, I miss the original appearance.
  • 所有人都说我把你宠坏了,唯独你说我从来没宠过你。
  • 51、所有人都说我把你宠坏了,唯独你说我从来没宠过你。
  • 52、My so-called dream is to dream at night and daytime.
  • 53、I don't have a proud figure and face, but I have a clean and laughing personality.
  • 54、幻觉未成真,何须死死抱着最终一丝但愿不愿坠落。
  • 55、Somehow I laughed because I thought of you.
  • 56、Having been liked by you, it's really hard to feel that others like me so much.
  • 57、我没有很刻意的想念你,只是在很多很多的小瞬间,想起你。

  • 58、相恨不如潮有信,相思始觉海非深。白居易《浪淘沙》
  • 59、我多想一个不小心就和你白头偕老。