As the saying goes, the day is jealous of the talent, so people are still stupid

  • 1、大风把烈酒吹醒,方知当初爱过全是梦。
  • 2、她走了之后,家里很多东西都很伤心。每天晚上,我都要安慰他们,才能睡觉。
  • 3、I am afraid, I fight the life of the treasure, but still did not keep anything.
  • 4、我们在青春里遇见的大多数人和事,无论是姑娘还是梦想,最终都还是留在了青春里。
  • 5、有些事,一转身就一辈子。有些人,一转身就再也见不到。
  • People can laugh to breath naturally can cry soundless and stirless.
  • 6、People can laugh to breath naturally can cry soundless and stirless.
  • 7、思念成疾,体验到了一日不见,如隔三秋之感。
  • 8、悄悄进你空间,只有一次忘记删访客记录,下一次就没有了访问权。

  • 9、最深沉的爱莫过于分开以后,我将自己活成了你的样子。
  • 10、I can't give you a million mansion, I can't give you the brilliant halo, I can give you only a piece of my heart.
  • 11、You replied to all their ambiguous messages, but my good night was left out in the cold.
  • 12、Sometimes, the best comfort is the silent company.
  • 13、I have been crazy, silly, persistent, insist on, love, and finally I have a person.
  • 14、He said he loves you, he did not say that love you, he said he loves you, and did not say always love you.
  • 15、明明很孤单,却总说一个人真好。
  • 16、In this way, the way to do a number of people's loss and despair.
  • 17、You said when the bell rang, you think, ah, this recent windy weather.
  • 18、In fact, since that The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, others had to forget.

  • 19、不是我装清高不食人间烟火,而是你错过了当初认真的我。
  • 20、Pride in the corner, all of De's good, you still silent.
  • 累了就喝醉,喝醉就去睡,活的再孤独也无所谓。
  • 21、累了就喝醉,喝醉就去睡,活的再孤独也无所谓。
  • 22、失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正地属于你,所以不必惋惜。
  • 23、星星跟你很配,大概因为,都遥不可及吧。
  • 24、伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。
  • 25、Spring breeze willow, willow shade. Blame the leaves over his head.
  • 26、孤独的人,最喜欢假装忙碌。
  • 27、Mouth to be brave, tears in surrender. There is so much stronger, but is hard.
  • 28、Lonely people, the most like to pretend to be busy.

  • 29、是否紧闭眼眶,眼角的泪就不会轻易地落下。
  • 30、思念成疾,体验到了一日不见,如隔三秋之感。
  • 31、你最终还是选择了她,却忘了一直有个我。
  • 32、我疯过,傻过,执着过,坚持过,爱过,到最后还是我一个人过。
  • 33、他说他爱你,可他没说只爱你,他说他爱你,可他没说一直爱你。
  • 34、你回复了他们所有暧昧的留言,偏偏我的晚安遭到了冷落。
  • 35、为何只留下痛苦的回忆,你曾对我说,会把幸福留给我。
  • Now I finally understand, love never expired, gorgeous color. No hate, leaving his only hurt.
  • 36、Now I finally understand, love never expired, gorgeous color. No hate, leaving his only hurt.
  • 37、人,如果没有回忆是活不下去的。但是,只有回忆却也是活不下去的。因为梦总有一天会醒的。醒不来的梦,终有一天会变成悲哀。
  • 38、Sometimes, the best comfort is the silent company.

  • 39、看不见阳光何时会出现,那长长的雨季,总是莫名的让心哭泣。
  • 40、我只是再也不想离开你,一刻钟都不想。
  • 41、男人善于发现别人老婆的优点,女人善于发现自已老公的优点。
  • 42、不是他不喜欢你,他只是不够爱你;不是他不想改变,只是你还不够他为你改变。
  • 43、最难过的不是半夜躲在被子里哭,而是梦里梦见两个人和好了,醒来的时候那种失落感。
  • 44、The original love can not disguise, the original can not pretend to be happy, the original is always the same as the moment.
  • 45、世上只有骗子是真心的,因为只有他是真心骗你的。
  • 46、每个人都是大海里的一条鱼,他们横跨一整个大海,为了相遇。
  • 47、就算一切徒劳无功,就算结果不过如此,我仍然选择我自己认为最好的决定。
  • 48、伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。

  • 49、没有心,就不会受伤。
  • 50、He said he loves you, but he didn't say love you, he said he loves you, but he didn't say always love you.
  • I admire you can swallow something finally just say a word "well"
  • 51、I admire you can swallow something finally just say a word "well"
  • 52、人生总是很累的,你现在不累,以后就会更累。
  • 53、心累了;就用沉默代替一切。我,不会问,不会提。
  • 54、If the previous love is not in love, then I do not know what it is.
  • 55、Memories of the spots, have represented our story ends.
  • 56、站在同一个世界,有人看到了快乐,有人却看到了悲伤。
  • 57、You replied to all their ambiguous messages, but my good night was left out in the cold.
  • 58、我想安静的难过,心存感激的生活。

  • 59、失去比得不到可怕很多很多,因为它多个过程叫曾经拥有。