Life is a journey, care about is not the destination, is the scenery along the way and the mood

  • 1、Warlords bright moon when han guan, the melon seeds to eat dumplings。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet。 Listen to crosstalk watching movie, family were laughing。 Food and clothing live line is festival, beer and skittles yuanxiao。 Yuanx
  • 2、Your hair looks like a haystack but I like it。 (Edward)你的头发就像一堆干草不过,我很喜欢

  • 3、Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm。无热情成就不了伟业。
  • 4、Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved。 Noble, even。 That ought to count for something。 (Bella)这无疑是个不错的死法,死在别人我所钟爱的人的家里,甚至可以说,轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。
  • 5、His voice was like melting honey。 I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be。 (Bella)他的声音甜得跟蜂蜜似的。我可以想像出他的眼神的杀伤力不知还要比这大多少。
  • Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over。 (Edward)你是在说,在平平坦坦、纹丝不动的平地上,你都会被什么东西绊倒?
  • 6、Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over。 (Edward)你是在说,在平平坦坦、纹丝不动的平地上,你都会被什么东西绊倒?
  • 7、Storms make trees take deeper roots。风暴使树木深深扎根。
  • 8、After the Lantern Festival, the friend go to school, especially on the arrival of the Lantern Festival write laugh in your face, put the blessing into your bag, happiness, coagulation in your eye, bring good luck in your side, from the Lantern Festival to
  • 9、All be NenNen most sweet, smooth and soft and warm heart。 Glittering and translucent get rid of small balls, cooking Fried fragrance。 People see people love all mouth chan, reluctant to go back to see。 Only night festival taste, everybody the thumbs-up pr
  • 10、I wasn’t interesting。 And he was。 Interesting and brilliant and mysteriousand perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand。 (Bella)我没有意思,他有。有意思才华横溢神秘莫测完美无缺仪表堂堂,而且还能够单手举起大型客货两用车。
  • 11、After the Lantern Festival, the friend go to school, especially on the arrival of the Lantern Festival write laugh in your face, put the blessing into your bag, happiness, coagulation in your eye, bring good luck in your side, from the Lantern Festival to
  • 12、Who were you, an insignificant little girl, to chase me from the place I wanted to be? (Edward)你是谁?不就是一个不起眼的小女孩儿吗?哪能让你把我从我喜欢待的地方赶走呢?

  • 13、The fifteenth day of the moon is round, m happy reunion; Lanterns lit new hope, tangyuan hand; the sweet happiness Pass to wishing you, taste friendship heart warm。 I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 14、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations。白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。
  • 15、Only you could get in trouble in a town this small。 You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know。 (Edward)只有你才会在这么小的一个城市里遇到麻烦。你知道吗,你本来会打破他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据的。
  • 16、Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over。 (Edward)你是在说,在平平坦坦、纹丝不动的平地上,你都会被什么东西绊倒?
  • 17、What am I going to do with you? Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me! (Edward)你叫我拿你如何是好呢?昨天我吻你,你打我!今天你又昏过去了!
  • 18、All be NenNen most sweet, smooth and soft and warm heart。 Glittering and translucent get rid of small balls, cooking Fried fragrance。 People see people love all mouth chan, reluctant to go back to see。 Only night festival taste, everybody the thumbs-up pr
  • 19、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations。白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。
  • The Lantern Festival will come, send you a few valuable lantern: orange lamp, silk light, colorful sheepskin lamp, no bone straw lights, regimes, kongmin light, lamp lights light up your future, wish you good health, everything is pleasant journey!
  • 20、The Lantern Festival will come, send you a few valuable lantern: orange lamp, silk light, colorful sheepskin lamp, no bone straw lights, regimes, kongmin light, lamp lights light up your future, wish you good health, everything is pleasant journey!
  • 21、I wasn’t interesting。 And he was。 Interesting and brilliant and mysteriousand perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand。 (Bella)我没有意思,他有。有意思才华横溢神秘莫测完美无缺仪表堂堂,而且还能够单手举起大型客货两用车。
  • 22、Who has deceiv'd thee so oft as thy self?欺骗你的莫过于自己。

  • 23、If I’d ever feared death before in his presence, it was nothing compared to how I felt now。 (Bella)要说我以前在他面前怕死过,可要与此刻的感觉相比,那简直算不上什么了。
  • 24、It’s twilight。 It’s the safest time of day for us。 The easiest time。 But also the saddest, in a waythe end of another day, the return of the night。 Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? (Edward)已经是傍晚了。这是一天中对我们最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻,在某种程度上,
  • 25、I don’t think a tank could take out that old monster。 (Jacob)我估计连坦克都拿那老怪物没办法。
  • 26、Bring on the shacklesI’m your prisoner。 (Edward)把镣铐拿来我让你俘虏了。
  • 27、Beauty is in the eye of the gazer。情人眼里出西施。
  • 28、Storms make trees take deeper roots。风暴使树木深深扎根。
  • 29、The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence。太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。
  • 30、有个人时时关怀着你,有个人时时惦念着你。元宵节的灯火,是你含笑传情的眼睛。它缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。
  • 31、Sons of light shone night such as day, and fireworks bursts desire, longteng lion dances the has, the universe, gongs rang as I in line, crowded crowded streets, lantern riddle so sudden, spring breeze invited you yuanxiao。 Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 32、Warlords bright moon when han guan, the melon seeds to eat dumplings。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet。 Listen to crosstalk watching movie, family were laughing。 Food and clothing live line is festival, beer and skittles yuanxiao。 Yuanx

