2023-05-05 07:52:46
- 1、Wind takes the lane, rain takes the street.
- 2、It is better to act immediately than to grieve inwardly.
- 3、山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝!
- 4、Every time I think of you, I find myself smiling.
- 5、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。秦观《鹊桥仙》
- 6、男子千年志,吾生未有涯。
- 7、刮风走小巷,下雨走大街。
- 8、Great ambition, miles still near.
- 10、Drink boiled water and eat hot meals, healthy and disease-free.
- 11、要改变命运,首先改变自己。
- 12、思量只有梦来去,更不怕,江拦住。黄庭坚《望江东》
- 13、If we meet but can not be together, then I would rather that we never met.
- 14、没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。
- 15、平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。
- 16、Before the creator, first made man.
- 17、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?
- 18、一曲当筵落泪,重掩罗巾。晏殊《山亭柳赠歌者》
- 20、CHIGO as jcdecaux.
- 21、丈夫四海志,万里犹比邻。
- 22、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!
- 23、有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求。
- 24、只要功夫深,铁尺磨成绣花针。
- 25、几番烟雾,只有花难护。陈子龙《点绛唇》
- 26、阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。李商隐《端居》
- 27、不经冬寒,不知春暖。
- 28、We should beat drums in front of us, not gongs behind us.
- 30、Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
- 31、Better eat without meat than without soup.
- 32、人强健,青尊素影,长愿相随。晁元礼《绿头鸭》
- 33、要改变命运,首先改变自己。
- 34、You can't hear, you can't hear, you can't see, you can't eat.
- 35、The way you choose, die there.
- 36、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
- 37、雷公无雨先唱歌,有雨也不多。
- 38、志高不如德高。
- 40、The sorrow of life is that when you meet someone who is important to you, he is everything to you. However, you have no way to keep him.
- 41、Eat turnips in winter and ginger in summer. No old doctor prescribes.
- 42、人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他。
- 43、愁损北人,不惯起来听。李清照《添字丑奴儿窗前谁种芭蕉树》
- 44、A good drum rings as soon as it hits, and a good lamp turns on as soon as it hits.
- 45、No smoking, no drinking, the disease saw a detour.
- 46、你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。
- 47、心如磐石固,志比松柏坚。
- 48、Take your destiny in your own hands.
- 50、途中无所有,摘下一片云。千里赠君,诉说赤子恋红尘。柔情千丝万缕,化作和风细雨,轻拂绿罗裙。别来寒与暖,替我多问询。
- 51、东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴。
- 52、人要闯,马要放。
- 53、渊冰厚三尺素雪覆千里我心如松柏君情复何似
- 54、Do you fear a love fool.?
- 55、阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。李商隐《端居》
- 56、人生来如风雨,去如微尘。
- 57、葛生蒙楚,蔹蔓于野。予美亡此,谁与?独处?夏之日,冬之夜。百岁之后,归于其居。
- 58、I don't know the warmth of spring without winter.