You don't have so many spectators Don't be so tired

  • 1、No words are necessary between two loving hearts、
  • 2、爱情不是互相看着对方,而是一起看向同一个方向。
  • 3、The shortest spells,is a mans name.
  • 4、Do not push me, or I will let the sentence jesting come true、
  • 5、我总是猜不透你在想什么,你的情绪总是被小事波动。
  • The love I want is not a lifetime does not quarrel, but a fight with a lifetime.
  • 6、The love I want is not a lifetime does not quarrel, but a fight with a lifetime.
  • 7、感谢上天让我遇见你,不管我们有没有未来!

  • 8、Thank you for having me grow up, it's just a little different.
  • 9、你的好,每一次都能够把我征服。
  • 10、Fee1My Word 怎样爱你才好。
  • 11、Do not say that the conditions of their friends are much higher, the fate of the, you want to escape can not escape.
  • 12、想你的时候,我一定要找得到你。
  • 13、We believe, our future、(我们相信、我们的未来。)
  • 14、The love I want is not a lifetime does not quarrel, but a fight with a lifetime.
  • 15、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines、
  • 16、Do not push me, or I will let the sentence jesting come true、
  • 17、Wish everyone of you Merry Christmas °

  • 18、所谓爱情就是有那么一个人,前一刻让你哭,下一刻又让你笑。
  • 19、About us, I really had intentions
  • 你睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间。
  • 20、你睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间。
  • 21、The past is a beautiful memory, but also can not forget the pain.
  • 22、No words are necessary between two loving hearts、
  • 23、好多不经意的时刻都会觉得, You are my sun shine,你是我的阳光
  • 24、When you can't sleep, think of me, don't waste time.
  • 25、Inseparable from the initial injury, I spell life to learn to cherish.
  • 26、谢谢你让我长大,只是方式有点不同。
  • 27、Later, we know, that is not love, it is just lying to oneself.

  • 28、You are my eyes, take me to understand the change of the four seasons.
  • 29、As is our confidence, so is our capacity、 人有多自信,能力就能有多大。
  • 30、Memories of the clear smile、(回忆里清澈的笑容)
  • 31、你的好,每一次都能够把我征服。
  • 32、感谢上天让我遇见你,不管我们有没有未来!
  • 33、只要两个人的心没有时差,距离就不是问题。
  • ◆◇ゝ追求那么痛苦my★love<<。
  • 34、◆◇ゝ追求那么痛苦my★love<<。
  • 35、对不起我还爱你,我还想回到过去的日子里。
  • 36、不要再隐身了,我知道你在躲着我。
  • 37、◆◇ゝ追求那么痛苦my★love<<。

  • 38、- Please do not take my sunshine away。
  • 39、你的好,每一次都能够把我征服。
  • 40、你是我的眼,带我领略四季的变化。
  • 41、I always hold back to tears and tell me that I'm good and must be good.
  • 42、在最纯净美好的岁月,你却只留给我回忆的伤。
  • 43、越是乐观的人,就越是容易把心事藏的更沉重。
  • 44、Thank you for having me grow up, it's just a little different.
  • 45、在最纯净美好的岁月,你却只留给我回忆的伤。
  • 46、The shortest spells,is a mans name.
  • 47、想你的时候,我一定要找得到你。

    C、 Go with you in this life (这辈子和你一起走)
  • 48、C、 Go with you in this life (这辈子和你一起走)
  • 49、Inseparable from the initial injury, I spell life to learn to cherish.
  • 50、When you can't sleep, think of me, don't waste time.
  • 51、If one day we become strange, then I know you.
  • 52、The most known person,the warmest partner 最懂的人,最暖的伴。
  • 53、The past is a beautiful memory, but also can not forget the pain.
  • 54、我曾恨过他,恨像利器,咄咄逼人的无望。
  • 55、No words are necessary between two loving hearts、
  • 56、Wealth is best known by want、 人穷方知钱可贵。
  • 57、__________Fate/stay night Unlimited
