My quotation is the person is iron, rice is a steel, do not eat a meal hungry

  • 1、people are toughened by difficult experiences。 艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。
  • 2、一旦你对某人有了感觉,那些感觉会永留心底,你也许不会再喜欢他们,但你始终在意。
  • 3、Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him, afraid to lose him.
  • 4、My things in the world you do not understand, just like you.
  • 5、Athletes who use your strength, use your spirit to open up, a part of your long-distance running world!运动健将们,用你的实力,用你的精神,去开拓出,一片属于你的长跑天地!
  • Because of love, so will not be the enemy, because of injury, so will not be friends.

    6、Because of love, so will not be the enemy, because of injury, so will not be friends.

  • 7、Once the tears, just to let us learn to distinguish.
  • 8、Know the outcome is uncertain; blindly insist, just don't want to miss.
  • 9、Life is not a one-way street, a road is blocked, you can turn.
  • 10、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。
  • 11、偶尔有点小情绪,为了引起你注意。
  • 12、With your sports arena valiant heroic, athletic field have you hard figure,运动场上有你们的飒爽英姿,运动场上有你们拼搏的身影,
  • 13、我苦笑着释怀你给的伤心难道我们之间剩下的只有猜疑吗?
  • 14、There is no true love fool, only willing to do a fool.
  • 15、I like to go hiking。 我喜欢徒步旅行。
  • 16、Love is hard to get into, but once the input, it is more difficult to come out.

  • 17、我是一块煤,不会轻易被点燃,可烧起来,就会成一堆灰,再燃,已经没了可能。
  • 18、I envy you very much, because you can choose to accept or reject, and I can only choose love you or more like you.
  • 19、Once thought, it is not easy to have, and later learned that the original is more difficult to abandon.
  • 我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。
  • 20、我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。
  • 21、Forgive me is such, mouth shut love try to be brave, softhearted love many want to.
  • 22、心里留给他的位置,只盼每天醒来有他温暖的笑脸。
  • 23、My things in the world you do not understand, just like you.
  • 24、Who's laughing tears, who hide all enchanting dance around, who singing scars in jiangshan.
  • 25、My things in the world you do not understand, just like you.
  • 26、最简单的声音,快乐就很清晰,只是一句喜欢你。

  • 27、如果我是个瘦子,伤心时我还可以数数排骨。
  • 28、Sometimes I hum up memories, memories of the is you hold me, hold me, kiss me, comfort me, is that you loved me.
  • 29、曾经的泪水,只是为了让我们学会辨别。
  • 30、一旦你对某人有了感觉,那些感觉会永留心底,你也许不会再喜欢他们,但你始终在意。
  • 31、最简单的声音,快乐就很清晰,只是一句喜欢你。
  • 32、The environment will not change, the solution is to change their own.
  • 33、我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。
  • 或许只有在离得最远的时候,才能把曾经走过的那段日子,看的最真确最清楚。
  • 34、或许只有在离得最远的时候,才能把曾经走过的那段日子,看的最真确最清楚。
  • 35、一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。
  • 36、一旦你对某人有了感觉,那些感觉会永留心底,你也许不会再喜欢他们,但你始终在意。

  • 37、I want to be with you, or a few days. Somewhere, sometime.
  • 38、The Olympic motto is "Higher, Faster, Stronger。" 奥林匹克的格言是更高,更快,更强。
  • 39、Bear too much, even if I am weak, as long as a result, even if no results.
  • 40、心也从来没有给我一个真实的答案,吻自己是不是爱你。
  • 41、The most simple sound, happiness is very clear, just like you.
  • 42、我很羡慕你,因为你可以选择接受或是拒绝,而我只能选择喜欢你或者更喜欢你。
  • 43、假如温柔放手,你是否懂得,走错了,可以再回头。
  • 44、Water does not rot, a door hinge is never worm-eaten, moving also。流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。
  • 45、You are my heart YongMing love person, in the end, after all, is a traveler, you call I how can not sad.
  • 46、如果有个人对你特别好,记得千万别把那个人弄丢了。

  • 47、Sometimes I hum up memories, memories of the is you hold me, hold me, kiss me, comfort me, is that you loved me.
  • I want to be with you, or a few days. Somewhere, sometime.
  • 48、I want to be with you, or a few days. Somewhere, sometime.
  • 49、其实喜欢很简单啊,或许是明天阳光太好,你的睫毛太翘,我想拥抱你!
  • 50、最简单的声音,快乐就很清晰,只是一句喜欢你。
  • 51、Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him, afraid to lose him.
  • 52、Know the outcome is uncertain; blindly insist, just don't want to miss.
  • 53、有些爱,注定一世缄默,有些人,注定终会错过。
  • 54、最好能了解,孤独是最不会背叛人的朋友之一。
  • 55、Shut up by me darling protection is not good, I can do for you, only this.
  • 56、Love a person not necessarily will own, but have a person should have a good love she care for her.

  • 57、I want to be with you, or a few days. Somewhere, sometime.
  • 58、You are my heart YongMing love person, in the end, after all, is a traveler, you call I how can not sad.