You, the person I love most in my life; you, the person I want most in my life; you, the person I've been waiting for in my life; you, the only one in my life
2023-05-13 04:12:34
1、卑微的向你乞讨所谓浪漫的爱情,你却无私的奉献了你所谓高尚的友情。 2、I want to take a love, love the piercing, love with vigour and vitality. 3、我也曾满腔热血的陪在你身边,只是后来再没那种执着和必要。 4、Why so good to me, let I didn't even have to betray your right. 5、晚日照空矶,采莲承晚晖。风起湖难渡,莲多采未稀。棹动芙蓉落,船移白鹭飞。荷丝傍绕腕,菱角远牵衣。萧纲《采莲曲》 6、I'm just sorry, I can no longer induction the warmth of you! 7、I think you are cold, until you see another person being. 8、如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 9、没人能取代记忆中的你,和那段青春岁月。 10、我也曾满腔热血的陪在你身边,只是后来再没那种执着和必要。 11、You give the injury, even a smile can not hide. 12、Life the most painful is: knowing that want to lose, but haven't occurred. 13、小时候觉得悲伤很酷,听催泪的情歌,写决绝的字句,生怕自己看起来没情绪。现在想来,当时真是多虑了,人生的疾苦都会在未来的路上埋伏好等你出现,一样也不会少你的,一样你都躲不掉。 14、红白莲花开共塘,两般颜色一般香。恰似汉殿三千女,半是浓妆半淡妆。杨万里《红白莲》 15、终于明白要寻找的那个人是谁时,回首灯火阑珊处,却已空无一人。 16、I miss you not because, just because think you just lonesome. 17、两个人在一起久了就不是爱了,而是依赖。 18、I know that miss in my heart, is my fetters. 19、浮香绕曲岸,圆影覆华池。常恐秋风早,飘零君不知。卢照邻《曲池荷》 20、红粉靓梳妆,翠盖低风雨。占断人间六月凉,期月鸳鸯浦。根底藕丝长,花里莲心苦。只为风流有许愁,更衬佳人步。辛弃疾《卜算子(荷花)》 21、可以悲哀,但别秀幸福,可以无言,但别说前路艰苦! 22、涉江玩秋水,爱此红蕖鲜。攀荷弄其珠,荡漾不成圆。佳人彩云里,欲赠隔远天。相思无因见,怅望凉风前。李白《折荷有赠》 23、Perhaps, should not go with those who have not, I should thank you, met you. 24、Two people together for a long time is not love, but rely on. 25、绿塘摇艳接星津,轧轧兰桡入白萍。应为洛神波上袜,至今莲蕊有香尘。温庭筠《莲》 26、Jealous, because love you. Angry because CARES about you. 27、我的思念在远方,谁能代替我收藏。 28、能力就像一张支票,除非把它兑成现金,否则毫无价值! 29、船动湖光滟滟秋,贪看年少信船流。无端隔水抛莲子,遥被人知半日羞。皇甫松《采莲子》 30、One day, you will be the world edges removed, you can unplug thorns, you will learn to smile to hate people. 31、Jealous, because love you. Angry because CARES about you. 32、你是我最不想见到的人,却是我天天想念的人。 33、总有一天,你的棱角会被世界磨平,你会拔掉身上的刺,你会学着对讨厌的人微笑。 34、我以为你生性冷淡,直到看到你对另一个人嘘寒问暖。 35、Everyone have to wipe the tears, that is not bitter suffering heart know. 36、是我错的太离谱,还是现实颠倒了黑白。 37、夜深庭院寂无声,明月流空万影横。坐对荷花两三朵,红衣落尽秋风生。赵雍《秋初夜坐》 38、我的思念在远方,谁能代替我收藏。 39、锦带杂花钿。罗衣垂绿川。问子今何去。出采江南莲。辽西三千里。欲寄无因缘。愿君早旋返。及此荷花鲜。吴均《采莲曲》 40、你为了一个美丽的未来,放弃了我们温暖的现在。 41、Why so good to me, let I didn't even have to betray your right. 42、Most want to shed tears when the things happen, died holding a tear is not willing to drop. 43、我知道我心中的那份想念,是我的羁绊。 44、Don't be angry, don't despair, don't was ecstatic, everything will be past. 45、Waiting for your concern, wait until I shut the heart. 46、涉江玩秋水,爱此红蕖鲜。攀荷弄其珠,荡漾不成圆。佳人彩云里,欲赠隔远天。相思无因见,怅望凉风前。李白《折荷有赠》 47、My illness is a person's name, my life is also a person's name. 48、多数的错失,是因为不坚持,不努力,不挽留,然后催眠自己说一切都是命运。 49、不要生气,不要失望,不要欣喜若狂,一切都会过去。 50、Have your day, I remember all. 51、Why so good to me, let I didn't even have to betray your right. 52、My missing in the distance, who can take the place of my collection.