2023-04-27 12:36:33
- 1、竹筒倒豌豆一干二净
- 2、Xiangyang is a good tea planter, but back sun is a good fir planter.
- 3、五月开茭花,大水淹篱笆。
- 4、含羞草勾腰,大雨快要到。
- 5、蚂蚁噙豌豆滚蛋
- 6、不要原谅自己,但对别人应宽容。
- 8、棒槌弹棉花乱谈(弹)
- 9、没把的葫芦抓不住
- 10、葫芦壳挂在房梁上上不着天,下不着地
- 11、Tree planting and afforestation will enrich the country and benefit the people.
- 12、植树造林,富国利民。
- 13、按下葫芦浮起瓢此起彼落
- 14、Not cheap don't fall for it, and wise, pound foolish.
- 15、新客到来,要换新茶。
- 16、Bamboo has no skin and can move in all seasons.
- 18、天凭日月,人凭良心。
- 19、黄连树上长草苦苗苗
- 20、八月间的核桃满人(仁)
- 21、向阳好种茶,背阳好插杉。
- 22、书斋无花不成宅,农家无树不成户。
- 23、Many kinds of vegetables can be eaten or sold in spring.
- 24、弹棉花的戴乌纱帽有功(弓)之臣
- 25、Xiangyang is a good tea planter, but back sun is a good fir planter.
- 26、There is moss in the water, and rain and wind come.
- 28、含羞草勾腰,大雨快要到。
- 29、In the middle of the first month, it is good to plant pine.
- 30、In the middle of the first month, it is good to plant pine.
- 31、不要原谅自己,但对别人应宽容。
- 32、Bamboo has no skin and can move in all seasons.
- 33、水里泛青苔,天有风雨来。
- 34、麻布手巾绣牡丹配不上;不配
- 35、看茶色,更要看脸色。
- 36、干河滩里栽牡丹好景不长;好景难常
- 38、槐树下弹琴苦中作乐;苦中取乐
- 39、点葫芦头不敲打不出来
- 40、冷锅里炒豌豆叫得响
- 41、花生壳里的臭虫冒充好人(仁)
- 42、黄连酿酒苦打成招(糟)
- 43、槐树下弹琴苦中作乐;苦中取乐
- 44、先尊后卑,先老后少。
- 45、二两棉花弹(谈)不上
- 46、干河滩里栽牡丹好景不长;好景难常
- 48、刀无钢刃不锋利,人无意志不坚定。
- 49、Trees and mountains know the meaning of spring.
- 50、韭菜炒蒜苗清(青)一色
- 51、It is better to plant in spring than in autumn.
- 52、植树造林,富国利民。
- 53、May blossoms, flooding fences.
- 54、丢掉包袱,轻装前进。
- 55、Stripe should be green, seedlings should be new.
- 56、Reason not to recognize people, not afraid not.