
  • 1、一场秋雨助凄凉,对酒当歌别离难。西窗红烛照无眠,杏手低眉续续弹。亲爱的,想你了。远方的你请为我好好保重,我的心永远追随着你。
  • 2、You are my joy, have you no worries forever; You are my heart good, you are the world is full of laughter; You happy is my date, you have a sweet taste。 But let this life accompany with you old!
  • 3、听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选了。
  • 4、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 5、有天如果我不能替你撑伞那我就陪你淋雨。
  • Continuous rain, yiyi, every day miss you; Month now, feeling deeply, love true to you; Day light light blue, feeling well, everything。 Let my thoughts bring you endless happiness!

    6、Continuous rain, yiyi, every day miss you; Month now, feeling deeply, love true to you; Day light light blue, feeling well, everything。 Let my thoughts bring you endless happiness!

  • 7、思念是午夜里的咖啡,让人无法入眠;思念是夏日里的凉风,让人无比留恋;思念是炒菜的盐,多了便难以下咽;思念是因为爱,才会如此沦陷!
  • 8、爱情就像烟花的绽放,再美丽也是一瞬间的华彩。
  • 9、我想是你的化妆镜,天天可以看见你的脸,我想是你的棉被,可以天天晚上抱着你,我想是你的益达,可以天天亲吻你的唇,亲爱的,想你了。
  • 10、千万不要在一棵树上吊死,要在周围几棵树上多吊死几次试试。
  • 11、Acacia in according with colchicine, is the most unforgettable heart pounding; Not economist GanReNao, only love too beautiful; Give me the joy and suffering, I use the truth to smile; This life the fate has come, and love you whole life the most proud。
  • 12、让一个男人哭了,没错你赢了,但是你玩大了。
  • 13、人生注定忙忙碌碌,日子也是酸酸甜甜,问候虽然简简单单,友情绝对真真切切,联系可能断断续续,祝福却是时时刻刻,元宵节祝你快乐每一天!
  • 14、一场秋雨助凄凉,对酒当歌别离难。西窗红烛照无眠,杏手低眉续续弹。亲爱的,想你了。远方的你请为我好好保重,我的心永远追随着你。
  • 15、你存在,我昨天的熬夜里,我的夜里,我的梦里,我的通宵里。再见,我的暑假。
  • 16、我一定要在你平庸无奇的人生里,做一个闪闪发光的神经病。

  • 17、古人云:你二或者不二,二就在那里,不三不四。
  • 18、带我长发及腰,蹲坑一定要撩,蹲坑如果不撩,发梢味道定骚。
  • 19、上学就是,不去老师不爽,去了自己不爽。
  • Missing is the coffee in the midnight, let a person can't sleep; Missing is the cool in the summer, let a person very want to stay; Missing is cooking salt, much to swallow; Because of love, missing is so fall!
  • 20、Missing is the coffee in the midnight, let a person can't sleep; Missing is the cool in the summer, let a person very want to stay; Missing is cooking salt, much to swallow; Because of love, missing is so fall!
  • 21、带我长发及腰,蹲坑一定要撩,蹲坑如果不撩,发梢味道定骚。
  • 22、说真的,每次遇到那种不是很好使的感应水龙头,都感觉自己好像要饭的。
  • 23、让一个男人哭了,没错你赢了,但是你玩大了。
  • 24、我要多念一点书,哪怕以后当流氓,那咱也是有文化的流氓。
  • 25、天上月儿圆,地上人团圆。祝福送大家,美梦一信牵。元宵佳节到,良宵美景贺团圆!
  • 26、让一个男人哭了,没错你赢了,但是你玩大了。

