
  • 1、Air of twinkling dots silver around the colorful dream, bless you, hands pressed together make a wish, all in sight.
  • 2、当你孤独时,风儿就是我的歌声,愿它能使你得到片刻的安慰;当你骄傲时,雨点就是我的警钟,愿它能使你获得永恒的谦逊。
  • 3、不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我;不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。
  • 4、云也走风也走,躲到山的那一头;你也走我也走,情不自禁手牵手;情也走爱也走,小船水面荡悠悠;甜瓜瓜喂一口,丝丝甜进你心头。
  • 5、A friend is happy to forget people, people suffering, is your miscues you see another person, is your promotion to you call still the same person!
  • 真正的男人,要勇于直面女友的大饼脸,敢于正视女友的顽固性肥胖。
  • 6、真正的男人,要勇于直面女友的大饼脸,敢于正视女友的顽固性肥胖。
  • 7、朋友不必很多,知心就好;牵挂不必很多,动情就好;不想说的太多,只是让你知道:认识你真好!
  • 8、A greeting is the beginning of a fate. A meeting is a beautiful legend. A click is a beautiful myth. A communication is a beautiful melody.
  • 9、无语就是法官问:你为什么印假钞?罪犯说:真钞我不会印。
  • 10、只有自己才拥有自己全部的风格,谁也模仿不了,真实的你没有盗版!

  • 11、好女人就像汽油,一旦拥有就有动力:坏女人就像气囊,一旦用上就有危机。
  • 12、多少年了,我家的马桶圈都从没掀起来过!
  • 13、遇到你,是我一生的缘分;牵着你,是我一生的快乐;爱上你,是我一生的幸运。今生有你相伴,是我一生的幸福。
  • 14、新年是完美的里程碑,完美地总结了一年的收获,开始了新年的幸福;新年是道吉祥门,关闭了一切坎坷,打开了一年的平安;新年到,祝您新年快乐健康!
  • 15、云也走风也走,躲到山的那一头;你也走我也走,情不自禁手牵手;情也走爱也走,小船水面荡悠悠;甜瓜瓜喂一口,丝丝甜进你心头。
  • 16、A hehemumu, a happy life, happy, peaceful lives, full of energy every day, month and year festivity Yangyang, linfe. Happy New Year's Day!
  • 17、新年到放鞭炮,拱拱手祝福好,身体棒乐陶陶,事业成薪水高,夫妻间分红包,兄弟间酒不少,敬长辈送补药,会亲友真热闹,送旧符展新貌,春节乐天天笑!
  • 18、我的缘份,爱上你是我的情份,守着你是我的本份,陪着你是我的福份。今生爱你爱得有点过份,来世爱你我早已做好了备份!
  • 岁月不居,天道酬勤。过去的一年里,我们历经风雨,尽管道路坎坷,尽管困难重重,但却成绩辉煌!新的一年又至,更需大家努力,携手共创奇迹!祝大家身体健康、阖家幸福、喜事多多、好运连连!
  • 19、岁月不居,天道酬勤。过去的一年里,我们历经风雨,尽管道路坎坷,尽管困难重重,但却成绩辉煌!新的一年又至,更需大家努力,携手共创奇迹!祝大家身体健康、阖家幸福、喜事多多、好运连连!
  • 20、朋友总是心连心,知心朋友值千金,灯光之下思贤友,小小短信传佳音,望友见讯如见人,时刻勿忘朋友心。

  • 21、Day give you warm, the month give you warm, the star give you romantic, give you fresh wind, the rain moist for you, give you a perfect snow, frost crystal clear to you, I give you blessings!
  • 22、Wish you are the wind, have hope; you are ready to ship, open the future waves; life is in front of a smile, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life. I wish you a good time.
  • 23、孤独就是,你宁愿自己舔伤,也不愿和别人多吐。
  • 24、Give you a first good luck message: received will come into a good fortune, readers will come ture, store will love sweet, forwarding will become rich, year after year to delete will be a lifetime thing.
  • 25、我一直在想第一个发现牛奶能喝的人对牛做了什么!
  • 26、兄弟姐妹是琴,演奏生命的美妙;兄弟姐妹是茶,品味一世的清香;兄弟姐妹是笔,写出生命一世的快乐。
  • 27、You and I listen to the new year's bell, like the breath of the ring, the dream of our common dream and the sincere love to be a sincere blessing to the new year.
  • 28、The world is too crowded and the space is empty. The noise of the city does not belong to the self. Think of you, the heart will be full. May my best friend be happy and happy every day!
  • 29、当人们还在温暖的梦乡甜蜜酣睡,你已经用勤劳开启了城市的黎明。感谢您环卫工人,祝你节日快乐!
  • 30、The earth knows firmamental sincerity, because of rain; the coast knows the sincerity of sea, because of tidal fondle; I know your sincerity, because of Xinyu transfer.

