
  • 1、要生活得漂亮,需要付出极大忍耐,一不抱怨,二不解释,绝对是个人才。
  • 2、People are always trying to get to treasure, and forgotten.

  • 3、To live well, requires too much patience, a don't complain, don't explain, is a talent.
  • 4、敏于观察,勤于思考,善于综合,勇于创新。
  • 5、骄傲,是断了引线的风筝,稍纵即逝;自卑,是剪了双翼的飞鸟,难上青天。这两者都是成才的大忌。
  • A man can easily learn to don't care, but learning to care about one hundred times the courage and effort.
  • 6、A man can easily learn to don't care, but learning to care about one hundred times the courage and effort.
  • 7、Should be decided, but delay a day to make a decision, may let enterprise in danger.
  • 8、女人的心慈手软,与男人的口是心非,成正比。
  • 9、I love sad tears, and the girl for the man.
  • 10、Winter has come, can spring be far behind?
  • 11、女人恋爱的时候就像与世隔绝般。
  • 12、Only difficult to make people show their true colors.

  • 13、When you feel the pain, just to learn something, study can make us slow pain.
  • 14、如果有一天你叫我,我没有回头,只有一个原因。我哭了。
  • 15、Clever young people thought, if has admitted to being admitted to truth, and makes the lose original self, this is the biggest mistake.
  • 16、People need not much, but want a lot.
  • 17、找不到答案的时候,就独自出去看一看这个世界。
  • 18、Don't put the love when the game, because I can't afford to play.
  • 19、就应当机立断,却延迟一天才做决定,可能让企业置身险境。
  • 没有什么比顺其自然更有超凡的力量。没有什么比顺乎本性更具有迷人的魔力。
  • 20、没有什么比顺其自然更有超凡的力量。没有什么比顺乎本性更具有迷人的魔力。
  • 21、Never frown, even when you are sad dark a face, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 22、也许时间是一种解药,也是我现在所服下的毒药。

  • 23、Light said don't do it, everything is lost; Every success for the added and dry.
  • 24、敏于观察,勤于思考,善于综合,勇于创新。
  • 25、要生活得漂亮,需要付出极大忍耐,一不抱怨,二不解释,绝对是个人才。
  • 26、I just come back each step of the road go well alone.
  • 27、做大官只为自己谋幸福,不如做大事为众人谋利益。
  • 28、Success, life is not to get a good CARDS, but how bad card play be good.
  • 29、Never do a career, not enough to be a good advisor.
  • 30、快乐的秘诀,不是做你喜欢的事,而是喜欢你做的事。
  • 31、When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever.
  • 32、If you look back, you will find someone still in situ waiting, waiting for a long time.

  • 33、Suffering is a stepping stone for genius, is a fortune for efficient, is an unfathomable abyss for the weak.
  • 只有困难才能使人显出自己的本色。
  • 34、只有困难才能使人显出自己的本色。
  • 35、Grateful to meet you. Even if no future, no later.
  • 36、Have skill you will take good care of yourself, otherwise it honestly let me to take care of you!
  • 37、只有困难才能使人显出自己的本色。
  • 38、不管你的想法是对是错,都不要强迫别人去接受。应试教育才那么做。
  • 39、也许时间是一种解药,也是我现在所服下的毒药。
  • 40、People are always trying to get to treasure, and forgotten.
  • 41、Encounter difficulties, I always strive to find clever way of thinking, a surprise.
  • 42、Clever young people thought, if has admitted to being admitted to truth, and makes the lose original self, this is the biggest mistake.

  • 43、The secret to happiness, not to do what you like, but like what you do.
  • 44、When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever.
  • 45、Has experienced the ups and downs of life, to enrich their experience, understand the true meaning of life.
  • 46、做大官只为自己谋幸福,不如做大事为众人谋利益。
  • 47、Suffering is a stepping stone for genius, is a fortune for efficient, is an unfathomable abyss for the weak.
  • 当你感到痛苦时,就去学习点什么吧,学习可以使我们减缓痛苦。
  • 48、当你感到痛苦时,就去学习点什么吧,学习可以使我们减缓痛苦。
  • 49、遇见你,感激。就算没有未来、没有以后。
  • 50、人生的成功,不在于拿到一幅好牌,而是怎样将坏牌打好。
  • 51、Good idea is to ten cents a dozen, truly priceless is to implement these ideas.
  • 52、There is nothing more extraordinary than let nature take its course. Nothing is more attractive than accord with the nature of magic.

  • 53、The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistake.
  • 54、遇见你,感激。就算没有未来、没有以后。
  • 55、Don't put the love when the game, because I can't afford to play.
  • 56、Should be decided, but delay a day to make a decision, may let enterprise in danger.