
  • 1、因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。
  • 2、用你的多余添满她的空虚!
  • 3、就算是个再好的人,最后还是失去了最重要的人.
  • 4、Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually blurred at the bottom of your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs to be your own.
  • 5、把空间的留言板全部删除只剩下自己的对话-
  • 思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。


  • 7、因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。
  • 8、夕阳已落天色暗,倒影回眸水依在,侧桥与影共徘徊,流年易逝成彼岸。
  • 9、没有你,每天的生活只剩下呼吸;全世界,最要的就是你;这一生,只想和你在一起。
  • 10、用你的多余添满她的空虚!
  • 11、天真以为是他的独特品味
  • 12、我们爱的没有错只是美丽的独秀太折磨.
  • 13、乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。
  • 14、My love for love, I suffered for love, regardless of love or torture.
  • 15、天真以为是他的独特品味
  • 16、不知情人在何方,只能抬头望远方。不知是在东南方,还是远在西北方。无论如何在何方,都要赶去那地方。

  • 17、乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。
  • 18、十哪怕曾经非常亲密也可能会反目成仇
  • 19、风卷走待伤的苦,雨洗走流光的腥,沙子弄脏我们的笑靥,你依旧如襟花开得料峭
  • 乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。
  • 20、乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。
  • 21、思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。
  • 22、There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.
  • 23、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.
  • 24、My love for love, I suffered for love, regardless of love or torture.
  • 25、我明白心里就好你不用那么牵强的来和我解释。
  • 26、十三个皮匠的脚臭死这个盲人难道是个瞎子?

  • 27、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。
  • 28、漫漫如斯千年,一笑间,宿世羁连,弹指如湮
  • 29、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。
  • 30、The most desolate and most people are not you know, lose the moment that you love, but you are still wandering, not knowing that you have lost.
  • 31、我的红唇从未碰过你的脸就好像你从未认真看过我一眼
  • 32、故事缺你怎能未完待续
  • 33、我的红唇从未碰过你的脸就好像你从未认真看过我一眼
  • 别人怎么看你和你毫无关系你要怎么活也和别人毫无关系.
  • 34、别人怎么看你和你毫无关系你要怎么活也和别人毫无关系.
  • 35、Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually blurred at the bottom of your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs to be your own.
  • 36、心里数落了你千万条缺点却抵不过看到你的那一眼

  • 37、我把世上所有的真情送给月亮,要她为你照亮生活中的每一个阴影!
  • 38、就算是个再好的人,最后还是失去了最重要的人.
  • 39、最凄凉最弄人的不是你知道,失去所爱的那一刻,而是你还在徘徊,犹未知道已经失去。
  • 40、My love for love, I suffered for love, regardless of love or torture.
  • 41、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。
  • 42、漫漫如斯千年,一笑间,宿世羁连,弹指如湮
  • 43、回忆在身后蔓延尾随着不愿离开狂风肆虐而来想要吹熄未来
  • 44、我们都是活着的木偶,偶尔,也有自己的思想。
  • 45、我们都是活着的木偶,偶尔,也有自己的思想。
  • 46、There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.

  • 47、A man has already forgotten the memory of one's own mind.
  • The most desolate and most people are not you know, lose the moment that you love, but you are still wandering, not knowing that you have lost.
  • 48、The most desolate and most people are not you know, lose the moment that you love, but you are still wandering, not knowing that you have lost.
  • 49、把空间的留言板全部删除只剩下自己的对话-
  • 50、我明白心里就好你不用那么牵强的来和我解释。
  • 51、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.
  • 52、故事缺你怎能未完待续
  • 53、待浮花浪蕊俱尽,伴君幽独。
  • 54、最凄凉最弄人的不是你知道,失去所爱的那一刻,而是你还在徘徊,犹未知道已经失去。
  • 55、Life will not be lovesickness, only to Acacia, then harm the Acacia.