
  • 1、Warm, in addition to the sun, and I care! Round, in addition to moon cakes, and yuanxiao dumplings! Affectionate, in addition to love, and my blessing! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, be careful not to gluttony!
  • 2、你我的相知是缘分,你我的相恋是情分。对你的爱无需太多的语言,因为缘分早已经将你我相牵。亲爱的这一生,惟愿今生能够与你相依相偎到永远!
  • 3、My sweet with my blessing, I happy with my greetings, the fifteenth day of the first through the temperature of some holiday, reunion with boiled a bowl of dumplings for you, hope you happy, go in peace。
  • 4、那一场风花雪月的事。中秋的月亮,在窗外静静地悬着。我楞楞地看着它,仿佛它是一面明镜,你我在互相注视。
  • 5、龙腾虎跃庆国庆,国富山河壮江山;燕舞莺歌迎中秋,合家欢乐众喜庆。
  • Long teng hu yue celebration of National Day, national wealth was strong; Yan dance warbler song Mid-Autumn festival, family and all the celebrations。
  • 6、Long teng hu yue celebration of National Day, national wealth was strong; Yan dance warbler song Mid-Autumn festival, family and all the celebrations。
  • 7、喜欢唱歌,最爱旅游,没啥追求,四处集邮,工作一般,专搞软件,工资一般,不到四千,马上奔三,没有情伴,求一对象,兴趣能合,一起努力,幸福明天。
  • 8、Like singing, love travel, no pursuit, collecting stamps, around work, specially make software, wages generally, less than four thousand, immediately rush three, no affection, for an object, interest can together, work together, happy tomorrow。

  • 9、月圆人团圆,月缺人分别。若是无情时,月圆亦月缺,若是有情时,月缺亦月圆。
  • 10、那一场风花雪月的事。中秋的月亮,在窗外静静地悬着。我楞楞地看着它,仿佛它是一面明镜,你我在互相注视。
  • 11、年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气,月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴!
  • 12、Frontal white round timid appearance, affectionate heart sweet as honey, skin beautiful beautiful body very red, green, tender sweet candy to my obsession, fifteen lamp night kiss you eat you! Don't be nervous, I said is yuanxiao! Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 13、Dumplings, moon, wish your family reunion; The official sources, financial resources, and wish your business be able; Popularity, chance, wish you good luck the geopolitical; Wish, rather, meant to ideal day to you! I wish the Lantern Festival round like
  • 14、On this special day, send a light faint scent, and easy of blessing for you! Distant with you, happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 15、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!
  • 16、汤圆,月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆;官源,财源,祝你事业左右逢源;人缘,机缘,祝你好运缘缘不断;心愿,情愿,祝你理想天随人愿!祝元宵节圆源缘愿!
  • 17、HuanHuanLeLe yuanxiao sweet, dazzle bright fireworks, pandas were a beauty, zhongtian joshed month, wishes xu again, the rich chang m Ann。 I wish a happy Lantern Festival。
  • 18、去年元宵夜,赏明月,观花灯,我伴你!今年元宵节,花灯下,明月下,我想你!月圆圆,汤圆圆,我在元宵日里祝福你:幸福高乐高,快乐百分百!

  • 19、Lantern Festival, golden light give you wealth, wood and auspicious, serving the water reflected full moon, fire fireworks send blessing, soil health always, the fifteenth day, five lines of the same to you, I wish you a line of the universiade, row, row
  • 下之友无数,以投缘为佳;天下之谊无尽,以适己为悦;天下之爱无穷,以知音为贵;天下之情无量,以称心为重!祝您元宵阖家欢乐,事事如意!
  • 20、下之友无数,以投缘为佳;天下之谊无尽,以适己为悦;天下之爱无穷,以知音为贵;天下之情无量,以称心为重!祝您元宵阖家欢乐,事事如意!
  • 21、Last year yuan snack, admire the moon, lanterns, I with you! This year's Lantern Festival, lanterns, under the bright moon, I miss you! Tangyuan month round, round, I wish you: in the yuanxiao, macleod high happiness, happy hundred!
  • 22、心中升明月,天涯共此时,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。中秋节到了,祝愿你幸福安康,事业进步,生活美满,合家欢乐!
  • 23、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!
  • 24、Dynamism wish what good? My best wishes to the earliest! No matter how last year, believe that you will have a greater efforts this year return! The most important of all, wish you health and happiness happy! I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 25、Moon cakes, round, sweet, at this time the best wish to you and your family happy happy family joy and happiness!
  • 26、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 27、你肥藤藤,我脚震震,我们买了猪肉去拜神,吃了猪肉变寿神,就说看短信息的?愿你元宵节吃嘛嘛香,工作愉快!
  • 28、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!

