When it comes to love, know how to grasp, it is a kind of happiness

  • 1、遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。
  • 2、这个世界不会为你而改变,你只能改变自己来适应这个世界。
  • 3、认识你才知道有一种心情叫做依恋,有一种感觉叫你。
  • 4、The love letter was written by me, the rose was sent by me, the picture was taken by me, the phone was by me, and the message was by me!
  • 5、Mountains have love, only green, water deliberately soft, all things in the world, because love is more beautiful. My dear, my love for you will never change until death!

    Love can not love, love is not love. We both love each other and fell in love and do not be together for life.
  • 6、Love can not love, love is not love. We both love each other and fell in love and do not be together for life.
  • 7、我又回到了,那块曾经属于我们的地方,什么都好,就只是没有你不好。
  • 8、有的时候,爱是不用太多言语的,只是想默默的注视着你,在乎和你在一起的每一秒钟。
  • 9、The people who hurt you the most are the ones who say that you will never hurt you.
  • 10、Never fade is the silent care for you, never stop is the endless yearning for you, never change is deep love for you.
  • 11、因为有你让我掀起一片爱的涟漪!
  • 12、没什么特别的事,只是想听听你的声音,想知道你是否如我想你一般在想我。
  • 13、不要问别人为你做了什么,而要问你为别人做了什么。
  • 14、网络事业创造了富裕,又延续了平等。
  • 15、Shining is not the patent of the sun, the glass also may shine. We can shine.

  • 16、我希望你能给我一个机会,照顾你。爱护你。平平淡淡和你一起慢慢变老!
  • 17、人生就像是一盘沙子,你永远也无法全盘抓起,但也不会一无所获。
  • 18、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。
  • Because you know that we can not live without you, so I'll be more cherish it.
  • 19、Because you know that we can not live without you, so I'll be more cherish it.
  • 20、Only you know my mood, only you can also bring my mood.
  • 21、When a friend dumped on the side of the heart, to have more sad sad sad is sad.
  • 22、He turned, I saw an old man's back, I know, in the old time.
  • 23、Do not a sad child and you together for a lifetime, only do not a sad child only and you a lifetime together.
  • 24、单纯的生活,其实很快乐;傻傻的活着,其实很幸福。
  • 25、认识你才知道有一种心情叫做依恋,有一种感觉叫你。

  • 26、思绪一叉开,便成铺着的文章或是诗,回过头来一边细读一边漫卷,卷卷回忆,卷卷收藏。
  • 27、让我亲手给你沏杯茶,加进一块冰糖,再注入一腔热情,把我的爱恋,一点点地溶进茶中。
  • 28、Who dares to declares war on the dark, the in the mind must be full of light.
  • 29、只要你在,我愿意为你独守那片天。
  • 30、生命太短,一分钟都不能留给那些让你不快的人或事。
  • 31、纵浪就纵浪到底吧,我已拍案下注,你敢不敢坐庄。
  • 淡水是适合远看的,尤其在大屯山上看,觉得那真是银河的倒影,有点海市蜃楼。若是下了火车去看,探头之处,全是人间烟火。
  • 32、淡水是适合远看的,尤其在大屯山上看,觉得那真是银河的倒影,有点海市蜃楼。若是下了火车去看,探头之处,全是人间烟火。
  • 33、世上只有骗子是真心的,因为只有他是真心骗你的。
  • 34、In this life the most crazy things, is in love with you, the biggest hope, is has you to accompany me crazy for a lifetime.
  • 35、一个一味沉溺于往事的人,是不能张开双臂去拥抱今天的。

  • 36、幸福生活是什么:是早上睁开眼睛,看到阳光洒满了房间,用力嗅嗅阳光和早晨的味道。
  • 37、发光不是太阳的专利,玻璃也可以发光。我们也可以发出耀眼的光芒。
  • 38、What is the happiness of life is: open your eyes in the morning, seeing the sunshine through the room, sniff the sunshine and smell of morning.
  • 39、Sometimes say not like, is to let oneself say like the time will appear very precious.
  • 40、出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。
  • 41、我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外,没有任何条件优越你。
  • 42、Why leave painful memories, you have said to me, will be happy to me.
  • 43、淡水是适合远看的,尤其在大屯山上看,觉得那真是银河的倒影,有点海市蜃楼。若是下了火车去看,探头之处,全是人间烟火。
  • 44、Thank you for giving us the knowledge of infinite wisdom and energy, let us become strong and confident,
  • You must have never looked at me with a smile on my face.

    45、You must have never looked at me with a smile on my face.

  • 46、要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。
  • 47、As long as you don't give up efforts and pursuit, the grass also has the value of spring.
  • 48、发光不是太阳的专利,玻璃也可以发光。我们也可以发出耀眼的光芒。
  • 49、Striver in sweat river, will cause the boat sailed to the other side of the ideal.
  • 50、有时候说不喜欢,是为了让自己说喜欢的时候会显得非常珍贵。
  • 51、或许行年渐晚,深知在劳碌的世间,能完整实现理想中的美,愈来愈不可得,触目所见多是无法拼凑完整的碎片。
  • 52、Life is like angry birds, when you fail, there are always a few pig was laughing.