We do not lack opportunity, but in front of the opportunity to zero courage again

  • 1、Before you trust a person eat a lot of salt with him together.
  • 2、Without a friend, also don't have too many friends.
  • 3、Happiness is very simple, but to do a simple but very difficult.

  • 4、其实根本就没有什么假如,每个人的人生都不可重新设计。
  • 5、A friend is a road, home is a tree. Don't lose your way, to rely on the tree.
  • 人生往往是复杂的。使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。
  • 6、人生往往是复杂的。使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。
  • 7、The most complex into the most simple, is the best.
  • 8、Simple life, is not necessarily because of helpless, sometimes it is from the heart.
  • 9、自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。
  • 10、Life is often complex. Simplify complicated life will have no choice but in addition to the violence.
  • 11、简单,是生命留给这个世界的美丽的形式,而复杂,是生命永远无法打捞的苍凉的梦境。
  • 12、Thousand Lin Fengyu warbler ask friends, wan li yun goose line breaks.
  • 13、自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。

  • 14、All true, the good and things of beauty, no matter how they look, are simple, and similar.
  • 15、Thousand Lin Fengyu warbler ask friends, wan li yun goose line breaks.
  • 16、If you set for yourself all the goals have been achieved, it means that you set the goal of the ambitious enough.
  • 17、A man without a friend is only half a man.
  • 18、简单两字看似很简单,要做到简单还真不简单。
  • 简单生活,并不一定出于无奈,有时它是发自内心的选择。
  • 19、简单生活,并不一定出于无奈,有时它是发自内心的选择。
  • 20、离你越近的地方,路途越远;最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。
  • 21、Because simple, so happy. Maybe I am a complicated person, but I like simple, the pursuit of simple.
  • 22、I don't go to think whether can succeed, since chose the distance, only trials and hardships!
  • 23、把爱情投资在一个人身上,冒险;把爱情投资在许多人身上,危险。

  • 24、A friend is a road, home is a tree. Don't lose your way, to rely on the tree.
  • 25、千林风雨莺求友,万里云天雁断行。
  • 26、Simple life, is not necessarily because of helpless, sometimes it is from the heart.
  • 27、你若聪明,莫把那人当做朋友,假如他和你的敌人交情深厚。
  • 28、Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own.
  • 29、Wear other's shoes walk others road, let others find shoes and can't find the way.
  • 30、The most complex into the most simple, is the best.
  • 31、最深刻的真理是最简单最普通的真理。
  • 人生往往是复杂的。使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。
  • 32、人生往往是复杂的。使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。
  • 33、怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。

  • 34、Is I have certain advantages, and I own the advantage of the most important, it is my humble.
  • 35、In fact, love beautiful people, just to fall in love with yourself.
  • 36、Simple, is left to the beauty of the world in the form of life, and complicated, the dreams of life will never be able to salvage desolate.
  • 37、千林风雨莺求友,万里云天雁断行。
  • 38、不要没有朋友,也不要有过多的朋友。
  • 39、Dedicated to the justice is a simple, dedicated to the evil is complex, and everything changes.
  • 40、把最复杂的变成最简单的,才是最高明的。
  • 41、离你越近的地方,路途越远;最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。
  • 42、战略有很多意义,小公司的战略简单一点,就是活着,活着最重要。
  • 43、最深刻的真理是最简单最普通的真理。

  • 44、Too beautiful flowers fade easily, love of beauty is easy to go away.
  • As close to your place, the farther the way; The most simple tones, need the most hard practice.
  • 45、As close to your place, the farther the way; The most simple tones, need the most hard practice.
  • 46、The deepest truth is the most simple and most common truth.
  • 47、朋友是路,家是树。别迷路,靠靠树。
  • 48、有时候,两个从不相识的人的确也很可能一见面就变成了知心的朋友。
  • 49、凡是真的、善的和美的事物,不管它们外表如何,都是简单的,并且还是相似的。
  • 50、Success is to do simple things repeated.
  • 51、Story itself is very transparent, so we hope that we can depict it transparent, let a person simply like it.