
  • 1、信仰是伟大的情感,一种创造力量。高尔基
  • 2、Failure is the last test of tenacity.

  • 3、逆境总是有的,生就是进击落人。冯定
  • 4、A hundred times its work, there will be success.
  • 5、天下之事常成于困约,而败于奢靡。陆游
  • Everything is created by man's will.
  • 6、Everything is created by man's will.
  • 7、人若有志,万事可为。斯迈尔斯
  • 8、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。罗曼·罗兰
  • 9、坚强者能在命运风暴中奋斗。爱迪生
  • 10、If a man has a will, he can do everything.
  • 11、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。罗曼·罗兰
  • 12、Everything is created by man's will.

  • 13、You must experience pain before you realize the joy of life.
  • 14、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。司马光
  • 15、When a gentleman is in poverty, he will benefit from virtue and advance against it.
  • 16、所谓青春,就是心理的年轻。松下幸之助
  • 17、伟大的人做事决不半途而废。汉密尔顿
  • 18、Life is action, and action is struggle.
  • 19、Failure is the last test of tenacity.
  • 20、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。罗曼·罗兰
  • 生活就是行动,而行动就是斗争。别林斯基
  • 21、生活就是行动,而行动就是斗争。别林斯基
  • 22、胜利属于最坚忍的人。拿破仑

  • 23、必须体验过痛苦,才体会到生的快乐。大仲马
  • 24、处处热心的人生,是事事满意的人生。帕克
  • 25、逆境展示奇才,顺境隐没英才。勒斯
  • 26、谁能保持永远的青春,便是伟大的人。郭沫弱
  • 27、Whoever has the will to forge ahead will succeed.
  • 28、Failure is the last test of tenacity.
  • 29、Those who are afraid of climbing the mountain will always linger at the bottom of the mountain.
  • 30、坚韧是意志的最好助手。欧洲
  • 31、You must experience pain before you realize the joy of life.
  • 32、生活就是行动,而行动就是斗争。别林斯基

  • 33、Life is action, and action is struggle.
  • 34、只有在苦难中,才能认识自我。希尔蒂
  • 35、Only in suffering can we know ourselves.
  • Great people never give up halfway.
  • 36、Great people never give up halfway.
  • 37、You must experience pain before you realize the joy of life.
  • 38、From thrift to extravagance, from extravagance to thrift.
  • 39、若要修成九转,先须炼己持心。张伯端
  • 40、逆境展示奇才,顺境隐没英才。勒斯
  • 41、伟大的人做事决不半途而废。汉密尔顿
  • 42、Although patience is painful, the fruit is sweet.

  • 43、People's ideals and aspirations are often directly proportional to their abilities.
  • 44、丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。曹植
  • 45、学业才识,不日进,则日退。左宗棠
  • 46、若要修成九转,先须炼己持心。张伯端
  • 47、倘不奋发,惟有失败,顾影自怜。托马斯
  • 48、处处热心的人生,是事事满意的人生。帕克
  • 49、人生是一座富矿,有待于自身去开采。崔鹤同
  • 50、You must experience pain before you realize the joy of life.
  • You must experience pain before you realize the joy of life.
  • 51、You must experience pain before you realize the joy of life.
  • 52、From thrift to extravagance, from extravagance to thrift.

  • 53、Youth is the youth of mind.
  • 54、学业才识,不日进,则日退。左宗棠
  • 55、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。罗曼·罗兰
  • 56、If a man has a will, he can do everything.
  • 57、志不可一日坠,心不可一日放。王豫
  • 58、困难是一个严厉的导师。贝克
  • 59、倘不奋发,惟有失败,顾影自怜。托马斯
  • 60、Only in suffering can we know ourselves.