2023-05-10 09:15:38
- 1、摄影师眼里的真实就是他们照片所表现的那些东西。
- 2、努力学习不一定会有出息,但不学习一定不会有出息。
- 3、Do it down-to-earth, but also down-to-earth in mind.
- 4、Be a teacher and teach students.
- 5、孩子的健康成长,是我们最大的希望。
- 6、Be a messenger of beauty and love.
- 7、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。
- 8、所有照片都是准确的,却没有一张是真相。
- 9、我愿与孩子们一起成长。
10、Students'satisfaction is the greatest happiness.
- 11、学习有两忌,自高和自狭。
- 12、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。
- 13、用爱奉献一生。
- 14、只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针。
- 15、Listen to every child's inner voice with love.
- 16、Let love grow with us.
- 17、To devote one's life to love.
- 18、every one of our children is a good one.
- 19、Take the children's hands and welcome every day happily!
- 21、Look at every child with appreciation.
- 22、静心的做老师,尽心的教学生。
- 23、每天都将自己最好的一面展示给别人。
- 24、education should cultivate vitality and make students grow up.
- 25、caring for children, feeling true love and enjoying children's fun.
- 26、光给了我创意的外形和剧本,也是我成为摄影师的缘由。
- 27、要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友。
- 28、To be a teacher of a child, first be a friend of the child.
- 29、To be honest and conscientious
- 31、喜欢孩子,善待孩子。
- 32、children, like flowers, need to be nurtured with love and patience.
- 33、一日不读口生,一日不写手生。
- 34、Treat students as warm as spring.
- 35、Students'satisfaction is the greatest happiness.
- 36、I want to grow up with my children.
- 37、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。
- 38、喜欢孩子,善待孩子。
- 39、Do it down-to-earth, but also down-to-earth in mind.
- 41、博学内存一个爱,外显一个笑。
- 42、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。
- 43、摄影语言自成体系,更为重要的是,它是一种观察和伦理学。
- 44、Take the children's hands and welcome every day happily!
- 45、心中有爱,献身教育。
- 46、Be a teacher and teach students.
- 47、让爱伴随我们一同成长。
- 48、Like children, treat them kindly.
- 49、The healthy growth of children is our greatest hope.
50、Listen to children's voices, learn to smile and treat students kindly.
- 51、To devote one's life to love.
- 52、Dear child, the teacher is your best friend!
- 53、静心的做老师,尽心的教学生。
- 54、用图片证明自己,胜过用空话吹嘘自己。
- 55、以欣赏的眼光看待每一个孩子。