  • 33、送你一个爱心汤圆,底层送一生平安,中间放无穷祝福,周围注满富贵吉利,上层铺满开心快乐加永远幸福!
  • Infants round, the flowers, take good care of yourself to health; The fish to swim, birds call, wish you ha ha laugh every day; Hand book, cup of wine, I wish you good luck every day! More happy, less sad, happy yuanxiao, trouble run away!
  • 34、Infants round, the flowers, take good care of yourself to health; The fish to swim, birds call, wish you ha ha laugh every day; Hand book, cup of wine, I wish you good luck every day! More happy, less sad, happy yuanxiao, trouble run away!
  • 35、If I’d ever feared death before in his presence, it was nothing compared to how I felt now。 (Bella)要说我以前在他面前怕死过,可要与此刻的感觉相比,那简直算不上什么了。
  • 36、赶走心中的忧伤,把甜蜜来拥抱;驱逐工作的疲惫,让悠闲来替代;忘掉生活的烦恼,把好运来铺满。元宵佳节送上我的祝愿:愿你快乐不断,好梦连连!
  • 37、有个人时时关怀着你,有个人时时惦念着你。元宵节的灯火,是你含笑传情的眼睛。它缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。
  • 38、Sons of light shone night such as day, and fireworks bursts desire, longteng lion dances the has, the universe, gongs rang as I in line, crowded crowded streets, lantern riddle so sudden, spring breeze invited you yuanxiao。 Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 39、A rolling stone gathers no moss。滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。
  • 40、Bread is the staff of life。民以食为天。
  • 41、Bring on the shacklesI’m your prisoner。 (Edward)把镣铐拿来我让你俘虏了。
  • 42、His skin was icy as ever, but the trail his fingers left on my skin was alarmingly warm-like I’d been burned, but didn’t feel the pain of it yet。 (Bella)他的肌肤还是那样冰凉,可他的触摸却是火热的。

  • 43、正月十五月初圆,神州大地人人欢。鞭炮声声在耳畔,家人团聚品汤圆。珠圆玉润汤圆美,颗颗汤圆味道鲜。汤圆代表我心愿,全家幸福又平安。祝元宵节快乐无限!
  • 44、Month to 15 points circle, Lantern Festival reunion。 Love gentle stick you, friends always yearning heart。 Family care for the family warm, lovely children let people flow。 Happy happy companions, get unexpected help f。
  • 45、When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end。 (Bella)当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。
  • 46、As you sow you shall mow。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
  • 47、送你一个爱心汤圆,底层送一生平安,中间放无穷祝福,周围注满富贵吉利,上层铺满开心快乐加永远幸福!
  • A bad thing never dies。遗臭万年。
  • 48、A bad thing never dies。遗臭万年。
  • 49、Great minds think alike。英雄所见略同。
  • 50、The ten day round in early may, throughout all huan。 Tangyuan firecrackers sound in the ears, a family reunion。 Elegant and polished, tangyuan burging dumplings taste fresh。 Tangyuan represents my wish, the whole family happiness and peace。 Endless happy
  • 51、正月十五月儿圆,真诚祝福送身边;正月十五元宵甜,祝你兔年更有钱;正月十五展笑脸,快乐长久幸福绵;正月十五享团圆,祝你吉祥在兔年!
  • 52、Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet。 Sotry not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?

  • 53、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
  • 54、I wasn’t interesting。 And he was。 Interesting and brilliant and mysteriousand perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand。 (Bella)我没有意思,他有。有意思才华横溢神秘莫测完美无缺仪表堂堂,而且还能够单手举起大型客货两用车。
  • 55、Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise? (Edward)你还觉得头晕吗?是因为刚才奔跑,还是我亲吻的技术太好?
  • 56、Drive away the sadness of heart, bring sweet embrace; Expulsion of job is fatigue, let carefree to replace; Forget about the trouble of life, the good luck to spread。 I wishes for Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy, good dream!
  • 57、赶走心中的忧伤,把甜蜜来拥抱;驱逐工作的疲惫,让悠闲来替代;忘掉生活的烦恼,把好运来铺满。元宵佳节送上我的祝愿:愿你快乐不断,好梦连连!