Stealth is not don't want to meet, but afraid you turn a blind eye

  • 1、我有个好朋友叫影子,它陪我哭陪我笑陪我一起闹,最重要的是它从来都不离开我。
  • 2、时间不是让人忘记了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。
  • 3、我知道就算我们重新认识几百遍你都不会喜欢我。
  • 4、当被一个人忽略的时候,不要伤心,每个人都有自己的生活,谁都不可能一直陪你。
  • 5、每个人都是大海里的一条鱼,他们横跨一整个大海,为了相遇。
  • 我爱爱我的人。
  • 6、我爱爱我的人。
  • 7、I saw my reflection in the water, my blurred face, my fragmented appearance.
  • 8、The love is so hurt, is harder than imagined.
  • 9、Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。

  • 10、快乐不意味着没有分歧,而是有能力解决分歧。
  • 11、Control your tears and don't let grief infect others.
  • 12、Do not easily say love, the promise is a debt owed.
  • 13、时间不是让人忘记了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。
  • 14、有一种踏实,是你心中有我名字。
  • 15、Reluctant to lose residual temperature, forgetting the scar is still in pain。
  • 16、I always put you seriously as a kind of joke。 Because I was afraid of losing nothing。
  • 17、The reason why people can, is to believe that.
  • 18、你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。
  • 对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。


  • 20、不是每个人都适合跟你白头到老。
  • 21、只要你爱我就好。
  • 22、如果你不那么冷漠,我们凭什么要错过。
  • 23、只有在开始下雪时才会想念阳光。
  • 24、总有一天你会明白,人首先要爱自己。
  • 25、Birds are beautiful in feathers, and people are beautiful in diligence.
  • 26、The love is so hurt, is harder than imagined.
  • 27、Pour all the hope to do something, the failure will be desperate.
  • 28、在你之前不曾有,在你之后不再有。
  • 29、Tears, tears are my experience, the taste of growth; tears, tears flowing through countless nights, the taste of heartache.

  • 30、Please send me to stay in the best time。
  • 31、我会把孤独喂饱,再来温暖迩。
  • 等待,是一生最初的苍老。有些事一转身就一辈子。
  • 32、等待,是一生最初的苍老。有些事一转身就一辈子。
  • 33、Youth bumpy twists and turns, one of the biggest stumbling block is love.
  • 34、总有一天你会明白,人首先要爱自己。
  • 35、Time is we do not come loose。
  • 36、有些事,一转身就一辈子。有些人,一转身就再也见不到。
  • 37、习惯寂寞,选择一个人生活。
  • 38、You say, is not each seriously to love the people, are so silly?
  • 39、Someday you will understand,were the first to love yourself。

  • 40、公子不必觉得愧疚,怎么说也该谢谢你,好歹赠我一场空欢喜。
  • 41、不是每个人都适合跟你白头到老。
  • 42、思念成疾,体验到了一日不见,如隔三秋之感。
  • 43、Pour all the hope to do something, the failure will be desperate.
  • 44、Sun in the sun's memory, the original is my imagination of love.
  • I'm afraid it's too early to meet you.
  • 45、I'm afraid it's too early to meet you.
  • 46、My hand not forget the temperature of your hand。
  • 47、时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。
  • 48、曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。
  • 49、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air。

  • 50、完美的故事,却化做眼泪为结局。
  • 51、You say, is not each seriously to love the people, are so silly?
  • 52、The story continues, but we more walk more far.
  • 53、We will never in contact with each other。