2023-02-02 07:56:35
- 1、普及卫生知识,提高市民文明卫生素质。
- 3、Greening the environment and purifying the mind.
- 4、节能减排,全民行动
- 5、Scenic and pro, say, infinite good.
- 6、卫生关联你我他,齐抓共管靠大家。
- 7、The birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers we need to create a common homeland.
- 8、环境卫生宣传标语口号【经典】
- 9、Respect heaven and earth, love heaven and earth.
- 10、普及卫生知识,提高市民文明卫生素质。
- 11、文明伴我行,公德在我心。
- 13、Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.
- 14、Over the green felt pity for many steps anyway.
- 15、为人民管好城市,让城市更加美好。
- 16、绿色消费,消费绿色。
- 17、低碳减排,绿色生活
- 18、Life is like a song, let the green to render the beautiful melody.
- 19、校园整洁,大家开心。
- 20、生命如歌,让绿色来渲染这美丽的旋律。
- 21、人人讲卫生,家家树新风。
- 23、节能减排:当地球没有了水,我们还能去哪?
- 24、用心服务,有爱相助,公共卫生铸就健康之路。
- 25、尊天重地、敬天爱人。
- 26、卫生是城市的脸面,文明是城市的窗口。
- 27、祛除顽固污垢,就是采集乐趣。
- 28、Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.
- 29、普及卫生知识,提高市民文明卫生素质。
- 30、Green consumption, consumption green.
- 31、文明伴我行,公德在我心。
- 33、踏破青毡可惜,多行数步无妨。
- 34、I am a flower, please love me, don't pick me.
- 35、卫生是城市的脸面,文明是城市的窗口。
- 36、用心服务,有爱相助,公共卫生铸就健康之路。
- 37、The ground clean, please hand.
- 38、Self protection environment, care for our survival on earth.
- 39、Protect the environment and health, reduce the pollution of life, to build a beautiful homeland.
- 40、Thousands of people participate in the construction of green life tree.
- 41、用心服务,有爱相助,公共卫生铸就健康之路。
- 43、Clean campus, everybody happy.
- 44、能源你我共享,节约你我同行
- 45、Strengthen environmental publicity and education, enhance the environmental consciousness of the public.
- 46、绿色消费,消费绿色。
- 47、创新节能减排,引领循环经济
- 48、地球资源日日少,节能减排不可少
- 49、Thousands of people participate in the construction of green life tree.
- 50、如果没有树木,世界将会暗淡无光。
- 51、To beautify the campus environment, is to beautify our life.
- 53、For ourselves, but also for our future generations, please protect the environment.
- 54、节能减排:当地球没有了水,我们还能去哪?
- 55、保护环境卫生,减少生活污染,共建美好家园。
- 56、鸟语花香的家园,需要我们共同去创造。