The words of kindness, the promises of kindness, are easy to say Only in times of trouble can we see the sincerity of our friends

  • 1、元旦到了,在这个特别的日子,一份真挚的祝福送给你,是一份难以抹去的回忆,一种无法忘怀的友谊,让祝福充满时空,元旦快乐。
  • 2、让夏雨带来一阵清凉,让清风带来一缕清新,经过一周的忙碌,现在让我们放下包袱,轻松陪伴你,祝你周末过得无比愉快!
  • 3、问候一声:周末好,愿凉爽的夏风吹走的是您的烦恼,带来的是一整个星期的好运。
  • 4、Sports like fungus grass, why suffer the fairy party to look。运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。
  • 5、在每天的清晨,我的祝福都会陪你慢慢醒来,慢慢实现,慢慢成功。祝你天天有个好心情!

  • 6、因考虑到过几天会有铺天盖地的祝福短信阻塞网络,有理想、有远见、且智慧过人的宇宙无敌超级大天才我,提前恭祝:元旦快乐!
  • 7、Off a year of hard work, another one ushered in the New Year, I wish you in the New Year, the future, the source of money widely enter!
  • 8、New Year new atmosphere, the Spring Festival to! A happy holiday! You would like to laugh, day inbe always happy and content as fascinating, seconds seconds of happiness。
  • 9、Who is miss you? Who CARES you? Who to you? Who needs you? Who love you most? Who is the most caring you? Who always bless you? Don't want to, in addition to me, who else?
  • 10、Exercise should always, adhere to, and machines, regular exercise did not rust。锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。
  • 11、新年祝福你,好运陪着你,财神跟着你,名车属于你,霉运躲着你,喜事围着你,我时时伴着你!
  • 12、新年只有一天,我们的友谊永存,敞开你的心扉,让我诚挚的友情,填满你美丽的心怀,祝你元旦快乐。
  • 13、And New Year, wishing you peace, erect and almost every year, the dream will come true in rich, brilliant career success, wish you always have a good year!
  • 14、欢欢喜喜迎新年,万事如意平安年,扬眉吐气顺心年,梦想成真发财年,事业辉煌成功年,祝君岁岁有好年!
  • 15、牵着你的手,一块奔腾,一起闯荡,我们的爱势不可挡;贴近你的心,时刻紧随,永远相映,我们的爱利可断金。

  • 16、Athletes have to line up in a circle around the playground, we only looked at them blankly。运动员们都要排队绕操场一圈,我们只有呆呆的看着他们。
  • 17、Off a year of hard work, another one ushered in the New Year, I wish you in the New Year, the future, the source of money widely enter!
  • 18、时光带不走情人的欢笑,往事冲不淡情人的回忆。人生漫漫,海角天涯,时时处处都有我的轻声问候。
  • 19、Water does not rot, a door hinge is never worm-eaten, moving also。流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。
  • 20、people are toughened by difficult experiences。 艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。
  • New Year new atmosphere, the Spring Festival to! A happy holiday! You would like to laugh, day inbe always happy and content as fascinating, seconds seconds of happiness。
  • 21、New Year new atmosphere, the Spring Festival to! A happy holiday! You would like to laugh, day inbe always happy and content as fascinating, seconds seconds of happiness。
  • 22、Time to take don't walk lover's laughter, the past does not water down the lover's memory。 Life is long, the cape tianya, everywhere have my greetings softly。
  • 23、Time like an arrow flies, and the New Year's day, ding so old awakening, the 2013 marched, carve out a career, to create brilliant performance。 I wish a happy New Year's day。
  • 24、可爱的你盗走我的情谊,偷走我的祝福,霸占我的思念,所以我决定到幸福法院起诉你,告你过于重情重义,罚你快乐一生,不得上诉。
  • 25、Star of little flashing fluorescence, surrounded colorful lai dream, blessing this year you promise to wish can achieve in front of you, I wish you joy of the festive season warm!

