
  • 1、老师就象红烛,燃起了学生心中的火把,却燃烧了自己,直到红烛成灰。Teacher is like a red candle, lit the torch students heart, but burning himself, until the red candle to ashes。
  • 2、在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。In our from childish to mature, from ignorance to civilization on the way, you use the torch of life, the way for us。
  • 3、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command。
  • 4、动人以言者,其感不深;动人以行者,其应必速。Moving to adviser, the feeling is not deep; Moving to walkers, it should will quickly。
  • 5、师德很好,教学制度严谨,工作认真。Ethics is very good, the teaching system is rigorous, work carefully。
  • 我们喜欢您,老师,您不仅有渊博的知识,还有一颗和我们相通的心。We love you, teacher, you not only have profound knowledge, have a heart and we are interlinked。
  • 6、我们喜欢您,老师,您不仅有渊博的知识,还有一颗和我们相通的心。We love you, teacher, you not only have profound knowledge, have a heart and we are interlinked。
  • 7、教师是孩子的镜子,孩子是老师的影子。Teacher is the mirror of the child, the child is the shadow of the teacher。
  • 8、当年的黑发,如今白几多,走过许多季节,不凋的是爱心的奉献。The black hair, white much nowadays, through many of the season, the depth of love we give。
  • 9、为学莫重于尊师。谭嗣同古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。To learn is better than a teacher。 Tan sitong enforced the pision of ancient scholars, yan and competent。
  • 10、师,我们身上散发的智慧之光,永远闪烁着您亲手点燃的火花。, we send out the light of wisdom, always flashing you ignite the spark。

  • 11、老师,您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher, you use the light of my life, light up my life journey。
  • 12、教育者的关注和爱护在学生的心灵上会留下不可磨灭的印象。The attention of educators and love in the hearts of students will leave an indelible impression。
  • 13、新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。郑燮《新竹》
  • 14、传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!Spreading knowledge is sowing hope, sowing happiness。 Teacher, you are the hope and happiness seeder。
  • 15、父母给了我生命,您给了我智慧,使我得以健康成长。Parents gave me life, you gave me the wisdom, enabled me to healthy growth。
  • 16、新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。明年再有新生者,十万龙孙绕凤池。Hsinchu is higher than the old bamboo, all by old for support。 Next year, another new living, thousand Long Sun around the phoenix。
  • 17、平凡的事业,却展示了您伟大的人格;盛开的鲜花,也凝聚了您挚爱的心血。Ordinary business, your great personality is revealed in; Blooming flowers, also condensed the you love。
  • 18、傅老师个子高高的,体形偏瘦,扎着马尾辫,是个有耐心又细心的语文老师。她的课总是别有风趣,总能吸引同学们的眼球,爱走神和爱做小动作的同学都情不自禁地严肃认真起来。
  • 无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。Without your base, no long no less, by way of deposit, based on the spirit of also。
  • 19、无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。Without your base, no long no less, by way of deposit, based on the spirit of also。
  • 20、为学莫重于尊师。谭嗣同古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。To learn is better than a teacher。 Tan sitong enforced the pision of ancient scholars, yan and competent。

  • 21、教师不仅是知识的传播者,而且是模范。Teacher is the disseminator of knowledge not only, and is a model。
  • 22、她,中等的个子,长头发,圆圆脸,戴一副紫色边框近视眼镜,她是我的语文老师肖老师。
  • 23、老师,您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher, you use the light of my life, light up my life journey。
  • 24、传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。Spreading knowledge is sowing hope, sowing happiness。
  • 25、没有几个父亲对子女是关心备至的至少他中的绝大多数对金钱更加关心。Few father is take good care for the children at least most of his more attention to money。
  • 26、一个和蔼可亲的班主任,她姓寿,名姣华,是一位教学经验丰富的语文老师,她有一头乌黑的短发,一双炯炯有神的眼睛和一张能说会道的嘴巴。
  • 27、老师,您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher, you use the light of my life, light up my life journey。
  • 28、举世不师,故道益离。柳宗元
  • 29、古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。Applied the "pision of ancient scholars, yan and competent。
  • 30、一个和蔼可亲的班主任,她姓寿,名姣华,是一位教学经验丰富的语文老师,她有一头乌黑的短发,一双炯炯有神的眼睛和一张能说会道的嘴巴。

