Eat to live, but do not live to eat。吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。

  • 1、Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.
  • 2、柳树是春的信使,每当春回大地,万物还在沉睡之中,柳树就最先感知春的讯息。
  • 3、To be authentic, good good; work to be practical, walking to solid!
  • 4、The furthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but a familiar person who gradually becomes unfamiliar.
  • 5、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。
  • We can no longer dream, even though it is so beautiful.
  • 6、We can no longer dream, even though it is so beautiful.
  • 7、Snow, like catkin like snow, like a reed like snow, like the dandelion general snow dance in the air, flying in the wind.
  • 8、把力气都砸在别人的肉上,他见了光明,太阳好象特别的亮起来。
  • 9、别期待他是完美的。没人是完美的。

  • 10、The vast land to do pull broken sword, where bustling complains drop.
  • 11、The air, the glittering snow like light jade butterfly.
  • 12、空中,晶莹的雪花像轻盈的玉蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。
  • 13、We ran along the shore, then rushed desperately towards the waves, almost falling down. The three of us are swimming and playing hide and seek in the sea.
  • 14、In fact, the wine does not intoxicate, just drink it remembered that unbearable past.
  • 15、Love a flower to accompany it bloom, love a person to accompany him on the street.
  • 16、我们或许不白不媚,但可以美的很有性格。
  • 17、牡丹盛开,风华绝代,宛若倾城美人,一笑全世界都失去了颜色!
  • 18、Parting of the morning, melancholy if the loss to send you to leave, with messy text under the blue sky of acacia.
  • 万般草木皆由命,花开寿短,树立成佛,我遇见你,生命才甘心枯萎。


  • 20、Soul with himself, a vulgar a numbness can not find salvation.
  • 21、The furthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but a familiar person who gradually becomes unfamiliar.
  • 22、字典就好像一个不开口的老师一样。
  • 23、相忘谁先忘,倾国是故国。泠泠不肯弹,蹁跹影惊鸿。
  • 24、Stumbling along the way, someone to leave, we are all in the orgy.
  • 25、To be authentic, good good; work to be practical, walking to solid!
  • 26、原来心疼,是这样的;催眠自己,告诉自己,有幸福。
  • 27、女人谨记,一定要吃好喝好玩好睡好,一旦把咱累死了,就有别的女人不劳而获,她会花咱的攒下的钱,住咱省吃俭用买下的房子,睡咱的老公,泡咱的男朋友,还打咱的娃!那太吃亏了!
  • 28、滚滚红尘,陌上寒烟。前世的缘,今生相见。
  • 29、Lonely people always remember the life of every man, as I kept thinking of you!

  • 30、Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
  • 31、I saw the teacher put his feet into the sack, with his hands on the edge of the sack mouth, and his legs jumped hard, his body leaped up.
  • 春风是为指导家,指挥着山涧的叮冬流淌和小鸟的欢快歌唱。
  • 32、春风是为指导家,指挥着山涧的叮冬流淌和小鸟的欢快歌唱。
  • 33、Some refused to put on a lively curtain call time out of a The end of life flowers.
  • 34、Stumbling along the way, someone to leave, we are all in the orgy.
  • 35、松树像一名站岗的战士,不顾风雪交加,寒冷的天气,坚守着自己的岗位上。
  • 36、你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最合适的人。
  • 37、宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。
  • 38、有天我会指着心脏骄傲的告诉你这里换人了。
  • 39、两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

  • 40、Did not have that childish, and Russia is still the former Russia, has not changed.
  • 41、Don't let people get you, or you'll be easy to forget.
  • 42、其实酒不醉人,只是在喝的时候想起了那不堪的过去。
  • 43、I would like to use my everything for your long stay.
  • 44、只见一个小胖子手忙脚乱地指挥着遥控车,喘着粗气的小车把泡沫小花圃撞了个底朝天,最后遥控车一头撞在了砖墙上。
  • Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.
  • 45、Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.
  • 46、不受天磨非好汉,不遭人妒是庸才。
  • 47、千万不可以为了爱情,放弃事业,很简单,选择爱情,一旦爱情没有了,你就什么都没有了,选择事业,即使爱情没有了,可是你还有本事赚钱养活自己,还有属于自己的生活。
  • 48、早晨,刚出门,就看到一缕妖娆的轻纱似的雾,美丽动人!
  • 49、一团团、一簇簇的雪飞落下来,仿佛无数扯碎了的棉花球从天空翻滚而下。

  • 50、Don't spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.
  • 51、漂亮的容貌是一种让人无法忽视的魔力,但这种魔力并不能等同于魅力。在漂亮和魅力之间绝不能单纯地划上等号,因为漂亮的女人不一定有魅力。
  • 52、原来心疼,是这样的;催眠自己,告诉自己,有幸福。
  • 53、My love is not much, one minute only love you sixty seconds.