
  • 1、You stubbornly live in the memories, but I do not know they have to create a new memories.
  • 2、有她的你,现在过的应该不错把!
  • 3、Youth like a heavy rain, even if a cold, but also looking forward to back it once again.
  • 4、It's hard to fool yourself, but it's easier to cheat.
  • 5、女人吻男人是一种幸福,男人吻女人是一种口福。
  • 青春是一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。
  • 6、青春是一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。
  • 7、那悲伤藏得那么好,不愿被任何人看见。
  • 8、Don't joke too much, or it will be a curse.

  • 9、In fact, boredom is a part of life.
  • 10、Life is so a few people are really good to me, I will not forget to die.
  • 11、一个软弱的人不可能找到坚强的理由,只能找到软弱的理由;而一个坚强的人不需要坚强的理由。
  • 12、说声再见,便不再相见,说声忘记,一切记忆便氤氲。
  • 13、Some love, live in the photo; some love, live in your heart. But the most can make people at ease happy love, still want that person, live in our side.
  • 14、Sometimes, stick to the last thing you want to do, then you can get what you want most.
  • 15、Love is not a refuge, if you want to take refuge, then it will be driven out of the.
  • 16、我看不清世界对我的心疼,我一直沉浸在你的难过里。
  • 17、I have been in love with my boyfriend for 8 years, and I just finished my wedding photo.
  • 18、Said one sided is to stay up late, said it was insomnia, to tell you the truth is to think of you.

    Only to find love and not love just a word, but it will make me lose myself.
  • 19、Only to find love and not love just a word, but it will make me lose myself.
  • 20、永远都是一个人,什么都没有,包括我在乎的朋友。
  • 21、有她的你,现在过的应该不错把!
  • 22、Grace in the face of all, be neither humble nor pushy.
  • 23、Don't joke too much, or it will be a curse.
  • 24、花的堆积,叶的凋零,比我们想象的更为突然。
  • 25、单车想旅行,带着你的心,不要离我而去,要走一起走。
  • 26、忘不了你的好,被你伤过的心,我更忘不了。
  • 27、Baby, can you keep on like this now, let me.
  • 28、Accustomed to a person's life, no longer like the world of two people.

  • 29、你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。
  • 30、以后会明白,如果世界上曾经有那个人出现过,其他人都会变成将就。我不愿意将就。
  • 31、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。
  • I cried a rhythm, but still can not keep up your pace.
  • 32、I cried a rhythm, but still can not keep up your pace.
  • 33、我给你的可能不是你想要的但一定是我认为最好的。
  • 34、No lingering sentiments, but enduring as the universe.
  • 35、一些人,一些事,失去了就不再回来了,要怪就怪自己当初不珍惜。
  • 36、青春像一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。
  • 37、你浪够了也别回来我早已去追逐我的自由。
  • 38、Only to find love and not love just a word, but it will make me lose myself.

  • 39、想明白了很多,就是怕自己放不下。
  • 40、The sad words do not, you have to love you.
  • 41、有些异性,不能当恋人,也舍不得给别人。
  • 42、I cried a rhythm, but still can not keep up your pace.
  • 43、你无法叫醒一个装睡的人,也无法感动一个不爱你的人。
  • 44、有些异性,不能当恋人,也舍不得给别人。
  • I want to travel, take your heart, don't leave me.
  • 45、I want to travel, take your heart, don't leave me.
  • 46、我画了一个棺材,里面躺着你和她我多么的善良,让你们死也在一起。
  • 47、不敢正视你的眼睛是怕我每个眼神都在表白。
  • 48、伤害一个人只要一句话,感动一个人却要一辈子。

  • 49、Do not dare to face your eyes are afraid of me every look in the confession.
  • 50、如果你能够早些在我生命中出现,我想我也就不会有那些不堪入目的过去!
  • 51、Drunk I who is not satisfied, I will help the wall!
  • 52、我是和寂寞相爱,孤独感从没离开。