
  • 1、人之所以有一张嘴,而有两只耳朵,原因是听的要比说的多一倍。
  • 2、蝴蝶计算的,不是月份,而是瞬间,蝴蝶拥有足够的时间。
  • 3、Value work, cherish talents, talents is rare!
  • 4、Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power.

  • 5、You joke with time, it is very serious to you.
  • 不求最好,但要更好;不在乎昨天,更看好明天。
  • 6、不求最好,但要更好;不在乎昨天,更看好明天。
  • 7、点燃读书**,共建书香环境。
  • 8、要想成为强乾,决不能绕过挡道的荆棘也不能回避风雨的冲刷。
  • 9、如果有了胡子就算学识渊博,那么,山羊也可以讲课了。
  • 10、人类要在竞争中求生存,便要奋斗。
  • 11、如果能够对时间有更多的把握性,也许我们会对彼此更为郑重。
  • 12、The road of struggle, the more twists and turns, the more pure soul.
  • 13、To take care of our living environment, is to take good care of ourselves.
  • 14、Forward, makes the boat of life without attachment and mooring, sailing boat often new flowers will open all the way.

  • 15、Labor is one of the necessary conditions for the art of long life.
  • 16、Physical labor is good for your health, mental work is good for your sanity.
  • 17、珍惜一切时间,用于有益之事,不搞无谓之举。
  • 时间,让深的东西越来越深,让浅的东西越来越浅。
  • 18、时间,让深的东西越来越深,让浅的东西越来越浅。
  • 19、新学期、新目标、新发展。
  • 20、在时间的轨道上,人们想象有一条线,超脱了这条线,当前的痛苦便不复存在。
  • 21、When work is a kind of happiness is, life is good; When work is a duty, life is slavery.
  • 22、知识是从刻苦劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果。
  • 23、It was in the wrong time and wrong place, there was an error with the wrong people.
  • 24、Light reading passion, and elegant environment.

  • 25、读书是易事,思考是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。
  • 26、或者生活是外买,上帝决定外买的时间。
  • 27、心情就像毛毛虫变蝴蝶,自己想明白了,时间也到了,才能起飞。
  • 28、劳动使人心情开朗,劳动就是美德。
  • 29、不可逆转的是时间,不可侮辱的是人格。
  • 有时间对过去叹息,不如用来向未来微笑。
  • 30、有时间对过去叹息,不如用来向未来微笑。
  • 31、If you have a beard even knowledgeable, so, goats can also be a lecture.
  • 32、The reason why people have a mouth, and have two ears, the reason is that listening to more than one times.
  • 33、Reading a good book, like and a noble people in conversation.
  • 34、团结友爱好集体,怒力学习创佳绩。

  • 35、Don't ask people together forever and ignorance.
  • 36、不要为过去的时间叹息!我们在人生的道路上,最好的办法是向前看,不要回头。
  • 37、那是在错误的时间和错误的地点,与错误的人发生错误的故事。
  • 38、人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。
  • 39、反省不是去后悔,是为前进铺路。
  • 40、点燃读书**,共建书香环境。
  • 41、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。
  • Value work, cherish talents, talents is rare!
  • 42、Value work, cherish talents, talents is rare!
  • 43、Butterfly calculation, not months but moments, and has time enough.
  • 44、All savings, ultimately comes down to time savings.

  • 45、Don't sigh for the past time! We are on the way of life, the best way is to look ahead, not back.
  • 46、Cherish all the time, for good things, don't do meaningless.
  • 47、Forward, makes the boat of life without attachment and mooring, sailing boat often new flowers will open all the way.
  • 48、吹嘘自己有知识的人,等于在宣扬自己的无知。
  • 49、Labor is one of the necessary conditions for the art of long life.
  • 50、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。