
  • 1、是谁把光阴剪成了烟花,一瞬间,看尽繁华。是谁把思念翻起了浪花,一转身,浪迹天涯。
  • 2、你生来应为高山,而非草莽。
  • 3、十里桃花倾君心,一纸离伞伴佳人。
  • 4、Past generations and monarchs hate each other, but this life is full of bruises and sorrows.
  • 5、无论你在哪里,在谁身边,我永远是那个最牵挂你的笨蛋。
  • 愿你安然羽翼丰满,我等你等至,你我成婚的夏天。


  • 7、How to distinguish the remnant moon or night blossom?
  • 8、执子之手,共你一世风霜,吻子之眸,赠你一世深情。
  • 9、即使生命如尘,仍愿岁月如歌。
  • 10、Ten years of love and a hundred years of crossing, do not cut Acacia can not bear to ignore.
  • 11、空枝余一抹白无暇,怎辨识残月或夜华。
  • 12、人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景来。
  • 13、Flourishing, looking for an unmanned valley, building a wooden hut, paving a bluestone path, with you in the morning and evening drum, in peace.
  • 14、In the deep lane of Chang'an Old Dream, how long can the Zhu wall be whitewashed? Floating leaves wash away, cold and warm ups and downs only self-knowledge.
  • 15、If you see me with color. Ask me with your voice. It's an evil way. You can't see the Tathagata.
  • 16、If there is an afterlife, I would like to be a tree, a leaf for the spirit, to peep through the autumn.

  • 17、会有蚊子替我爱你。
  • 18、长路多萧萧,姻缘如介草,若得一人老,朝朝暮暮好。
  • 19、Always in an inadvertent year. Looking back on the other side. Even if the scene is long.
  • Time did not stop. You forgot to take me with you.
  • 20、Time did not stop. You forgot to take me with you.
  • 21、纵是年少风流可入画,却是自成风骨难笔拓。
  • 22、长路多萧萧,姻缘如介草,若得一人老,朝朝暮暮好。
  • 23、多想跨过山和大海,去拥抱你,而不是拿着手机说想你。
  • 24、君生我未生,我生君已老。
  • 25、来者要惜,去者要放。人生是一场旅行,不是所有人都会去向同一个地方。
  • 26、Begin to miss, that once held in the hands of the bleak years, and that a brilliant River and lake.

  • 27、Walking together is fate, walking together is happiness.
  • 28、Think of the world, no landing; see all kinds of red and purple, grey in the eye.
  • 29、Happy to know each other, unfortunate to stay together, the bright moon of the sea, everlasting.
  • 30、想人间婆娑,全无着落;看万般红紫,过眼成灰。
  • 31、One flower, one world, one leaf, one sigh, one life.
  • 32、Since the emergence of the monarch, the mirror will not rule in the dark. Think of the gentleman as a running water, why is the end of the world?
  • 33、I've waited all my life for your instant stare. The sun is fading.
  • 茶山下转身,竹海旁回眸,便是我的整个青春。
  • 34、茶山下转身,竹海旁回眸,便是我的整个青春。
  • 35、An inch of acacia, an inch of ash, who took fleeting years, chaotic floating life.
  • 36、Ten years of love and a hundred years of crossing, do not cut Acacia can not bear to ignore.

  • 37、我是个固执的人,从不愿挪动原则半分,可你来了之后,我的原则就成了你。
  • 38、十年情思百年渡,不斩相思不忍顾。
  • 39、别把你的小朋友弄丢了,别人捡到是不会还的。
  • 40、我爱你,就像我去超市买水,在众多的饮料中犹豫不决,我还是选我爱喝的矿泉水,不管外面遇到多少人,绕了多少个弯,我心底还是你。
  • 41、In order to meet a person and enter the world, people go to me, this body does not leave dust.
  • 42、却是时光留人不住,人不能留,情不能已。
  • 43、静水流深,沧笙踏歌;三生阴晴圆缺,一朝悲欢离合。
  • 44、遇见你以后,理想不再是骑马喝酒去天涯,而是再晚我也要回家。
  • 45、休迅飞凫,飘忽若神,陵波微步,罗袜生尘。动无常则,若危若安。进止难期,若往若还。转眄流精,光润玉颜。含辞未吐,气若幽兰。华容婀娜,令我忘餐。
  • 46、我曾经年少轻狂,莽撞到视死如归,却因为遇到你,突然开始渴望长命百岁!

  • 47、妳的眼睛在閃光燈下折射璀璨的光,唯壹想到的詞是流光溢彩。
  • 你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌洛城东。
  • 48、你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌洛城东。
  • 49、风吹过重门,深庭院幽冷,一纸红笺,约下累世缘分。
  • 50、一花一世界,一叶一追寻,一曲一场叹,一生为一人。
  • 51、An inch of acacia, an inch of ash, who took fleeting years, chaotic floating life.
  • 52、In order to meet a person and enter the world, people go to me, this body does not leave dust.
  • 53、几场梅雨,几卷荷风,江南已是烟水迷离。
  • 54、是谁把光阴剪成了烟花,一瞬间,看尽繁华。是谁把思念翻起了浪花,一转身,浪迹天涯。
  • 55、无论你在哪里,在谁身边,我永远是那个最牵挂你的笨蛋。