The dream is dead, the heart is broken, leaving only to prepare for the departure

  • 1、Listen to me, you make a woman look very happy。
  • 2、害怕想象分开,是无爱还是舍不得离开。
  • 3、我的世界因为有你而满满。
  • 4、Afraid of loneliness, even around a number of people, I feel that I am a person.
  • 5、Write on the paper with your name, the in the mind through the first two people.
  • 对于现在的我们,连一句问候都觉得奢侈。
  • 6、对于现在的我们,连一句问候都觉得奢侈。
  • 7、失望是比受伤,更让人痛苦的事情。
  • 8、You walk in the dim light from the years to the far north.

  • 9、Back to have in the past, returned to the original。
  • 10、Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to the next day。
  • 11、我已经习惯了没有伱的日子、即使会孤单。
  • 12、How painful he is, how painful she is.
  • 13、期待、等待、失败,人生就是那么纠结。
  • 14、Pale words who can see this person's bitter。
  • 15、I can be your hero。
  • 16、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air。
  • 17、时间从零点开始,故事却无法在终点结束。
  • 18、时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。

    Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。
  • 19、Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。
  • 20、Only a review of the feeling of the emperor makes me miss the emperor in the morning and evening.
  • 21、Someday you will understand,were the first to love yourself。
  • 22、Time can dilute the memory, but they could not make people forget the memory.
  • 23、The older I get, the less people I trust。
  • 24、曾经带给我很多快乐的人,现在说的话比冬天还要冷。
  • 25、When I disappear in your world, will you think of me?
  • 26、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too。
  • 27、Someday you will understand, were the first to love yourself。
  • 28、If the language can not express, I am willing to prove that life。

  • 29、Emancipate urself from ur past。 The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!
  • 30、I haven't save your feeling, just facing north say goodbye。
  • 31、After break up do not do the friend, because have been hurt.
  • I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air。
  • 32、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air。
  • 33、It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure。
  • 34、Even if one day I Frence leave, you will not find your world without me.
  • 35、Some things, only to understand the loneliness, after losing only regret.
  • 36、Write on the paper with your name, the in the mind through the first two people.
  • 37、把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。
  • 38、Sometimes there is no way out exlep。

  • 39、有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。
  • 40、当心痛到了极限、眼泪弥补不了心碎。
  • 41、喜欢是一瞬间的心动,爱是千百年的守护。
  • 42、One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality.
  • 43、Thank you leave me, let me have indulgence of reason.
  • 44、世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛。
  • 我们终究老死不相往来。
  • 45、我们终究老死不相往来。
  • 46、Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it。
  • 47、何德何能,得他全心全意。
  • 48、How painful he is, how painful she is.

  • 49、有时候不用别人嫌弃,自己也会自卑地嫌弃自己。
  • 50、Has been lost again, better than never wounding more。
  • 51、你挡住我的去路,又不请我进你心屋。
  • 52、有些人就是意识不到他们的语言有多么伤人。