
  • 1、一个巴掌拍不响,我想和你拍拍手。一寸光阴一寸金,早点牵手早抓金。一个萝卜一个坑,天生和你是一双。一回相见二回熟,原来咱们五百年前是一家。坑挖好了,快跳下来吧。
  • 2、New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。
  • 3、想你时,你的影子是我的思念;寂寞时,你的影子是我的陪伴;相见时,你的影子占据我的视线;阳光里,你的影子是最美的画面。来吧,和影子谈场恋爱!
  • 4、一厢情愿叫苦念,两情相悦叫爱恋,三生定情叫誓言,四世同堂叫福缘,五福临门叫祝愿,六神无主叫思念,七上八下叫挂念,九垓八埏叫永远,愿你拥有十全十美的爱情,快乐幸福无边!
  • 5、元旦到了,在这个特别的日子,一份真挚的祝福送给你,是一份难以抹去的回忆,一种无法忘怀的友谊,让祝福充满时空,元旦快乐。
  • 灯耀人面夜如昼,烟花爆竹绽清流,龙腾狮舞闹上元,锣鼓喧天响宇宙,呼朋唤友结伴行,人潮涌动挤街头,彩灯谜语欢歌骤,春风邀君元宵游。元宵节快乐!
  • 6、灯耀人面夜如昼,烟花爆竹绽清流,龙腾狮舞闹上元,锣鼓喧天响宇宙,呼朋唤友结伴行,人潮涌动挤街头,彩灯谜语欢歌骤,春风邀君元宵游。元宵节快乐!
  • 7、Drive away the sadness of heart, bring sweet embrace; Expulsion of job is fatigue, let carefree to replace; Forget about the trouble of life, the good luck to spread。 I wishes for Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy, good dream!
  • 8、Who is miss you? Who CARES you? Who to you? Who needs you? Who love you most? Who is the most caring you? Who always bless you? Don't want to, in addition to me, who else?
  • 9、By considering a couple of days there will be a frenzy of blessing SMS blocking network, have ideal, have foresight and wisdom of the universe invincible super genius - I, early to wish you: happy New Year!
  • 10、Who is miss you? Who CARES you? Who to you? Who needs you? Who love you most? Who is the most caring you? Who always bless you? Don't want to, in addition to me, who else?

  • 11、思念随风而逝,想起你的容颜,惬意舒心,可是那些都已远去,你已不在陪伴我,偶尔一丝丝落寞泛起涟漪,很想说:没有你的生活,我会想起你。
  • 12、新年只有一天,我们的友谊永存,敞开你的心扉,让我诚挚的友情,填满你美丽的心怀,祝你元旦快乐。
  • 13、真爱就像公交,你等的那一趟总是不来,你不等的却总是接二连三;真爱就像打喷嚏,总是不经意间打出,刻意要打却总是打不出来。真爱可遇,真爱难求,敬请随缘!
  • 14、你的天真引起了我的注意,你的秀发勾去了我的眼光,你的美丽玉立是我丢魂落魄,你的善良柔情坚定了我对你爱的信念。爱你痴心不疑,非你不娶。
  • 15、秦时明月汉时关,嗑完瓜子吃汤圆。明月花灯影相连,口齿余味都是甜。听段相声看部片,一家团圆笑不断。衣食住行都喜庆,吃喝玩乐闹元宵。元宵快乐!
  • 16、探月卫星发射了,搭载猪八戒来到月球,和嫦娥妹妹幸福的生活在一起。海底蛟龙深潜了,留个位置给你,去寻找属于你的奇缘吧。记得短信常联系哟。
  • 17、Send you a love dumplings, the underlying life safe, middle endless blessing, filled with wealth geely, around the top covered with happy and happiness forever!
  • 18、生活百无聊赖,年龄增长太快;豆蔻年华不在,工作让人无奈;仪表真的很帅,不能不谈恋爱;环境如此之好,快去拍拖恋爱!
  • 19、正月十五月初圆,神州大地人人欢。鞭炮声声在耳畔,家人团聚品汤圆。珠圆玉润汤圆美,颗颗汤圆味道鲜。汤圆代表我心愿,全家幸福又平安。祝元宵节快乐无限!
  • 20、After the Lantern Festival, the friend go to school, especially on the arrival of the Lantern Festival write laugh in your face, put the blessing into your bag, happiness, coagulation in your eye, bring good luck in your side, from the Lantern Festival to

