2023-03-16 15:39:20
- 1、Think you can and can't do, in fact, just at the moment.
- 2、Value time can make life more valuable.
- 3、只要坚持积极的理想,就能产生奋斗的勇气。舒勒
- 5、There is a kind of edge, let go after the scenery, there is a heart, adhere to the Chinese side is sincere.
- 6、谦柔卑退者,德之余;**奸诈者,祸之始。林逋
- 7、You can get the whole world with love, you can also lose the world with hate.
- 8、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。
- 9、Give people money is the worst, giving the ability Zhongce, giving the concept is the best policy.
- 10、You can have a personality, but at some point, please.
- 11、Forget all the past smoke, selfless world wide.
- 12、总有一天,我会为一个人,卸下我的面具。安东尼
- 13、人生实如钟摆,在痛苦与倦怠之间摆动。叔本华
14、In order not to damage and great success, God can not a drop of bitter taste in infiltration.
- 15、人生的本质在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。帕斯卡
- 16、首先和最后要求于天才的事,就是热爱真理。歌德
- 17、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。
- 18、The greatest joy in life is that everyone says you can't do it, but you've done it!
- 19、你要静候,再静候,即使失收,始终要守。黄伟文
- 20、你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。
- 21、当贫穷从门外进来,爱情便从窗口溜走。托·富勒
- 22、登高山务攻绝顶,赏大雪莫畏严寒。
- 23、爱情不过是一种疯。莎士比亚
- 25、无以睡眠因缘,令一生空过,无所得也。鸠摩罗什
- 26、律师是法律最理想最无可指责的解释者。玉外纳
- 27、为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。
- 28、当一人内心开始斗争时,生存就有了价值。勃朗宁
- 29、Do not forgive all sentient beings, do not forgive all sentient beings, is suffering from your own.
- 30、Tomorrow is the world's fastest increase in the value of a piece of land, because it is full of hope.
- 31、The poor man is that music is not the purpose of prostitution, Hao xiong.
- 32、外物之味,久则可厌,读书之味,愈久愈深。程颐
- 33、对时间的慷慨,就等于慢性**。奥斯特洛夫斯基
- 35、老虎并不吃老虎,只有人用人来养肥自己。泰戈尔
- 36、成功是优点的发挥,失败是缺点的积累。牛根生
- 37、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。
- 38、流水在碰到抵触的地方,才把它的活力解放。
- 39、不论你在什麽时候结束,重要的是结束之後就不要悔恨。
- 40、谁能在爱情中最有耐心,谁就有最大的成功。乔叟
- 41、Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world.
- 42、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。
- 43、当你心存感恩,恐惧消失而丰裕出现。安东尼罗宾
44、For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.
- 45、任何人间理想都抚慰不了生老病死的悲哀。周国平
- 46、凡是有良好教养的人有一禁诫:勿发脾气。爱默生
- 47、The most afraid of things, the most should be to break.
- 48、相信就是强大,怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰就是力量。
- 49、在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。巴尔扎克
- 50、人生太短,要干的事太多,我要争分夺秒。爱迪生