
    1、Jake Sully:Easy、Easy、、、

  • 2、科学改变世界,也包括我!
  • 3、[奈缇丽丢下他就走,杰克跟着她]
  • 4、Neytiri:First flight seals the bond、You cannot wait、
  • 5、Dr、Max Patel:Jake!Listen to me!You're not used to your avatar body、This is dangerous!
  • Col、Quaritch:That is one big damn tree!
  • 6、Col、Quaritch:That is one big damn tree!
  • 7、Even as a boy I knew what I was,what I had to become、、、
  • 8、That's why I'm going to be the first、
  • 9、It taught me what a Viking could do,Gobber、
  • 10、Neytiri:All this is your fault、They did not need to die、
  • 11、Jake Sully:That was pretty impressive、I would have been screwed if you hadn't come along、

  • 12、Well,they need toothpicks,don't they?
  • 13、You seriously think I'm a cop?Cop in a skin-tight red-and-blue suit?Youknow,you're、、、you've got a mind of the true scholar,sir、、
  • 14、You see,most places have mice or mosquitoes、
  • 15、And you know what happened?
  • 16、杰克•萨利:好吧,对不起,我对我的行为感到抱歉
  • 17、Dr、Grace Augustine:[to Wainfleet]Stay with the ship、One idiot with a gun is enough、
  • 杰克•萨利:我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错?
  • 18、杰克•萨利:我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错?
  • 19、Jake Sully:Yeah,why save me?
  • 20、That's Stoick the Vast,Chief of the tribe、
  • 21、Don't make promise you can't keep、But those are the best kind、

  • 22、Jake Sully:[Making a video log]Do I have to do this now?
  • 23、杰克•萨利:别激动别激动
  • 24、Dr、Grace Augustine:Just relax and let your mind go blank、That shouldn't be too hard for you、
  • 25、杰克•萨利:我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错?
  • 26、杰克•萨利:你真的很厉害,如果你不来我可能已经死了。
  • 27、[奈缇丽丢下他就走,杰克跟着她]
  • 28、If you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation todo those things、That's what's at stake here、Not choice、Responsibility、
  • 29、科学改变世界,也包括我!
  • I have been his apprentice ever since I was little、
  • 30、I have been his apprentice ever since I was little、
  • 31、Do I believe it?Yes,I do、

  • 32、Jake Sully:Fine、If you loved your little forest friends、、、why not let them kill me?What's the thinking?
  • 33、杰克•萨利:我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错?
  • 34、Jake Sully:Well,if I'm like a child,then maybe you should teach me、
  • 35、I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace、Sooner or later though,you always have to wake up、
  • 36、如果有人命中注定要成就伟大,那孩子,这个人是你。
  • 37、Do I believe it?Yes,I do、
  • 38、杰克•萨利:好,好吧,如果你那么喜欢你的那些森林朋友,你为什么不让它们杀了我?你是怎么想的?
  • 39、Neytiri:You are Omaticaya now、You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree、And you may choose a woman、We have many fine women、Ninat is the best singer、
  • 40、Jake Sully:Look,I know you probably don't undertstand this、、、but,thank you、
  • 41、你爸爸常说,当一个人有能力帮助别人时,那他就一定要去做。

    Jake Sully:Easy、Easy、、、
  • 42、Jake Sully:Easy、Easy、、、
  • 43、杰克•萨利:好,好吧,如果你那么喜欢你的那些森林朋友,你为什么不让它们杀了我?你是怎么想的?
  • 44、Jake Sully:One life ends,another begins、
  • 45、Neytiri:Your fault!Your fault、
  • 46、Neytiri:Why save you?
  • 47、杰克•萨利:别激动别激动
  • 48、Great name,I know、But it's not the worst、
  • 49、The only problems are the pests、
  • 50、杰克•萨利:如果我是一个孩子,你应该管教我。