
  • 1、Never said they were together, but they were very close to each other in the cold war.
  • 2、从来没有表白说在一起,但却亲密冷战极像情侣。
  • 3、好酒红人面,财帛动人心。
  • 4、年轻时义无反顾地选择爱情,因为青春很短暂,这样的人生经历是面包无法替代的。
  • 5、为人何必争高下,一旦无命万事休。

    Really bad guys are not terrible, terrible is a false good man.
  • 6、Really bad guys are not terrible, terrible is a false good man.
  • 7、试金可以用火,试女人可以用金,试男人可以用女人。
  • 8、Physics fails. Normal. Do you need to think about air resistance when you jump?
  • 9、打铁要看火色,打虎要识虎性。
  • 10、你是我的不知所措,我却只是你的心不在焉。
  • 11、生活不会因为你是女生就对你笑脸相迎,即使作为一个女孩子,面包和爱情都需要努力争取。
  • 12、吃了人家的嘴短,拿了人家的手软。
  • 13、一个人能走多远,要看他有谁同行;一个人有多优秀,要看他有谁指点;一个人有多成功,要看他有谁相伴。
  • 14、被你深爱着的她 连撑把伞都像捧着一束玫瑰花。
  • 15、好脾气都是磨出来的,坏毛病都是惯出来的,治的了你脾气的是你爱的人,受的了你脾气的是爱你的人

  • 16、Calm look at life, quiet to do their own. Life is actually very simple, as long as we cherish a thankful heart, to return to society, stretched out his hands, do something to lift a finger, face life with a smile, and life will be more beautiful.
  • 17、人,长得漂亮不如活的漂亮。
  • 18、You can't put thorns in your flesh, you can't rub sand in your eyes.
  • 19、There is no absolute happiness in the world a happy marriage, happiness only comes from the infinite tolerance and mutual respect.
  • Everyone is born when the original, sadly, many people gradually became piracy.
  • 20、Everyone is born when the original, sadly, many people gradually became piracy.
  • 21、宁给好汉拉马,不给懒汉作爷。
  • 22、I like you more than anyone on earth.
  • 23、Praise us, praise us, this is not a teacher. We speak to instruct us, this is the mentor, we will progress with them.
  • 24、Don't care who's who and who's past, because what you want is his future.
  • 25、钱不能代替爱情,爱情也无法代替金钱,爱情加面包,才是完美的生活。

  • 26、物理不及格,正常,你跳楼还用得着思考空气阻力吗?
  • 27、世界上没有绝对幸福圆满的婚姻,幸福只是来自于无限的容忍与互相尊重。
  • 28、Be sure to learn English well, but English is definitely not the whole thing of your life.
  • 29、六月不热,五谷不结。
  • 30、There is a side effect of success, that is, the past approach to the same in the future.
  • 31、Don't dream of being the darling of the job fair, when you know that seventy percent of the junior high school students can go to college, you should understand that people don't go to the majority of a group.
  • 32、Wisdom comes from work and truth comes from practice.
  • 33、Buy when you buy, sell when you sell.
  • 无论爱情还是面包,任何选择,都是人生。
  • 34、无论爱情还是面包,任何选择,都是人生。
  • 35、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。

  • 36、英语一定要学好,但英语绝对不会是你生活的全部保障,所以多学点东西可能有时会救命的。
  • 37、永远扭曲别人善意的人,无药可救。
  • 38、Busy is a kind of happiness, let us no time to experience pain; rush is a kind of happiness, let us truly feel the life; fatigue is a kind of enjoyment, let us no time to empty.
  • 39、淡定看人生,宁静做自己。生活其实很简单,只要我们怀着一颗感恩的心,去回报于社会,伸出双手,做一些举手之劳之事,微笑着面对生活,而生活将更加美好。
  • 40、等我不在黏着你的时候,恭喜你,失去我了。
  • 41、In fact, the beauty of the people, but with their own love it.
  • 42、生活不会因为你是女生就对你笑脸相迎,即使作为一个女孩子,面包和爱情都需要努力争取。
  • 43、Hypocrisy is the love of the strong to the weak, and the last salute of the bad to the good.
  • 44、买时得买,卖时得卖。
  • 45、You can't put thorns in your flesh, you can't rub sand in your eyes.

  • 46、Brothers are like fathers and sisters-in-law are better than mothers.
  • 47、Anyone can become vicious, as long as you tried envy.
  • 你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞。可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你却给不到你想要的陪伴。
  • 48、你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞。可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你却给不到你想要的陪伴。
  • 49、你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞。可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你,却给不了你想要的陪伴。
  • 50、Hypocrisy is the love of the strong to the weak, and the last salute of the bad to the good.
  • 51、打虎要力,捉猴要智。
  • 52、You can't put thorns in your flesh, you can't rub sand in your eyes.
  • 53、Drops of water make rivers and grains make barrels.
  • 54、你爱我吗?已经爱到危险的程度了,危险到什么程度?已经不能一个人生活。
  • 55、不要因为自己的长相不如对方而放弃追求的打算,长相只是一时的印象,真正决定能否结合,主要取决于双方的性格,帅哥配丑女,美女配丑男的例子实在太多了。

  • 56、人生不仅需要爱情,还得要有面包。因为爱情只是一个奢侈品,不是每个人都一定要拥有。