3、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。Inpidual is concerned, each not identical poor to cultivate happiness。 Therefore, more and more frequently, unfortunately, more is a good thing。
10、自尊是我们保留之工具;它相似物种永存的工具;它是必须的,它对我们是可贵的,它给我们快活,它必须暗藏起来。Self-esteem is the tool of we reserve; It tool of similar species forever; It is a must, it is precious to us, it gives us happy, it must be hidden。
11、露从今夜白,月是故乡明。 ——唐代诗人 杜甫 《月夜忆舍弟》
13、世界就是一座供奉不协调之神的宏大神庙。The world is a sacrifice not coordinate of the grand temple of god。
14、在理想的最美好世界中,一切都是为美好的目的而设。In the most beautiful ideal world, all is for the purpose of the good。
15、如果上帝确切不存在,那么就有必要发明一个来。Exactly if god does not exist, then it is necessary to invent one。
16、恋情之中高贵的成分不亚于温顺的成分,使人向上的力气不亚于使人萎靡的气力,有时还能激发别的美德。Relationship of noble as docile, make men upward strength as the strength of weak, sometimes also can inspire other virtues。
19、做一个引人腻烦的人的秘诀就是告知别人所有。Be an equally bored man is told that the secret of all others。
20、自尊是我们保留之工具;它相似物种永存的工具;它是必须的,它对我们是可贵的,它给我们快活,它必须暗藏起来。Self-esteem is the tool of we reserve; It tool of similar species forever; It is a must, it is precious to us, it gives us happy, it must be hidden。
24、人类第一个国王乃是一名成功的士兵,国度的元勋无需有光荣的先人。First the king is a successful soldiers, fathers do not need to have a glorious ancestors in the work of the kingdom。
25、祖国事我们心心憧憬的处所。The motherland we xinxin vision space。
26、古人充斥了对更遥远的古人的颂扬。The ancients flooded to the more distant the praises of the elders。
27、27 有学问的傻瓜,要远比无知的傻瓜还要愚蠢。
28、天赋的力量大于教育的力量。Talent is stronger than the power of education。
29、在幻想的最美妙的世界中一切都是为最美好的目标而设。In the fantasy of the most wonderful thing in the world is all for the best target。
31、独创性并不是首次察看某种新事物。Originality is not the first time to see some new things。
40、即便没有上帝,也要创造一位上帝。Even if there is no god, also want to create a god。
41、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。Inpidual is concerned, each not identical poor to cultivate happiness。 Therefore, more and more frequently, unfortunately, more is a good thing。
42、人类通常像狗,听到远处有狗吠,自己也吠叫一番。People often like a dog, and heard a dog barking in the distance, oneself also barking。
44、自尊心是个膨胀的气球,轻轻一针就刺出了大风暴。Self-esteem is a inflated balloon, stab with a needle out of the big storm。
46、不是事业为了思惟,而是思维为了事业。Is not a cause for thinking, but thinking in order to cause。
47、我们在这世上时日不多,不值得在可鄙的坏蛋的脚下爬行。We don't have much time in this world, not worth it at the foot of a contemptible wretch。
48、故溪黄稻熟.一夜梦中香。 ——唐代诗人 钱珝 《江行无题一百首》
49、人类第一个国王乃是一名成功的士兵,国度的元勋无需有光荣的先人。First the king is a successful soldiers, fathers do not need to have a glorious ancestors in the work of the kingdom。
50、伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。A great career needs unswerving spirit。