A piece of love, covered by the haze; a song, let the Miss become a disaster

  • 1、Can't find the real emotions, play with feelings.
  • 2、Human nature is selfish, is always look not thoroughly.
  • 3、Sometimes the truth is too sharp, someone had to say a lie.
  • 4、If you could choose again, I still don't pass.
  • 5、治愈情伤最好的药就是友谊带来的安慰。
  • I like him, like a good hard, also can not get.
  • 6、I like him, like a good hard, also can not get.
  • 7、You can read the old, but don't expect everything to be the same.
  • 8、你踏着微光从岁月中走来,去往那个遥远的北方。
  • 9、Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love。
  • 10、If no one is worth your love, please love yourself.

  • 11、I saw my reflection in the water, my blurred face, my fragmented appearance.
  • 12、属于我们的电影,重复的上演着伤害。
  • 13、Once crazy thinking, now desperately forget.
  • 14、原来,我才是那个你不愿提及的人。
  • 15、虚伪的你,使我过上虚伪的生活。
  • 16、In this life, the most happy thing that makes me feel is to look at my friends and be happy one by one.
  • 17、一念起,万水千山;一念灭,沧海桑田。
  • 18、Don't blame me not sensible, I need your understanding.
  • Explanation is conceal, conceal will have its thing.
  • 19、Explanation is conceal, conceal will have its thing.
  • 20、The film belongs to us, repeating the damage.

  • 21、How can He De get his heart and soul?
  • 22、忘了,该忘得人吧。想了,不该想得人。
  • 23、别在姐面前卖弄单纯,姐复杂得很。
  • 24、When neglected by a person, do not be sad, everyone has their own life, no one can always accompany you.
  • 25、I'm still doing the same dream, missing is the one who holds your hand.
  • 26、He turned a blind eye to you, why do you miss each other bitterly?
  • 27、我看见自己在水中的倒影,模糊不清的面容,支离破碎的样子。
  • 28、Miss become habit, forgotten become habit, lonely become habit。
  • 29、Habit loneliness, choose a person to live.
  • 30、故事还在继续,我们却越走越远。

  • 31、Later, as long as I have news about you, I will keep an eye on it everywhere, but I have never met you again.
  • 他对你视而不见,你何必苦苦相念。
  • 32、他对你视而不见,你何必苦苦相念。
  • 33、对于我的一切,你是否不屑知道。
  • 34、I'm afraid it's too early to meet you.
  • 35、有些时候,需要的不是爱情,而是友情。
  • 36、How can He De get his heart and soul?
  • 37、A person has lived for a long time, encounter a little warmth, that pretend to be arrogant heart, will be defeated.
  • 38、A person willing to wait for, another talent to appear.
  • 39、想要告诉你,这份爱别人无法代替。
  • 40、对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯。

  • 41、The horse's hooves rushed like tears when you set out on a journey.
  • 42、Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity。
  • 43、爱与不爱、永远只在一念之间。
  • 44、He turned a blind eye to you, why do you miss each other bitterly?
  • We’ve added years to life,not life ti years。
  • 45、We’ve added years to life,not life ti years。
  • 46、And countless times, pretending to be casual.
  • 47、虚伪的你,使我过上虚伪的生活。
  • 48、躲在黑暗的小角落,一个人享受大寂寞。
  • 49、Only a review of the feeling of the emperor makes me miss the emperor in the morning and evening.
  • 50、酷有自我风格,独有的丽质本色。

  • 51、你挡住我的去路,又不请我进你心屋。
  • 52、结婚并不重要,重要的是和谁结。
  • 53、When neglected by a person, do not be sad, everyone has their own life, no one can always accompany you.