  • 21、你的微笑让我难以忘记,你的话语绕梁三日,你的浪漫印在了我的心上,你的温柔让我甜蜜,我要大声的告诉你:一生一世我都爱着你。
  • 22、New Year's day happiness! I wish you: get rich on marlboro; Cause to hongta; Lover excel ashimar; Step revenue through greater China!
  • 23、元旦到了,在这个特别的日子,一份真挚的祝福送给你,是一份难以抹去的回忆,一种无法忘怀的友谊,让祝福充满时空,元旦快乐。
  • 24、真爱就像公交,你等的那一趟总是不来,你不等的却总是接二连三;真爱就像打喷嚏,总是不经意间打出,刻意要打却总是打不出来。真爱可遇,真爱难求,敬请随缘!
  • 25、The fifteenth day of the moon is round, sincere blessing to send around; The fifteenth day of the glutinous sweet, I wish you the year of the rabbit is more rich; The fifteenth day of the show smiling face, happy long continous happiness; The fifteenth da
  • 26、The fifteenth day of the yuanxiao, round the moon light is your bright future and red show is popular in your life, the taste of delicious eat yuanxiao is happiness。 Happy Lantern Festival, a happy life, all good will belong to you。
  • 27、New Year new atmosphere, the Spring Festival to! A happy holiday! You would like to laugh, day inbe always happy and content as fascinating, seconds seconds of happiness。
  • 28、你的天真引起了我的注意,你的秀发勾去了我的眼光,你的美丽玉立是我丢魂落魄,你的善良柔情坚定了我对你爱的信念。爱你痴心不疑,非你不娶。
  • 29、俗话说少吃菜多吃饭,省下钱来谈恋爱为了能攒更多的钱,楼下超市的方便面已经因我而断货了,现在我已攒足了钱和勇气来向你表白:亲爱的MM,请接受我吧,快来给我做饭吧,我不会做饭啊!
  • 30、赶走心中的忧伤,把甜蜜来拥抱;驱逐工作的疲惫,让悠闲来替代;忘掉生活的烦恼,把好运来铺满。元宵佳节送上我的祝愿:愿你快乐不断,好梦连连!

  • 31、New Year's day is the beginning of the New Year, wish you can have a good beginning。 New Year's day wishes you life festive, a pocket full of the drum circle circle, I wish you a happy New Year's day!
  • 32、一生一世对你好,二人世界你我笑,三番五次对你说,六六大顺生活好,七七八八算盘打,九九归一结婚啦,看出来没?确实(缺四)对你好!
  • 33、Warlords bright moon when han guan, the melon seeds to eat dumplings。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet。 Listen to crosstalk watching movie, family were laughing。 Food and clothing live line is festival, beer and skittles yuanxiao。 Yuanx
  • 34、你是我最深的思念,你是我无尽的挂牵,让风儿捎上我的祝福;让云儿带上我的问候:愿你度过一个幸福快乐的新年!
  • 35、The fifteenth day of the yuanxiao, round the moon light is your bright future and red show is popular in your life, the taste of delicious eat yuanxiao is happiness。 Happy Lantern Festival, a happy life, all good will belong to you。
  • New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。
  • 36、New Year's day arrived, in this special day, a sincere blessing to you, is a difficult to erase the memory of, a kind of can't forget the friendship, let blessing with time and space, happy New Year's day。
  • 37、月到十五分外圆,元霄佳节盼团圆。爱人温柔把你粘,朋友心中常挂牵。家人呵护亲情暖,儿女可爱让人怜。心情愉悦乐相伴,贵人相助福无边。
  • 38、过了元宵节,朋友去上学,特在元宵节到来之际,把欢笑写在你的脸上,把祝福装进你的书包,把快乐凝在你的笔端,把幸运带在你的身边,从元宵节走向美好明天!
  • 39、探月卫星发射了,搭载猪八戒来到月球,和嫦娥妹妹幸福的生活在一起。海底蛟龙深潜了,留个位置给你,去寻找属于你的奇缘吧。记得短信常联系哟。
  • 40、月儿圆,花儿香,保重身体要健康;鱼儿游,鸟儿叫,愿你天天哈哈笑;手中书,杯中酒,祝你好运天天有!欢乐多,忧愁少,祝元宵快乐,烦恼跑掉!

