Life is like a waterfall, thrilling appears, and then the future of the flat

  • 1、永远用欣赏的眼光看待学生,永远用宽容的心态面对学生。
  • 2、Appreciate others' advantages, to the faults of others, respect other people's secret, cheerful self life.
  • 3、谷穗越饱满就越低垂,学识越渊博就越谦逊。
  • 4、每一个学生都是一本深奥的书,我要用毕生的精力去读懂每一本书。
  • 5、Your tenderness like angels in the play the woman, your beauty such as jing is colourful peacock, your thoughtfulness is rheumatism paste on the heart, your eyes like a lovely panda!
  • 孩子是可以敬服的,想上天空,想潜蚁穴,往往他们思维跳跃比我们要快得多。
  • 6、孩子是可以敬服的,想上天空,想潜蚁穴,往往他们思维跳跃比我们要快得多。
  • 7、今天不成功还有明天,明天不成功还有后天,不管在哪里,都会有明天。
  • 8、Parents and children can get respect and love, this is teacher's value.

  • 9、Respect for children, don't jump, or good or bad for children.
  • 10、教师好似肥沃的土壤,滋养着娇贵的花朵,呵护着娇嫩的小草。
  • 11、Teachers should be good at digging the child potential, foster their ability in many aspects, including the ability to learn.
  • 12、教学相长,在教育和教学过程中,我们也会学到很多。
  • 13、Take one thousand road, only a suit; When all people, have enough.
  • 14、能得到家长和孩子的尊敬和喜爱,这是教师的价值所在。
  • 15、勇士脚下没有绝路,懦夫眼前尽是悬崖。
  • 16、提问决定谈话,辨论,论证的方向。
  • 17、倾注心血的爱能使孩子们早日鲜花绽放!
  • 18、And so, in the process of education and teaching, we can learn a lot.

    If who is the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who cannot control himself, he is always a slave.
  • 19、If who is the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who cannot control himself, he is always a slave.
  • 20、伟大人物最明显的标志,就是坚强的意志。
  • 21、做教师最主要的是不说假话。要求学生做到的,自己要先做到。
  • 22、每一个学生都是一本深奥的书,我要用毕生的精力去读懂每一本书。
  • 23、If you are a puppy dog, I would like to become a bone for you chew; If you are alone, I will accompany you from the heart; But this time I don't have what, only a bunch of banana, hanging high, I believe that you will fold boxes on the harvest it!
  • 24、Teacher's pleasure is dealing with the most hopeful person in the world in, so to guide their hope into reality.
  • 25、世界上最伟大的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。
  • 26、尊重儿童,不要急于对儿童作出或好或坏的评价。
  • 27、道足以忘物之得春,志足以一气之盛衰。
  • 28、倾注心血的爱能使孩子们早日鲜花绽放!

  • 29、三只猪在吵架,老大骂:你好无聊,只会发信息!老二骂:你更无聊,天天发黄色笑话!不过最无聊的都是老三,只看不发。
  • 30、Live very humble abode, live very timid, very annoyed, looks like squash, eat steamed corn-bread, April fool's day is coming, wish you and your colleagues happy "snap"。
  • 31、You don't understand, don't say don't comment, otherwise the result is usually ended with shame.
  • With related to life consumption, less consumption has nothing to do with life.
  • 32、With related to life consumption, less consumption has nothing to do with life.
  • 33、If who is the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who cannot control himself, he is always a slave.
  • 34、Children can admire, want to go to the sky, want to dive nest, often they thought jump is much faster than us.
  • 35、Urgent notice: tonight to tomorrow morning have a small earthquake, for your safety, please wrapped in a quilt tonight, head a toilet, plant straw under the bed to sleep in his nostrils。
  • 36、让想象飞起来,让勤劳的双手把计划做起来。
  • 37、谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,便永远是一个奴隶。
  • 38、Today is not successful and tomorrow, tomorrow not successful and the day after tomorrow, no matter where, there will be tomorrow.

  • 39、Argued questions decided to talk, and the direction of the argument.
  • 40、Teaching is the first duty of a teacher, both bitter, also have joy.
  • 41、如果你是小狗狗,我愿变成骨头给你啃;如果你孤单,我会用心来陪你;可这次我没带啥,只有香蕉一串,挂得高高的,我相信,你一定会叠上盒子把它摘取!
  • 42、Ordinary steps can also through the great trip.
  • 43、Live very humble abode, live very timid, very annoyed, looks like squash, eat steamed corn-bread, April fool's day is coming, wish you and your colleagues happy "snap"。
  • 44、Standing on the shoulders of giants is for more than a giant.
  • Warriors without difficulty, at the foot of a coward, seeing a cliff.
  • 45、Warriors without difficulty, at the foot of a coward, seeing a cliff.
  • 46、Urgent notice: tonight to tomorrow morning have a small earthquake, for your safety, please wrapped in a quilt tonight, head a toilet, plant straw under the bed to sleep in his nostrils。
  • 47、一个鼓励的眼神,一声亲切的问候,能让一名潜质生从此走出亮丽的人生。
  • 48、月儿把她的光明遍照在天上,却留着她的黑斑给它自己。

  • 49、欣赏别人的优点,善待别人的缺点,尊重别人的保密,愉悦自我的人生。
  • 50、I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 51、能得到家长和孩子的尊敬和喜爱,这是教师的价值所在。
  • 52、教学相长,在教育和教学过程中,我们也会学到很多。
  • 53、The three little pigs in the fight, the boss to scold: hello boring, will only send information! Second scold: you are more boring, everyday hair yellow joke! But the most boring is old, only to see not hair。
  • 54、The more grain full the more low, the more learned the more humble.