
  • 1、I always like to go to sleep, but now I have insomnia, God told me, only you can cure me!
  • 2、Happiness is, I love you, and then you fall in love with me.
  • 3、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
  • 4、我觉得我暗恋你已经很久了。
  • 5、Some people say that love to find their favorite people, marriage to love their own people, are one-sided. Lovers do not like their own love? His wife does not like how to live a lifetime?
  • 只因你太美好,令我无法坦白说出我爱你。
  • 6、只因你太美好,令我无法坦白说出我爱你。
  • 7、不是没有长久的爱情只,是还没找到能一起长久的人。

  • 8、When you really do something, often also is a lot of things can not turn back.
  • 9、男人的一生,就是从一个小白兔进化到大灰狼,再进化到老狐狸的过程。
  • 10、让着你的人,不是笨,而是在乎你!
  • 11、其实我想要的,只是一个简单的拥抱,仅此而已。
  • 12、Take good care of yourself, I don't want to wait for my next life to love you again.
  • 13、If there is no equal love, let me love more.
  • 14、Warm wind, a cloud of happiness, long day, eternal, doomed fate, regret, old messages, new hope! True love forever!
  • 15、Happiness is like the shadow behind you, you can't, but as long as you go forward, it will always follow you.
  • 16、Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the fit of soul. If the feeling of human beings can be distinguished, then love should be the highest level.
  • 17、也许对你只是依赖,而我却把它当作了所谓的爱情。

  • 18、幸福就像你身后的影子,你追不到,但是只要你往前走,它就会一直跟着你。
  • 一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了
  • 19、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了
  • 20、恋你,是一种温馨的悲哀,是一种浪漫的情怀,是一种柔美的姿态,更是一种想去说而又不得不说的喜爱!
  • 21、爱情是生命的火花,友谊的升华,心灵的吻合。如果说人类的感情能区分等级,那么爱情该是属于最高的一级。
  • 22、错过的风景就像打碎的玻璃瓶,无论再怎么努力终究是无法挽回。
  • 23、鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。
  • 24、你在,我在,就是海枯石烂。
  • 25、Acquaintance with you is a kind of predestined relationship, love with you is a kind of beauty, with you is a blessing, I would like to accompany you forever.
  • 26、If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil, when you look in the mirror, you can give your deepest gaze to me!
  • 27、照顾每个人的感受,注定自己不会好受。

  • 28、Some things to warm and beautiful posture, stay in my memory.
  • 29、Your eyes, I would not be living in the sea.
  • 30、爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。
  • 31、和你在一起只是,我不想给任何人机会。
  • Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。
  • 32、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。
  • 33、The love letter was written by me, the rose was sent by me, the picture was taken by me, the phone was made by me, and the message was sent by me!
  • 34、在记忆里面,总有一些瞬间,经历时没什么特别,回想时却胜万语千言。
  • 35、在迩眉间旳乌云,让莪为迩清除放晴。
  • 36、我无法保证,无法向你承诺什么,但我会做到。如果有一天你有饥饿的感觉,那时你定会看到,我已含笑饿死在你的怀抱中。
  • 37、除了爱你,我想不出能使我继续活着的理由。

  • 38、你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。
  • 39、如果爱你只有一次,我会用每一个夜晚来想你。
  • 40、I am waiting for a person, a person who can accompany me for a long time.
  • 41、能够遇见你,对我来说是最大的幸福。
  • 42、Miss the scenery is like a broken glass bottles, no matter how hard it is to recover after all.
  • 43、I want you to be my child's mother, and my child wants you.
  • 44、其实我想要的,只是一个简单的拥抱,仅此而已。
  • How many times have I told you, be careful at night, don't go out, you just don't listen? No, no, I went back to my dream last night, so I didn't want to wake up!
  • 45、How many times have I told you, be careful at night, don't go out, you just don't listen? No, no, I went back to my dream last night, so I didn't want to wake up!
  • 46、In my memory, there are always some moments, experience no what special recall, but wins thousands and thousands of words.
  • 47、The sky is falling, I remember, you see the giant earthquakes and landslides.

  • 48、Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the fit of soul. If the feeling of human beings can be distinguished, then love should be the highest level.
  • 49、Miss like the moonlight, the moon is far away, the moonlight is very close.
  • 50、Wish time, give us wisdom and courage, on the road, always go on.
  • 51、随你怎么想我无所谓!随你怎么说我无所谓!随你怎么做我无所谓!我根本完全无所谓!爱你是我的自由,不需要任何理由。
  • 52、I'm a bad temper, but I can still tolerate you.