Love is a better teacher than responsibility

  • 1、After leaving, I think you do not forget one thing: do not forget to miss me. Miss me, do not forget I also miss you.
  • 2、只要喊了她媳妇,就要拿了命去珍惜。
  • 3、Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world.

  • 4、如果有一天我要离开,我会留下所有,只带走我自己。
  • 5、The so-called love is supposed to be two people together happily forever al shabaab, instead of hiding in the shadows with subservient to distribute.
  • If you are good, it is sunny, if you are happy, it is the end.
  • 6、If you are good, it is sunny, if you are happy, it is the end.
  • 7、Thank you for your care, I know the way.
  • 8、We give up, painted white memory, that can be a beautiful camouflage.
  • 9、This situation can be eliminated, only the eyebrows, but the heart.
  • 10、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。
  • 11、你是不是喜欢一个人,喜欢到现在都还没放弃。
  • 12、离开之后,我想你不要忘记一件事:不要忘记想念我。想念我的时候,不要忘记我也在想念你。
  • 13、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。

  • 14、所谓爱情应该是两个人永远开心地一起打家劫舍,而不是一起躲在暗处唯唯诺诺地分赃。
  • 15、离开之后,我想你不要忘记一件事:不要忘记想念我。想念我的时候,不要忘记我也在想念你。
  • 16、I can patience to wait, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true!
  • 17、亲爱的、亲爱的,我只想让你一直叫下去。
  • 18、你的长相已经突破了人类的想象,极具后现代艺术水准,有变形金刚的血统。
  • 19、More like a person, the more I think he is ugly, more see more ugly, the more the more ugly.
  • 20、If you really love a person, you will be love.
  • 原谅我心情不好的时候说话都带刺。
  • 21、原谅我心情不好的时候说话都带刺。
  • 22、One is a gorgeous and short dream, one is a cruel and long reality.
  • 23、美丽是幸福的,幸福是花,也是叶子。

  • 24、幸福大得前所未有,微笑与泪俱来。
  • 25、自恋的人都是可爱的,因为自恋,所以,更懂得爱情。
  • 26、永远太长,爱你到我离开世界的这一天。
  • 27、She's a left-handed. We can hold hands for dinner!
  • 28、Fish love water, but water is boiled fish. I love you so much, you want to separate.
  • 29、每一个想你的夜,我的眼睛里都有如丝的细雨飘过,飘落在笔尖的韵脚里,碎成一粒一粒。
  • 30、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。
  • 31、你教会我坚强,教会了我心狠手辣,后来,你却说你怀念我当初的模样。
  • 32、时间一天天过去,好像什么都没变,但当你某天回首,却发现一切怎么都不同了。
  • 33、Thank you for your care, I know the way.

  • 34、每当想迩旳时候,有种感觉就甜蜜旳发酵。
  • 35、我不主动找你,不是因为你不重要,而是我不知道我重不重要。
  • Walking in the rain with an umbrella, but can not find the shadow of the past.
  • 36、Walking in the rain with an umbrella, but can not find the shadow of the past.
  • 37、Life's most precious is not you have substance, but accompany in people around you.
  • 38、If you are good, it is sunny, if you are happy, it is the end.
  • 39、Time after all is more powerful than love, it is not difficult to forget anything.
  • 40、Go, he really has gone, with my copy of the sincerity, and went away with all the emotional attachment.
  • 41、The smoke to wine to bring a feeling of cold dust heart is sad or joyful or drunk is a grudge with one left.
  • 42、因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。
  • 43、Because of love, so compassion; because of understanding, so tolerance.

  • 44、The so-called love is supposed to be two people together happily forever al shabaab, instead of hiding in the shadows with subservient to distribute.
  • 45、Forgive me when I was in a bad mood and speak a thorn.
  • 46、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。
  • 47、当有负面情绪的时候,不要说。管好自己的嘴,有时候做哑巴,是一种境界。
  • 48、俄为迩抛弃一切,换来一句祝迩比俄幸福。
  • 49、时间终究要比爱强悍,忘记什么都不难。
  • 50、Life's most precious is not you have substance, but accompany in people around you.
  • 烟里来酒里去带一身尘埃情也冷心也伤悲也好喜也好醉一场是非恩怨随风逐留。
  • 51、烟里来酒里去带一身尘埃情也冷心也伤悲也好喜也好醉一场是非恩怨随风逐留。
  • 52、Only let oneself good enough, you are eligible to start a good love.
  • 53、Far unprecedented happiness, to smile with tears.

  • 54、那人真没礼貌,上课时老不跟我说话。
  • 55、Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world.
  • 56、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 57、越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 58、Love is like a glass, it looks hard but it's too easy to break.
  • 59、每一个想你的夜,我的眼睛里都有如丝的细雨飘过,飘落在笔尖的韵脚里,碎成一粒一粒。
  • 60、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。