
  • 1、Precious things are rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.
  • 2、时间要么把一份感情沉淀,刻骨铭心,要么就把一份感情消磨,灰飞烟灭。
  • 3、I will give you about all of the memories, all dust seal in the years ahead.

  • 4、当我老了,我的儿女问起我你的初恋情人是谁的时候,我不希望我要做的是翻出一本旧相册。我希望我能抬起手指着屋子另一头说:他就坐在那里啊。
  • 5、Forgive me when I was in a bad mood and speak a thorn.
  • 嗨!你好!一个人独自穿越小巷时我就发现我已被忘在了很小的角落里,走在漫长的路上盼望在自己影子的旁边还会有另一个影子,那样我就不会觉的这条路很漫长了。
  • 6、嗨!你好!一个人独自穿越小巷时我就发现我已被忘在了很小的角落里,走在漫长的路上盼望在自己影子的旁边还会有另一个影子,那样我就不会觉的这条路很漫长了。
  • 7、Precious things are rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.
  • 8、Precious things are rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.
  • 9、Miss you every night, my eyes are like a silk drizzle float by falling in the rhyme of the tip, break into a grain of grain.
  • 10、Far unprecedented happiness, to smile with tears.
  • 11、每一个想你的夜,我的眼睛里都有如丝的细雨飘过,飘落在笔尖的韵脚里,碎成一粒一粒。
  • 12、越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 13、孤独的夜要你陪我才不寂寞;伤心的时刻要你在身边我才能入睡;快乐的一切要你分享才值得;繁华的街要你陪我才不疲惫;独自的我要与你依偎才算完美。情人节快乐!

  • 14、真正的爱情是明明知道没有结果,却还想着继续。
  • 15、偶然的邂逅,你我相遇。由一个简单的平台,相识,相知。即使网络再虚拟,也有你我一分真挚的感情存在。生活并不缺美好,与你相遇,是我的幸福。
  • 16、我希望是阳光,让你倍加需要;我希望是氧气,让你快乐呼吸;我希望是玫瑰,让你人生美丽;我希望是短信,替我说声:想你!
  • 17、The so-called love is supposed to be two people together happily forever al shabaab, instead of hiding in the shadows with subservient to distribute.
  • 18、More like a person, the more I think he is ugly, more see more ugly, the more the more ugly.
  • 19、I am a pawn, crossed the river, no way back.
  • 我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。
  • 20、我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。
  • 21、The so-called love is supposed to be two people together happily forever al shabaab, instead of hiding in the shadows with subservient to distribute.
  • 22、如果你喝醉了回家,请相信,如果我有一点不快,全都来自于心疼,但是我仍然会耐心地照顾你。
  • 23、Life's most precious is not you have substance, but accompany in people around you.

  • 24、你说的话,那么的美好,让我分辨不出是真是假。
  • 25、不畏险,不怕难,陪你攀高山;不怕苦,不怕累,陪着你来遭罪;不着急,不上火,你困难我解决;不灰心,不丧气,追求你不松懈!
  • 26、你的温柔,是我不能忘记的理由;你的关心,是我心灵真切的感动;我的真心,愿让岁月去见证;我的付出,只为你永无悔。亲爱的宝贝,爱你,到永远。
  • 27、我是你近旁的一株木棉,和你缠绕在画。根,紧握在地下;叶,相触在云里。你是春日的风,温情又柔和,忽然间吹到了我的怀抱中,把我的心儿也吹动。
  • 28、The so-called love is supposed to be two people together happily forever al shabaab, instead of hiding in the shadows with subservient to distribute.
  • 29、每一个想你的夜,我的眼睛里都有如丝的细雨飘过,飘落在笔尖的韵脚里,碎成一粒一粒。
  • 30、不畏险,不怕难,陪你攀高山;不怕苦,不怕累,陪着你来遭罪;不着急,不上火,你困难我解决;不灰心,不丧气,追求你不松懈!
  • 31、If you really love a person, you will be love.
  • 32、当有负面情绪的时候,不要说。管好自己的嘴,有时候做哑巴,是一种境界。
  • 33、Emotional hurt, are generally both; it is difficult to have who can do it all.

    Miss you every night, my eyes are like a silk drizzle float by falling in the rhyme of the tip, break into a grain of grain.
  • 34、Miss you every night, my eyes are like a silk drizzle float by falling in the rhyme of the tip, break into a grain of grain.
  • 35、Only let oneself good enough, you are eligible to start a good love.
  • 36、Forgive me when I was in a bad mood and speak a thorn.
  • 37、我也相信爱可以排除万难;只是,万难之后,又有万难。这是我更相信的。
  • 38、你的温柔,是我不能忘记的理由;你的关心,是我心灵真切的感动;我的真心,愿让岁月去见证;我的付出,只为你永无悔。亲爱的宝贝,爱你,到永远。
  • 39、我也相信爱可以排除万难;只是,万难之后,又有万难。这是我更相信的。
  • 40、Go, he really has gone, with my copy of the sincerity, and went away with all the emotional attachment.
  • 41、Time or the feelings of a precipitation, engraved, or the feelings of a kill, and to dust.
  • 42、I also believe that love can surmount every difficulty; Just, after all, have never agree. This is I believe.
  • 43、I also believe that love can surmount every difficulty; Just, after all, have never agree. This is I believe.

  • 44、Narcissists are cute, because narcissism, so more understand love.
  • 45、越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 46、I will give you about all of the memories, all dust seal in the years ahead.
  • 47、人海茫茫,凭着你的芳香导航;寒夜凄凄,想着你的漂亮取暖;人生漫漫,携着你的真尝爱同游;岁月悠悠,陪着你的贤淑共老。亲爱的,到死爱你!
  • 你只有让自己足够好了,才有资格开始一段好的爱情。
  • 48、你只有让自己足够好了,才有资格开始一段好的爱情。
  • 49、幸福大得前所未有,微笑与泪俱来。
  • 50、你是世上最强的磁石,当一走近你的磁场,己没有逃脱的可能,我己被你完全俘虏,注定此生为你而沉醉。
  • 51、我是一粒棋子,过了河,没路可回了。
  • 52、I can patience to wait, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true!
  • 53、我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。

  • 54、I can patience to wait, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true!
  • 55、Life's most precious is not you have substance, but accompany in people around you.
  • 56、你的温柔,是我不能忘记的理由;你的关心,是我心灵真切的感动;我的真心,愿让岁月去见证;我的付出,只为你永无悔。亲爱的宝贝,爱你,到永远。
  • 57、阳光是我灿烂的笑脸,洒落着对你爱情的热烈;春风是我温柔的话语,诉说着对你不变的誓言;花儿是我美丽的心愿,绽放着对你奔腾的情怀。爱你永远!