  • 26、元旦是新的一年的开头,祝愿你能有一个好的开头。元旦祝福你,生活圆圆满满,兜里装满人民币鼓得圆圆,祝你元旦快乐!
  • 27、As long as the movement forever, time is certainly not going away。只要运动永远存在,时间是一定不会消失的。
  • 28、因考虑到过几天会有铺天盖地的祝福短信阻塞网络,有理想、有远见、且智慧过人的宇宙无敌超级大天才我,提前恭祝:元旦快乐!
  • 29、A beautiful wish I wish you a happy New Year, send a wonderful feeling to wish you all in the year round, send a beautiful gift to wish you a sweet smile。
  • 30、Athletes have to line up in a circle around the playground, we only looked at them blankly。运动员们都要排队绕操场一圈,我们只有呆呆的看着他们。
  • 31、时间过得似箭快,一晃而过元旦来,鼎故辞旧喜迎春,二零一三阔步迈,开拓进取干事业,再铸辉煌佳业绩。祝元旦快乐。
  • 32、New Year's day happiness! I wish you: get rich on marlboro; Cause to hongta; Lover excel ashimar; Step revenue through greater China!
  • 33、Exercise should always, adhere to, and machines, regular exercise did not rust。锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。
  • 34、By considering a couple of days there will be a frenzy of blessing SMS blocking network, have ideal, have foresight and wisdom of the universe invincible super genius - I, early to wish you: happy New Year!
  • 35、In this quiet night, send you my warm wishes, bring my deep thoughts, I wash you with a blessing to the fatigue of the day, a good night take you into a wonderful dream!

    And New Year, wishing you peace, erect and almost every year, the dream will come true in rich, brilliant career success, wish you always have a good year!
  • 36、And New Year, wishing you peace, erect and almost every year, the dream will come true in rich, brilliant career success, wish you always have a good year!
  • 37、欢欢喜喜迎新年,万事如意平安年,扬眉吐气顺心年,梦想成真发财年,事业辉煌成功年,祝君岁岁有好年!
  • 38、The Olympic motto is "Higher, Faster, Stronger。" 奥林匹克的格言是更高,更快,更强。
  • 39、You are my deepest thoughts, you are my endless yearning, let the wind picked up my blessing。 Let the cloud bring my greetings: may I wish you a happy New Year!
  • 40、Summer swimming, winter running, year-round broadcast gymnastics。夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。
  • 41、新年祝福你,好运陪着你,财神跟着你,名车属于你,霉运躲着你,喜事围着你,我时时伴着你!
  • 42、Athletes who use your strength, use your spirit to open up, a part of your long-distance running world!运动健将们,用你的实力,用你的精神,去开拓出,一片属于你的长跑天地!
  • 43、因考虑到过几天会有铺天盖地的祝福短信阻塞网络,有理想、有远见、且智慧过人的宇宙无敌超级大天才我,提前恭祝:元旦快乐!
  • 44、这是郁金香的日子,也是你的日子。愿你年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁!
  • 45、This is the day of tulips, is also your day。 Wishing you luck this day every year, sweet!

  • 46、New Year's day is the beginning of the New Year, wish you can have a good beginning。 New Year's day wishes you life festive, a pocket full of the drum circle circle, I wish you a happy New Year's day!
  • 47、Let a cool summer rain to come, let the wind bring a breath of fresh, after a week of busy, now, let's put down the burden, easy to accompany you, wish you have a very pleasant weekend!
  • 48、New Year wishes good luck to you, with you, the god of wealth follow you, car belong to you, bad luck away from you, happy things around you, I always with you!
  • 49、新年新气象,新春节日到!节日快乐!愿你在2016年,天天开怀,时时快乐,分分精彩,秒秒幸福。
  • 50、New Year's day happiness! I wish you: get rich on marlboro; Cause to hongta; Lover excel ashimar; Step revenue through greater China!
  • New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。
  • 51、New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。
  • 52、Let a cool summer rain to come, let the wind bring a breath of fresh, after a week of busy, now, let's put down the burden, easy to accompany you, wish you have a very pleasant weekend!
  • 53、New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。
  • 54、你是我最深的思念,你是我无尽的挂牵,让风儿捎上我的祝福;让云儿带上我的问候:愿你度过一个幸福快乐的新年!
  • 55、New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。

  • 56、New Year's day is the beginning of the New Year, wish you can have a good beginning。 New Year's day wishes you life festive, a pocket full of the drum circle circle, I wish you a happy New Year's day!
  • 57、New Year's day is not a gift, the sealing message bless you! Happiness and happy longer with you, the god of wealth with you every day, money always stick together you, benefits to you all! Happy New Year!
  • 58、元旦到了,在这个特别的日子,一份真挚的祝福送给你,是一份难以抹去的回忆,一种无法忘怀的友谊,让祝福充满时空,元旦快乐。
  • 59、Holding your hand, a pentium, make together, our love is unstoppable; Close to your heart, and follow all the time, set each other off forever, our love can be broken gold。
  • 60、星空中点点闪烁的荧光,环绕着缤纷的绮丽梦想,祝福你今年许下的心愿,都能一一实现在你眼前,祝你佳节温馨喜悦!