  • 31、老师,如果把您比作蚌,那么学生便是蚌里的砂粒。Teacher, if compare you to a clam, so students are clams in the sand。
  • 尊重和爱护孩子的自尊心,要小心得像对待一朵玫瑰花上颤动欲坠的露珠。Respect and care for the child's self-esteem, be careful to treat a rose on the vibration of the dew。
  • 32、尊重和爱护孩子的自尊心,要小心得像对待一朵玫瑰花上颤动欲坠的露珠。Respect and care for the child's self-esteem, be careful to treat a rose on the vibration of the dew。
  • 33、师,我们身上散发的智慧之光,永远闪烁着您亲手点燃的火花。, we send out the light of wisdom, always flashing you ignite the spark。
  • 34、如果我们是船,那老师就是帆,引领我们在知识的海洋里不断向前。If we are the ship, the teacher is the sail, guide us forward in the ocean of knowledge。
  • 35、明年再有新生者,十丈龙孙绕凤池。郑燮《新竹》
  • 36、古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。Applied the "pision of ancient scholars, yan and competent。
  • 37、老师是我们的在生父母!爹娘生养我们老师教育了我们!The teacher is our in children whose parents are! Are we have our teacher education!
  • 38、随风潜入夜,润物细无声。杜甫《春夜喜雨》
  • 39、您上天下地,像源源不断的汩汩小溪,引领我们飞向浩瀚的宇宙。You aloft and, as a steady stream of gurgling streams, lead us to fly to the vast universe。
  • 40、老师就象红烛,燃起了学生心中的火把,却燃烧了自己,直到红烛成灰。Teacher is like a red candle, lit the torch students heart, but burning himself, until the red candle to ashes。

  • 41、没有几个父亲对子女是关心备至的至少他中的绝大多数对金钱更加关心。Few father is take good care for the children at least most of his more attention to money。
  • 42、传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!Spreading knowledge is sowing hope, sowing happiness。 Teacher, you are the hope and happiness seeder。
  • 43、动人以言者,其感不深;动人以行者,其应必速。Moving to adviser, the feeling is not deep; Moving to walkers, it should will quickly。
  • 44、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command。
  • 传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!Spreading knowledge is sowing hope, sowing happiness。 Teacher, you are the hope and happiness seeder。
  • 45、传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!Spreading knowledge is sowing hope, sowing happiness。 Teacher, you are the hope and happiness seeder。
  • 46、为孩子,为事业,您献出一赤诚的心,老师,您是世界上最好的母亲。For children, for business, give you a sincere heart, the teacher, you are the best mother in the world。
  • 47、老师,这个光彩夺目的名称,将像一颗灿烂的明星,永远高悬在我们的胸中。The teacher, the dazzling name, will be like a bright star, always hung in our chests。
  • 48、如果我们是船,那老师就是帆,引领我们在知识的海洋里不断向前。If we are the ship, the teacher is the sail, guide us forward in the ocean of knowledge。
  • 49、师德很好,教学制度严谨,工作认真。Ethics is very good, the teaching system is rigorous, work carefully。
  • 50、无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。Without your base, no long no less, by way of deposit, based on the spirit of also。

  • 51、宋老师个子挺高,挺挺的鼻子上架着一副眼镜,让人一眼就能看出她的知识十分的渊博。同学们很喜欢听宋老师讲课,因为她上课时的时候总是声情并茂,十分生动、现象,还不时参插一些小故事和一些生活琐事。