

  • 2、我相信遇到我想你,有如果有一天,你选择放弃我,我不会在哭泣,而是更坚强的微笑。
  • 3、对一个人最好的放下就是无论再想念也不会去打扰
  • 4、I've waited all my life for your instant stare. The sun is fading.
  • 5、当我发现自己不爱你的时候突然开始深深的难过起来我细心照料的感情为什么一下就坍塌了
  • In order to meet a person and enter the world, people go to me, this body does not leave dust.
  • 6、In order to meet a person and enter the world, people go to me, this body does not leave dust.
  • 7、弹一曲高山流水,觅一知音,相携到老。和一支霓裳羽衣,愿得一人,描黛舞墨。
  • 8、愿得一心人,白首莫相离。
  • 9、前世与君相恨无相守,今生遍体鳞伤望相思。
  • 10、Since the emergence of the monarch, the mirror will not rule in the dark. Think of the gentleman as a running water, why is the end of the world?
  • 11、相恨不如潮有信,相思始觉海非深。

  • 12、谁人曾介意我也不好受。为我出头碰过我的手
  • 13、婚姻是两个人的舞蹈,绝不能凭一己之力。我们对婚姻的无奈,是因为需要对方的配合。婚姻最关键的是彼此需要为对方改变。我们无法控制多巴胺的分泌,但我们有选择的自由:爱或者不爱。
  • 14、Several plum rains and several tornadoes of lotus wind have made the south of the Yangtze River misty.
  • 15、人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景来。
  • 16、醉眼看别人成双作对,无人处暗弹相思泪。
  • 17、纵是年少风流可入画,却是自成风骨难笔拓。
  • 18、How long the road is, marriage is like grass, if one gets old, evening is good.
  • In the deep lane of Chang'an Old Dream, how long can the Zhu wall be whitewashed? Floating leaves wash away, cold and warm ups and downs only self-knowledge.
  • 19、In the deep lane of Chang'an Old Dream, how long can the Zhu wall be whitewashed? Floating leaves wash away, cold and warm ups and downs only self-knowledge.
  • 20、也许N年后莪们擦肩而过,彼此却不再回头。
  • 21、一寸相思,一寸灰,谁拿流年,乱了浮生。

  • 22、I give loneliness to the horizon, I leave the rest of my life behind.
  • 23、自君之出矣,明镜暗不治。思君如流水,何有穷已时。
  • 24、纵是年少风流可入画,却是自成风骨难笔拓。
  • 25、Enron spent a lifetime of spring and autumn. He knows all about himself.
  • 26、★毁于虚荣心的女性,比毁于爱情的还要多作者:德芳
  • 27、十年情思百年渡,不斩相思不忍顾。
  • 28、若以色见我。以音声求我。是人行邪道。不能见如来。
  • 29、How long the road is, marriage is like grass, if one gets old, evening is good.
  • 30、如果不懂就说出来,如果懂了,就笑笑别说出来。
  • 31、自君之出矣,明镜暗不治。思君如流水,何有穷已时。

  • 32、真正的喜欢上一个人的时候满心希望的想着美好的事,可时间却给你一个重重的巴掌打在希望上让你倍感绝望
  • 33、在最美的年龄为最纯真的梦做最大的努力
  • 34、Happy to know each other, unfortunate to stay together, the bright moon of the sea, everlasting.
  • 35、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。
  • 36、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。残阳退没。
  • 37、当我发现自己不爱你的时候突然开始深深的难过起来我细心照料的感情为什么一下就坍塌了
  • 38、有一美人兮,见之不忘。一日不见兮,思之如狂。
  • 39、流云千丈堪醉卧,是谁月下独酌,浮生谁能一笑过,明灭楼台上灯火。
  • 40、If you see me with color. Ask me with your voice. It's an evil way. You can't see the Tathagata.
  • 41、If there is an afterlife, I would like to be a tree, a leaf for the spirit, to peep through the autumn.

  • 42、我愿提笔画尽天下,许你一世繁华。
  • 43、Beautiful face. Immersed in the red dust, a wonderful book is difficult to write, a piece of miserable account.
  • 44、But time can't stay, people can't stay, they can't help it.
  • Holding hands, a lifetime of wind and frost, kiss eyes, give you a lifetime of affection.
  • 45、Holding hands, a lifetime of wind and frost, kiss eyes, give you a lifetime of affection.
  • 46、A Sichuan tobacco, full of wind, plum yellow when rain.
  • 47、我总是在想,我的记忆是不是活在长街的那头,而我的年轮死在长街的这头。
  • 48、对一个人最好的放下就是无论再想念也不会去打扰
  • 49、Ten miles of peach blossom, a paper away from the umbrella with a beautiful woman.
  • 50、几场梅雨,几卷荷风,江南已是烟水迷离。
  • 51、一花一世界,一叶一追寻,一曲一场叹,一生为一人。

  • 52、愿我来世,得菩提时。身如琉璃,内外明澈,净无瑕秽。