  • 41、By considering a couple of days there will be a frenzy of blessing SMS blocking network, have ideal, have foresight and wisdom of the universe invincible super genius - I, early to wish you: happy New Year!
  • 42、新年只有一天,我们的友谊永存,敞开你的心扉,让我诚挚的友情,填满你美丽的心怀,祝你元旦快乐。
  • 43、想和你,凝视岁月,风雨飘摇的季节把烦忧湮灭;想与你,聆听自然,明月高悬的夜晚感受情缘;想随你,感悟世界,领略我心底爱情的炽烈;亲,真的爱你!
  • 44、月到十五分外圆,元霄佳节盼团圆。爱人温柔把你粘,朋友心中常挂牵。家人呵护亲情暖,儿女可爱让人怜。心情愉悦乐相伴,贵人相助福无边。
  • 45、Send you a love dumplings, the underlying life safe, middle endless blessing, filled with wealth geely, around the top covered with happy and happiness forever!
  • 46、托邱比特表达爱意吧,怕他射箭的时候你会怕疼,托月老吧,怕他的红线把你捆得不舒,托爱神吧,怕庞大的气势吓着你,还是我自己来表达吧,我爱你’。
  • 47、有个人时时关怀着你,有个人时时惦念着你。元宵节的灯火,是你含笑传情的眼睛。它缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。
  • 48、Infants round, the flowers, take good care of yourself to health; The fish to swim, birds call, wish you ha ha laugh every day; Hand book, cup of wine, I wish you good luck every day! More happy, less sad, happy yuanxiao, trouble run away!
  • 49、爱是天边的一抹云霞,爱是园中的一朵艳葩,爱是山间的溪流哗啦,爱是秋夜的雨滴沙沙。只要你真心寻她,她就会来到你的眼下;只要你真情待她,你就会获得真爱无涯!
  • 50、圣诞老人刚走,我就来了,你肯定猜不到吧,我是来排队祝你元旦快乐的!排队祝你新年快乐的人太多了,这年头赶个第一我容易嘛我!

  • 51、谁在想念你?谁在牵挂你?谁舍不得你?谁离不开你?谁最心疼你?谁最惦记你?谁总祝福你?不用想啦,除了我,还有谁?
  • 52、谁在想念你?谁在牵挂你?谁舍不得你?谁离不开你?谁最心疼你?谁最惦记你?谁总祝福你?不用想啦,除了我,还有谁?
  • 53、白白嫩嫩最香甜,滑柔圆润暖心间。晶莹剔透小圆球,蒸煮煎炸都飘香。人见人爱皆口馋,恋恋不舍回首看。只有宵节品味多,人人都伸拇指赞。
  • 54、By considering a couple of days there will be a frenzy of blessing SMS blocking network, have ideal, have foresight and wisdom of the universe invincible super genius - I, early to wish you: happy New Year!
  • 55、Month to 15 points circle, Lantern Festival reunion。 Love gentle stick you, friends always yearning heart。 Family care for the family warm, lovely children let people flow。 Happy happy companions, get unexpected help f。
  • 56、All be NenNen most sweet, smooth and soft and warm heart。 Glittering and translucent get rid of small balls, cooking Fried fragrance。 People see people love all mouth chan, reluctant to go back to see。 Only night festival taste, everybody the thumbs-up pr
  • 57、Warlords bright moon when han guan, the melon seeds to eat dumplings。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet。 Listen to crosstalk watching movie, family were laughing。 Food and clothing live line is festival, beer and skittles yuanxiao。 Yuanx
  • 58、灯耀人面夜如昼,烟花爆竹绽清流,龙腾狮舞闹上元,锣鼓喧天响宇宙,呼朋唤友结伴行,人潮涌动挤街头,彩灯谜语欢歌骤,春风邀君元宵游。元宵节快乐!
  • 59、New Year wishes good luck to you, with you, the god of wealth follow you, car belong to you, bad luck away from you, happy things around you, I always with you!