I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。

  • 1、无论怎样不如意,生活总要继续。每天对自己说混好了,别忘了当年的兄弟姐妹。
  • 2、Love this thing, time is the key, meet too early or too late, all not line.
  • 3、Young people's love is the purest, the most easily broken.
  • 4、I did not imagine the strong, but can't find let weak place of rest.
  • 5、When a person who does not love the time, you can fall in love with any one of the people around him.
  • 换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。顾敻《诉衷情》
  • 6、换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。顾敻《诉衷情》
  • 7、Actually I'm not that strong, just over and try to be brave.
  • 8、喜欢一个人,每次遇见都像久别重逢。
  • 9、当彼此分离的那一刻,谁又曾回头望去。
  • 10、Do not take the initiative, afraid of losing, active, and afraid of love.

  • 11、离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。陈子昂《春夜别友人二首其一》
  • 12、我没有引以为傲的身材和脸蛋,却有着干净爱笑的性格。
  • 13、累了,疲倦了,不会在爱你了。
  • 14、鱼书经岁绝,烛泪流残月。徐灿《菩萨蛮秋闺》
  • 15、Originally, most of no tolerance, we tolerate anything down.
  • 16、欲把相思说似谁,浅情人不知。晏几道《长相思长相思》
  • 17、Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.
  • 18、Like a person, will be humble to the dust, but the heart is happy.
  • Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.
  • 19、Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.
  • 20、Last life I owe you, this life I also, this life you owe me, the next life to me.

  • 21、江南春尽离肠断,苹满汀洲人未归。寇准《江南春波渺渺》
  • 22、等不到天亮炊火不会太完满,回想烧成灰照样等不到结束。
  • 23、有时候,只是想有个人抱紧我不放手,直到我的心情真的好起来。
  • 24、心似双丝网,中有千千结。张先《千秋岁数声鶗鴂》
  • 25、念君客游思断肠,慊慊思归恋故乡,君何淹留寄他方?曹丕《燕歌行二首其一》
  • 26、The person who brings you happiness is the one who can also bring you pain.
  • 27、Whether it's snow or ice that wears away your soul, you have to run with it.
  • 28、Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.
  • 29、Everyone will meet a person, never forget, and never have.
  • 30、Some way, only one person to go; some people, can only walk and forget.

  • 31、Some way, only one person to go; some people, can only walk and forget.
  • 伤害没有幸福的价值,怀念过去,我的心曾怀念着过去。
  • 32、伤害没有幸福的价值,怀念过去,我的心曾怀念着过去。
  • 33、If one day I become extremely cruel and merciless without compassion has no one, please remember me poor.
  • 34、用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的复杂。
  • 35、喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,但心里是高兴的。
  • 36、You are the light that I can feel when I cover my eyes.
  • 37、没有星星,就让月亮来点缀寂寞的夜空。
  • 38、等不到天亮炊火不会太完满,回想烧成灰照样等不到结束。
  • 39、Not do not want to have, just afraid of losing, more afraid to lose, to remember to live.
  • 40、Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced.

  • 41、你从不揣摩我的心思,却还责怪我善变难懂。
  • 42、这街道那么空,可你的影子却布满每个角落。
  • 43、Say good-bye is my obsession is me.
  • 44、离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。陈子昂《春夜别友人二首其一》
  • 我们并不是因为幸福才笑,而是因为笑了才幸福。
  • 45、我们并不是因为幸福才笑,而是因为笑了才幸福。
  • 46、去年花里逢君别,今日花开又一年。韦应物《寄李儋元锡》
  • 47、有些路,只能一个人走;有些人,只能边走边忘。
  • 48、卸下伪装的盔甲,既然是那么的不堪一击。
  • 49、做女人最可贵的,是莫欺少年穷。如果不嫌弃男人年轻时候的穷苦,愿陪他走过人生最艰苦的岁月,这样的女人千万不能错过。而做男人最可贵的,是莫嫌老来丑。到年纪大时,男人已经辉煌,而女人却耗尽青春,这时候嫌人老丑,实在是狼心狗肺。所以说;女人懂相守,男人懂感恩,幸福一辈子。
  • 50、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time.

  • 51、你一直都是令人失望的人啊。
  • 52、Is a symbol of vitality, vanity is a young mark.
  • 53、因为不曾相识,所以也不曾悲伤。更不曾快乐过。