
  • 1、牡丹盛开,风华绝代,宛若倾城美人,一笑全世界都失去了颜色!
  • 2、一阵风吹过,河边的芦苇沙沙作响,就像一曲欢快的乐曲。
  • 3、用财富装扮身躯,不如用道德美化心灵。
  • 4、一般女人说不用你管的时候,都是想叫你赶紧管管,晚了都不愿意。一般女人说谁稀罕的时候,都是表示,她十分稀罕。
  • 5、To make long, not always aspire to. No ambition, often muddle along, never grasped the chance of success, never.
  • Love shouldn't fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  • 6、Love shouldn't fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  • 7、In today's society, to be successful, perhaps need some talent, probably with some luck, but anyway, ambition is indispensable to who is the heart, muddle along, ended up at the top of the climb up to success?
  • 8、Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

  • 9、女人谨记,一定要吃好喝好玩好睡好,一旦把咱累死了,就有别的女人不劳而获,她会花咱的攒下的钱,住咱省吃俭用买下的房子,睡咱的老公,泡咱的男朋友,还打咱的娃!那太吃亏了!
  • 10、Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like lovepure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
  • 11、When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.
  • 12、一个人在生活的起点,选择了什么目标,树立了什么志向,就决定了他有什么样的命运,对人类有什么样的贡献。只有那些立志高远、自强不息、奋力拼搏的人,才能在自己的人生旅途中把一个个问号变成感叹号,最后画上一个圆满的句号。
  • 13、字典就好像一个不开口的老师一样。
  • 14、寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你!
  • 15、Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like lovepure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
  • 16、Through the ages, both leaders, the founding fathers, and renowned statesman, strategist, thinker, scientist, they have made from have a great aim, and also is the aim, support their enterprising, constantly struggle. Northern song dynasty writer su shi o
  • 17、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
  • 这个社会变化太多,我们不要让自己的心也荒来荒去,懂得保持内心平和的女人,就象闹市中的一间静谧的茶馆,让人忍不住想歇足休息。


  • 19、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。
  • 20、早晨,刚出门,就看到一缕妖娆的轻纱似的雾,美丽动人!
  • 21、Through the ages, both leaders, the founding fathers, and renowned statesman, strategist, thinker, scientist, they have made from have a great aim, and also is the aim, support their enterprising, constantly struggle. Northern song dynasty writer su shi o
  • 22、空中,晶莹的雪花像轻盈的玉蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。
  • 23、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.
  • 24、人生的路总是曲曲折折的,每一个人都有不同的痛苦经历!
  • 25、善良的女人,才会在分手后,仍然告诉孩子那个男人是他的爸爸,而不是仇人。
  • 26、漂亮的容貌是一种让人无法忽视的魔力,但这种魔力并不能等同于魅力。在漂亮和魅力之间绝不能单纯地划上等号,因为漂亮的女人不一定有魅力。
  • 27、Love means never having to say you are sorry.
  • 28、Lonely people always remember the life of every man, as I kept thinking of you!

  • 29、Snow, like catkin like snow, like a reed like snow, like the dandelion general snow dance in the air, flying in the wind.
  • 快乐来自于以感激的心情,去接受眼前的生活。
  • 30、快乐来自于以感激的心情,去接受眼前的生活。
  • 31、不要企图依附男人生活,没有人会对寄生虫保持永远的热情。
  • 32、一般女人说不用你管的时候,都是想叫你赶紧管管,晚了都不愿意。一般女人说谁稀罕的时候,都是表示,她十分稀罕。
  • 33、人要立长志,不能常立志。没有远大志向的人,往往得过且过,永远也不能把握成功的契机,永远也不会有所作为。
  • 34、对前途要看得乐观些,对人心要看得悲观些。
  • 35、真正能使女人成为别人老婆的不是父母,而是年龄。
  • 36、在阳光中死去,在最绚烂的包围下死去,心花怒放却开到荼蘼。
  • 37、Aspire to is the mother of success, can make our unremitting struggle for the realization of goals in life, with indomitable faith stands on the top of my success at a distance.
  • 38、Years cardamom, who made who The end of life.

  • 39、晨雾像挂在空中的千万条待染的白纱,缓缓地摆动着,在朝阳下变幻奇异的色彩。
  • 40、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this.
  • 41、Snow, like catkin like snow, like a reed like snow, like the dandelion general snow dance in the air, flying in the wind.
  • 乳白色的展雾,像纱幔一样轻轻飘敖,东方显出了朦胧的光亮。
  • 42、乳白色的展雾,像纱幔一样轻轻飘敖,东方显出了朦胧的光亮。
  • 43、善良的女人,才会在分手后,仍然告诉孩子那个男人是他的爸爸,而不是仇人。
  • 44、松树像一名站岗的战士,不顾风雪交加,寒冷的天气,坚守着自己的岗位上。
  • 45、人要立长志,不能常立志。没有远大志向的人,往往得过且过,永远也不能把握成功的契机,永远也不会有所作为。
  • 46、漂亮女人是金子,漂亮女人是钻石,聪明女人是宝藏,可爱女人是名画,做女人就要努力做一个世界上最大的宝藏,里面装满金子钻石名画。
  • 47、Happiness is no matter when and where, that a person's heart will always be with you.
  • 48、这里的乡村很幽静,街上只有几盏路灯像值班的保安一样坚守着岗位。

  • 49、From the days of grinding of non hero, not being jealous is mediocrity.
  • 50、田地的小径旁,棵棵小草从土地中探出头来,东张张,西望望,好像在对这美丽的景色仔细欣赏。