
  • 1、素颜,说的美是你甜蜜的笑容。
  • 2、不要坚持你的执着,不要让我无限地等待,千万别让我看到你的执迷不悟,那样会让我因为对你的痛心而更加心痛。
  • 3、轻轻地,不惊你梦;只愿你,梦中有我。

  • 4、3 0、原来等待也可以如此的美丽,因为爱你。
  • 5、我是粽叶你是米,一层一层裹住你;你是牙齿我是米,香香甜甜粘住你;粽子里有多少米,代表我有多想你;记住一定想着我,不然粽子噎住你!
  • Flowers in first Century, love the heart of the sky.
  • 6、Flowers in first Century, love the heart of the sky.
  • 7、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。
  • 8、牵你的手,朝朝暮暮,牵你的手,等待明天,牵你的手,走过今生,牵你的手,生生世世。
  • 9、Pearl is the pain of shellfish's life, and you are the concern of my life.
  • 10、也许你已忘记我们山盟海誓;也许你已经忘记我们的过去;也许我允许有千万个也许,但是不允许你彻底把我忘记。
  • 11、曾经一起的瞬间,若往昔的流年。
  • 12、I can miss the sunrise, the afterglow of the sunset, I can miss, only you, I can not miss, you are my life without regret choice!
  • 13、I want you to be my child's mother, and my child wants you.

  • 14、Tender violin Yusi fingertip wound warm.
  • 15、跟你说过多少次了,晚上要当心,不要出门,你就是不听,这不,昨天晚上又跑到我的梦里来了,害得我不愿醒来!
  • 16、It's the greatest happiness for me to meet you.
  • 17、世人都说哀莫大于心死,可是我觉得哀莫大于心不死。
  • 18、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。
  • 19、How many times have I told you, be careful at night, don't go out, you just don't listen? No, no, I went back to my dream last night, so I didn't want to wake up!
  • 20、Like a person, there will be no pain. Love a person, may have long suffering, but you give me happiness, is also the greatest happiness in the world.
  • 看到你的第一眼,我知道了什么叫一见钟情,从此,我要用心呵护你一辈子,祝你天天开心,永远漂漂亮亮。
  • 21、看到你的第一眼,我知道了什么叫一见钟情,从此,我要用心呵护你一辈子,祝你天天开心,永远漂漂亮亮。
  • 22、I already have someone who I like.
  • 23、你的手机,贴着你的身体;我的信息贴着手机,真想冲破这屏幕,让我抱着你,生死轮回,我爱的唯有你!

  • 24、The so-called love is just a funny game.
  • 25、I want to grow old with you.
  • 26、如今,你使我得到了这个机会。我真想说,你,心爱的,不要离我太近,不要让我在你的怀里太久,不要。
  • 27、我想要和你一起慢慢变老。
  • 28、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
  • 29、如果有来世,我愿意做你的瞳孔,在你照镜子的时候,可以把你最深情的注视给我!
  • 30、The city where you live is the source of my missing.
  • 31、Indulge in your smile.
  • 32、Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.
  • 33、我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。

  • 34、Gently, don't startle your dreams; only wish you had me in your dreams.
  • 35、Don't be too promise to me, don't insist on missing me, avoid miss is a kind of beauty, promise is not unintentionally, must not let me feel your light.
  • See you one eye, I know what is love at first sight, from now on, I will care for you for a lifetime, I wish you happy every day, always beautiful.
  • 36、See you one eye, I know what is love at first sight, from now on, I will care for you for a lifetime, I wish you happy every day, always beautiful.
  • 37、Don't lie to me. I'll be sad if you lie to me.
  • 38、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。
  • 39、In the vast sea of people, know you, is a kind of fate, only hope to use my sincere, in exchange for your true feelings.
  • 40、你的手机,贴着你的身体;我的信息贴着手机,真想冲破这屏幕,让我抱着你,生死轮回,我爱的唯有你!
  • 41、跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。
  • 42、Like your smile, like watching you quietly, my sadness like clouds, flew away at once.
  • 43、如果人生是一条河,你就是我的彼岸,每一次奋力的泅渡,只为到达你的身边;如果人生是一座山,你就是入云的峰巅,每一步艰难的攀登,只为与你一起将世界俯瞰!

  • 44、你想要飞翔,我做你的避风港。
  • 45、1你像那沾满露珠的花瓣,给我带来一室芳香;你像那划过蓝天的鸽哨,给我带来心灵的静远和追求。
  • 46、Acquaintance with you is a kind of predestined relationship, love with you is a kind of beauty, with you is a blessing, I would like to accompany you forever.
  • 47、My love opens for you, like white lightning across the sky; my love for you, like red blood, full of body.
  • 48、如今,你使我得到了这个机会。我真想说,你,心爱的,不要离我太近,不要让我在你的怀里太久,不要。
  • 49、要不是因为爱着你,怎么会夜深还没睡意;要不是因为爱着你,怎会不经意就叹息,全世界只有你不懂我爱你!
  • 50、I don't know whether I should open the window to let rain come into the house, I do not know the face of spring look, I should pay what love.
  • 若是你闻过了花香浓,别问我的花儿为谁红,爱过知情重,醉过知酒浓,花开花谢终是空,缘分不停留,像春风来又走,女人如花花似梦。
  • 51、若是你闻过了花香浓,别问我的花儿为谁红,爱过知情重,醉过知酒浓,花开花谢终是空,缘分不停留,像春风来又走,女人如花花似梦。
  • 52、不知道怎么了,这两天总是会梦到你。
  • 53、I said I love you, but I did not say that I love you.

  • 54、我觉得我暗恋你已经很久了。
  • 55、If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil, when you look in the mirror, you can give your deepest gaze to me!
  • 56、佛说五百年回眸,成就一次的擦肩,也许你是我扭酸了头不小心撞上的,愿意聊的时候就给我发信息吧!
  • 57、你能否把心腾干净只装下我一个人。
  • 58、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
  • 59、所谓的爱情只是一场可笑的游戏。