
  • 1、知识给人重量,成就给人光彩,大多数人只是看到了光彩,而不去称量重量。
  • 2、当人生换上用秒去计算时,你会觉得人生过得象秒针一样匆忙,当人生换上用天去计算时,你会觉得人生长久的象一天一样漫长。
  • 3、要是有人追求,世界上没有一个女人不是飘飘然的。正因为这样,女人才会那么迷死人。
  • 4、破碎带来快乐,可以不再绝望。
  • 5、The best friend is that you sit on the veranda, never say a word, when you walk away, still feel you have experienced a very wonderful dialogue.

    Time is indifferent to memory, saved strangers, tore heart and lung in the past, but not as good as the present quiet strangers.
  • 6、Time is indifferent to memory, saved strangers, tore heart and lung in the past, but not as good as the present quiet strangers.
  • 7、There are many ways to destroy love, but the storm that has been uprooted is to borrow money.
  • 8、Once I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now you are my secret.
  • 9、不要试图用另一段感情来掩盖自己的痛,如果你真的爱对方,因为这样只会让你自己更加的痛,同时还伤害了另一个人。
  • 10、人经不住千言,树经不住千斧。
  • 11、高雅的人,看背影就知道;奋进的人,听脚步声就知道;和善的人,看笑容就知道;优秀的人,看行动就知道!
  • 12、There are many ways to destroy love, but the storm that has been uprooted is to borrow money.
  • 13、The happiest people have everything that is not the best, but they will enjoy what they have.
  • 14、Still like each other's independent guardianship, investment but sober love. I think I'm still looking forward to love.
  • 15、从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌。

  • 16、最好的朋友是你们静坐在游廊上,一句话也不说,当你们各自走开的时候,仍感到你们经历了一场十分精彩的对话。
  • 17、Don't ask me if I can play! I can play anything, but I can't play with you.
  • 18、一个人几乎能够在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。
  • Can stimulate people's feelings of love, purification of the soul.
  • 19、Can stimulate people's feelings of love, purification of the soul.
  • 20、只有启程,才会到达理想和目的地,只有拼搏,才会获得辉煌的成功,只有播种,才会有收获。只有追求,才会品味堂堂正正的人。
  • 21、Love, with dew on the crown of a flower, only stays in the pure soul.
  • 22、诚信绝对不是一种销售,更不是一种高深空洞的理念,它是实实在在的言出必行、点点滴滴的细节。
  • 23、Don't try to cover your pain with another emotion. If you really love each other, it will only hurt you more, but it will also hurt another person.
  • 24、爱,有如花冠上的露珠,只会逗留在清纯的灵魂里。
  • 25、让我们去学会感谢生活,去记住一个个让人感动的瞬间。用真挚,乐观的乐观的心面对生活的中点点滴滴。

  • 26、匆忙结婚,后悔终生。
  • 27、One of the causes of life's distress is not to get rid of it, especially in love.
  • 28、If they are always neglected, why should they be humiliated? If they are not cherished, why should they suffer to maintain.
  • 29、爱情是女人一生的历史,而只是男人一生中的一段插曲。
  • 30、If you want to get happiness without paying any price, it's a myth.
  • 31、待到繁花落尽,与你细水长流。
  • 终究还得自己做自己的主角,所以必须坚强走下去。人生就像一滴水,非要落下才后悔。
  • 32、终究还得自己做自己的主角,所以必须坚强走下去。人生就像一滴水,非要落下才后悔。
  • 33、Can stimulate people's feelings of love, purification of the soul.
  • 34、成功常常取决于能否坚持。坚持的长度与强度决定成功的高度。
  • 35、A jewel, a romantic orator, a man knows it can move a woman's heart.

  • 36、为什么越对一个人好,那个人就越不懂得珍惜。
  • 37、我是一棵树立路旁的树,千年守望着孤独。只为有一天,你会走过我跟前,能看一看我布满沧桑的脸!
  • 38、挑战性活动可以提高自我价值感。
  • 39、爱情不仅不能买,而且金钱必然会扼杀爱情。
  • 40、期待每一次的星满天空。但这景象的出现像是幻想。一天天地憔悴,这无法挽回的地步何时感动天,何时感动地,何时感动你!
  • 41、有智慧的人总是把嘴巴放在心里,而愚昧之人反而把心放在嘴里。
  • 42、There are three realms in life: the mountain is the mountain, the water is water, the mountain is not the mountain, the water is not the water, the mountain or the mountain, the water or the water.
  • 43、人必须生活着,爱才有所附丽。
  • 44、用心计较般般错,退步思量事事宽。有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成萌。此之为成事之理也。
  • 想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。


  • 46、做人处事,待人接物:重师者王,重友者霸,重己者亡。
  • 47、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。
  • 48、山不辞土,故能成其高;海不辞水,故能成其深!
  • 49、不悲伤,定会快乐,不犹豫,定会坚持。
  • 50、生命的多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。
  • 51、头等舱可以优先登机,银行VIP可以不用排队,演唱会最贵的门票位置是最好的,这世界从不平等,你有多努力,就有多特殊。
  • 52、诚信绝对不是一种销售,更不是一种高深空洞的理念,它是实实在在的言出必行、点点滴滴的细节。