  • 29、The fifteenth day of the lantern, qi lights lit, the bright moon brightness degree of festival, bright fireworks yao city, wufu monkey for pleasure, pandas enjoy life。 I wish Lantern Festival was great!
  • 30、You fat rattan cane, my foot shock vibration, we bought pork to worship, to eat the pork change life of god, and said the short message? I wish you the Lantern Festival eat joss-stick, a happy work!
  • 31、Luck, beaming, fresh。 Xiangyun floating ZiGe, beaming tin。 Short curtain can leave a month, don't hinder the cloud in the high building。 The sweet wind full, pine window night of month circle。
  • 32、我扬一把散沙粒粒想念漫天纷飞带给我对你的祝福,我洒下一瓢涟水滴滴飘洋流到你的心海,爱你,今生无悔,牵了你的情,爱了你的人,我会努力呵护你。一生一世!
  • 33、你肥藤藤,我脚震震,我们买了猪肉去拜神,吃了猪肉变寿神,就说看短信息的?愿你元宵节吃嘛嘛香,工作愉快!
  • 新年过后又上元,离家郎君几日还,今夕玉盘银光满,渴望围炉品汤圆。元夜明镜照人间,邻家笛笙未曾眠,敢问明月向我诉,天地情人可团圆。祝快乐元宵节!
  • 34、新年过后又上元,离家郎君几日还,今夕玉盘银光满,渴望围炉品汤圆。元夜明镜照人间,邻家笛笙未曾眠,敢问明月向我诉,天地情人可团圆。祝快乐元宵节!
  • 35、In any country, regardless of gathering and leave all those blessings forever linked in my mind, I wish you all every beautiful!
  • 36、我用我的祝福包裹甜蜜,我用我的问候包裹快乐,正月十五借一点节日的温火,用团圆的水煮一碗元宵送给你,希望你快快乐乐,平平安安。
  • 37、If there is an afterlife, I don't want to meet you again, don't worry, hear me out! I hope to become your eyes, into any part of your body, so I can with you the time!
  • 38、年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气,月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴!

  • 39、龙腾虎跃庆国庆,国富山河壮江山;燕舞莺歌迎中秋,合家欢乐众喜庆。
  • 40、烟花的一瞬间是快乐,流星的一瞬间是祈愿,思念的一瞬间是感动,我只想让你在看到信息的一瞬间能够明白我是真心祝福你的!
  • 41、月圆人团圆,月缺人分别。若是无情时,月圆亦月缺,若是有情时,月缺亦月圆。
  • 42、正月十五闹花灯,万家灯火齐通明,明月生辉度佳节,烟花璀璨耀全城,五福齐天乐融融,团团圆圆享人生。祝元宵佳节顺心顺意!
  • 43、年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气,月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴!
  • 44、下之友无数,以投缘为佳;天下之谊无尽,以适己为悦;天下之爱无穷,以知音为贵;天下之情无量,以称心为重!祝您元宵阖家欢乐,事事如意!
  • 45、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!
  • 46、福星高照,喜气长留。祥云浮紫阁,喜气溢朱门。帘短能留月,楼高不碍云。兰经香风满,松窗夜月圆。
  • 47、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!
  • I miss swirling Yang a loose sand grains to bring me to your blessing, I shed a ladle ripple water drops floating sea currents to your heart, love you, this life without regret, holding your affection, love you of person, I will try to care for you。 Whole

    48、I miss swirling Yang a loose sand grains to bring me to your blessing, I shed a ladle ripple water drops floating sea currents to your heart, love you, this life without regret, holding your affection, love you of person, I will try to care for you。 Whole

  • 49、在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!
  • 50、You I know is the fate, you are my love is a mutual affection。 My love for you don't need too many languages, already because of the destiny will lead you and me。 Dear this life, but let this life can with you together against forever!
  • 51、你我的相知是缘分,你我的相恋是情分。对你的爱无需太多的语言,因为缘分早已经将你我相牵。亲爱的这一生,惟愿今生能够与你相依相偎到永远!
  • 52、温暖的,除了太阳,还有我的关怀!圆圆的,除了月饼,还有元宵汤圆!深情的,除了爱意,还有我的祝福!元宵节祝你快乐,注意不要贪食哦!
  • 53、龙腾虎跃庆国庆,国富山河壮江山;燕舞莺歌迎中秋,合家欢乐众喜庆。
  • 54、去年元宵夜,赏明月,观花灯,我伴你!今年元宵节,花灯下,明月下,我想你!月圆圆,汤圆圆,我在元宵日里祝福你:幸福高乐高,快乐百分百!
  • 55、正月十五闹花灯,万家灯火齐通明,明月生辉度佳节,烟花璀璨耀全城,五福齐天乐融融,团团圆圆享人生。祝元宵佳节顺心顺意!
  • 56、The friends of the countless to chemistry is preferred; The friendship of the world is endless, as for yue; The world infinite love, companion as expensive; The world of love, put right first! I wish you a yuanxiao family, all the best!
  • 57、没有你的中秋节,月色清冷如水,你的身边应该有另外一个她吧。虽然我这边残月挂天边,不过仍然希望你月圆人团圆。
  • 58、The fifteenth day of the lantern, qi lights lit, the bright moon brightness degree of festival, bright fireworks yao city, wufu monkey for pleasure, pandas enjoy life。 I wish Lantern Festival was great!
