
  • 1、Wear digging into the depths of the soul, makes a man by the end of mental torture and trauma, and that is, from this and sidelined and practice and, deleting is bitter, but the Su Sheng road.
  • 2、Way to forget things in the spring, volunteers enough in ups and downs.
  • 3、谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,便永远是一个奴隶。
  • 4、Conquer fear the quickest, indeed, the method of building self-confidence is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain successful experience.
  • 5、健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。
  • Refused to perfectionism; Real world syncopation with perfectionist, it just come to work.

    6、Refused to perfectionism; Real world syncopation with perfectionist, it just come to work.

  • 7、Let imagination fly and industrious hands do plan.
  • 8、Knowledge, discrimination, integrity, knowledge and of good moral character, is the main condition of success, after interest and opportunity.
  • 9、Sometimes, free and easy a bit, eyes away from her; A little tolerance, in the heart then brighter. Around the world often than we thought it would be wise and tolerance.
  • 10、At some point, every day can't hear your voice, see your shadow, days became zi tasteless! I love to collect you! Just like the old snake love rice!
  • 11、If who is the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who cannot control himself, he is always a slave.
  • 12、不管多么险峻的高山,总是为不畏艰难的人留下一条攀登的路。
  • 13、征服畏惧建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。
  • 14、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。
  • 15、恭喜发财,财源广进!恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上!
  • 16、走千条路,只一条适合;遇万般人,得一人足够。

  • 17、Human nature is the most poor: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, and not to appreciate in our Windows open roses today.
  • 18、没有谁的路是一帆风顺,只要是自己选的路,就不能后悔。
  • 19、Customers not to buy the product, he would buy your earnest attitude.
  • Not man for the access to give; To give itself is unparalleled joy.
  • 20、Not man for the access to give; To give itself is unparalleled joy.
  • 21、送走了一年的辛劳,迎来了又一个崭新的年月,祝您在新的一年里,大展宏图,财源广进!
  • 22、让想象飞起来,让勤劳的双手把计划做起来。
  • 23、有时候,洒脱一点,眼前便柳暗花明;宽容一点,心中便海阔天空。身边的世界往往比我们想象的要睿智与宽容。
  • 24、人性最可怜的就是:我们总是梦想着天边的一座奇妙的玫瑰园,而不去欣赏今天就开在我们窗口的玫瑰。
  • 25、不要纠缠过去;如果你老是回味上一章节,那你就没法翻开生活中新的一页。
  • 26、拒绝完美主义;现实世界不眷顾完美主义者,它只垂青踏实做事的人。

  • 27、道足以忘物之得春,志足以一气之盛衰。
  • 28、世界上最伟大的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。
  • 29、Anchor is not afraid to bury myself. When people see it, is it at the time of service to humanity.
  • 30、牵着你的手,一块奔腾,一起闯荡,我们的爱势不可挡;贴近你的心,时刻紧随,永远相映,我们的爱利可断金。
  • 31、平凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。
  • 32、You are born into this world, because you and the world decree by destiny, want to cherish this hard-won fate.
  • 33、人类一生的工作,精巧还是粗劣,都由他每个习惯所养成。
  • Difficulties like spring, see you is not very strong. You strong he is weak, you weak he was strong.
  • 34、Difficulties like spring, see you is not very strong. You strong he is weak, you weak he was strong.
  • 35、Ordinary steps can also through the great trip.
  • 36、成功需要付出代价,不成功需要付出更高的代价。

  • 37、知识、辨别力、正直、学问和良好的品行,是成功的主要条件,仅次于兴趣和机遇。
  • 38、Sometimes, free and easy a bit, eyes away from her; A little tolerance, in the heart then brighter. Around the world often than we thought it would be wise and tolerance.
  • 39、Way to forget things in the spring, volunteers enough in ups and downs.
  • 40、征服畏惧建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。
  • 41、Sometimes, free and easy a bit, eyes away from her; A little tolerance, in the heart then brighter. Around the world often than we thought it would be wise and tolerance.
  • 42、I never stopped to read the new technology and new knowledge in the books, not because they don't understand new information and the trend of The Times.
  • 43、有时候,洒脱一点,眼前便柳暗花明;宽容一点,心中便海阔天空。身边的世界往往比我们想象的要睿智与宽容。
  • 44、You don't understand, don't say don't comment, otherwise the result is usually ended with shame.
  • 45、每天晚上疲惫地坐到椅子上时,才觉得真真切切地过了一天。
  • 46、问候一声:周末好,愿凉爽的夏风吹走的是您的烦恼,带来的是一整个星期的好运。

  • 47、每天晚上疲惫地坐到椅子上时,才觉得真真切切地过了一天。
  • 这是郁金香的日子,也是你的日子。愿你年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁!
  • 48、这是郁金香的日子,也是你的日子。愿你年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁!
  • 49、You are born into this world, because you and the world decree by destiny, want to cherish this hard-won fate.
  • 50、在每天的清晨,我的祝福都会陪你慢慢醒来,慢慢实现,慢慢成功。祝你天天有个好心情!
  • 51、穿掘着灵魂的深处,使人受到了精神底苦刑而得到创伤,又即从这得伤和养伤和愈和中,得到苦的涤除,而上了苏生的路。
  • 52、A good to love, to life. Remember, every day the sun is new, don't failed to live up to good morning light.
  • 53、Let imagination fly and industrious hands do plan.
  • 54、In the morning every day, my best wishes will accompany you slowly wake up, slowly, slowly。 Wish you have a good mood every day!
  • 55、真诚有时使你受损害,但你的心灵是安静的;虚假有时使你占廉价,但你的灵魂深处是不安的。
  • 56、Healthy body is the foundation of good style of study is a condition, diligence is the premise and method of study is the key, the psychological quality is the guarantee.

  • 57、When you feel yourself full of spirit, full of confidence, people will think you are a worthy of trust.
  • 58、意志力是人的一条救生索,它可以帮助我们脱离困境,引导我们走向胜利。