  • 31、朋友是梦相互惦念,朋友是金永远灿烂;朋友是缘一世相牵,朋友是路越走越走宽;朋友是福吉祥无边。
  • 我把成绩告诉妈妈了,妈妈气得伸手就要打我,我脑子一热和她击了个掌!
  • 32、我把成绩告诉妈妈了,妈妈气得伸手就要打我,我脑子一热和她击了个掌!
  • 33、Xinyu silent, but very sweet; the usual greetings, but very warm; friends trust, but the most sincere friendship; elegant, but most cherished friends: happy blessing! Have a great weekend!
  • 34、Wish you are the wind, have hope; you are ready to ship, open the future waves; life is in front of a smile, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life. I wish you a good time.
  • 35、我把成绩告诉妈妈了,妈妈气得伸手就要打我,我脑子一热和她击了个掌!
  • 36、The day gives you warm, the moon gives you warm, the star gives you romantic, the wind gives you refreshing, the rain gives you moisten, the snow gives you perfect, the frost gives you crystal clear, I give you the blessing!
  • 37、鲜花,为你此刻的荣耀绽放,掌声,为你此时的成功响起,过去的一年你终于画上了圆满的句号,新的一年里,愿你事业大踏步,业绩连连升,年终再次与成功会师!
  • 38、一声问候就是一段缘分的开始,一场相逢就是一篇美丽的传说,一次点击就是一部动听的神话,一段交流就是一首优美的旋律。
  • 39、好女人就像汽油,一旦拥有就有动力:坏女人就像气囊,一旦用上就有危机。
  • 40、形相随,依偎只是一时景,心相印,片刻已是千年情;愿真爱,天涯不变,朝暮在心;愿与你,轮回不忘,生死不弃,白首亦不离!

  • 41、执子之手,方知子丑,泪流满面,子不走我走。
  • 42、I wish you in the new year a bonanza, like cattle; the body as strong as a horse; love is sweet as milk; good luck much like the ox hair; cause steams like daniel.
  • 43、千山万水难送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康美丽常伴你,财神老爷看上你,金钱上亿跟着你,朋友时刻祝福你。
  • 44、你呀,以后过得幸福最好。要是过得不幸福,我怕我梦里都要笑出声。
  • 把生活酿成酒浆,用快乐作瓶,用微笑命名,用和谐构图,用舒畅着色,聘请看短信的你,做永远的品酒师。
  • 45、把生活酿成酒浆,用快乐作瓶,用微笑命名,用和谐构图,用舒畅着色,聘请看短信的你,做永远的品酒师。
  • 46、下雨天来到,请面带微笑,烦恼都冲跑,快乐身边绕,保持心情好,生活乐逍遥,短信送祝福,愿你天天开心,时时快乐,一生幸福。
  • 47、不是我没有悲伤,只是我善于遗忘。
  • 48、If you believe in life, then all the contingency is doomed. If you do not believe in life, then everything is doomed by chance.
  • 49、听说看武打片能减肥,因为里面经常说,你快受(瘦)死吧!
  • 50、社会是一部书,让我们刻苦地去攻读它,去领会它的深切含意,再去续写它的新篇。

  • 51、The world is too crowded and the space is empty. The noise of the city does not belong to the self. Think of you, the heart will be full. May my best friend be happy and happy every day!
  • 52、遇到你,是我一生的缘分;牵着你,是我一生的快乐;爱上你,是我一生的幸运。今生有你相伴,是我一生的幸福。