  • 27、Missing is the coffee in the midnight, let a person can't sleep; Missing is the cool in the summer, let a person very want to stay; Missing is cooking salt, much to swallow; Because of love, missing is so fall!
  • 28、Spending a reunion, group of light bloom your most "good"。 Send acacia and wishes, the net love to dream "circle"。
  • 29、累了就停下来,我的肩膀在等待;委屈了就让泪水落下来,我的胸膛在守候。宝贝,玫瑰情人节,除了玫瑰,还想送你一生一世的爱。
  • 30、理想和现实总是有差距的,幸好还有差距,不然,谁还稀罕理想?
  • 31、在学校里找得到闺蜜,找得到某些人,老师不用找了,就在你后面。
  • 32、Tired is stopped, waiting for my shoulder; Injustice, let the tears fall down, I in the chest in waiting for you。 Baby, roses on valentine's day, in addition to roses, also want to give you your love of life。
  • 33、如果没有那些愚蠢的女人,生活将会变得更愚蠢。
  • At night, you in my dream; During the day, you are in my heart; Together, you in my eyes; In the separation, when I miss you。 Dear, have you every day, every minute he never forgot about it。
  • 34、At night, you in my dream; During the day, you are in my heart; Together, you in my eyes; In the separation, when I miss you。 Dear, have you every day, every minute he never forgot about it。
  • 35、Missing is the coffee in the midnight, let a person can't sleep; Missing is the cool in the summer, let a person very want to stay; Missing is cooking salt, much to swallow; Because of love, missing is so fall!
  • 36、你存在,我昨天的熬夜里,我的夜里,我的梦里,我的通宵里。再见,我的暑假。

  • 37、A round dumplings, give to you; A heart, round, to you; A round the truth, sent to you; A round wishes, to you, wish you: happy Lantern Festival!
  • 38、Acacia in according with colchicine, is the most unforgettable heart pounding; Not economist GanReNao, only love too beautiful; Give me the joy and suffering, I use the truth to smile; This life the fate has come, and love you whole life the most proud。
  • 39、上帝会把我们身边最好的东西拿走,以提醒我们不要得到的太多。
  • 40、我愿为增添你的幸福而奔跑,愿为你的快乐而操劳。你的微笑才是我的珍宝,你的满足才是我的美好。亲爱的,愿你开心!
  • 41、我一直相信小黄人是海绵宝宝的远方亲戚,只不过一个是圆的一个是方的,一个穿吊带一个穿西装。
  • 42、累了就停下来,我的肩膀在等待;委屈了就让泪水落下来,我的胸膛在守候。宝贝,玫瑰情人节,除了玫瑰,还想送你一生一世的爱。
  • 43、我慢慢发现,人才是妖精有些妖精吃人,但人什么都吃,逮着一只妖精没准也能烧烤了。
  • 44、你是圆心,我绕你歌唱;你是风筝,我陪你飞翔;你是土地,我给你小雨。我是你的小爱巢,你是我的小小鸟,相亲相爱,与子偕老!
  • 45、元宵佳节闹花灯,灯红人喜庆佳节。举杯邀月送相思,月圆人圆乐团圆!
  • 46、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

  • 47、我愿为增添你的幸福而奔跑,愿为你的快乐而操劳。你的微笑才是我的珍宝,你的满足才是我的美好。亲爱的,愿你开心!
  • 不是我不叠被子,主要是我恋旧,就是喜欢睡前一天睡过的被窝。非逼我把这个生活习惯问题上升到人格修养上来。
  • 48、不是我不叠被子,主要是我恋旧,就是喜欢睡前一天睡过的被窝。非逼我把这个生活习惯问题上升到人格修养上来。
  • 49、作业复作业,作业何其多。我生写作业,万事成蹉跎。世人苦被作业累,春去秋来老将至。
  • 50、喜迎元宵,送您一轮圆月!寄去祝愿,明月生辉度佳节!愿新的一年里,事事顺心!但愿人长久,千里共婵娟!
  • 51、我一直相信小黄人是海绵宝宝的远方亲戚,只不过一个是圆的一个是方的,一个穿吊带一个穿西装。
  • 52、跟你很熟吗?没事弹个视频,你当是你家电视啊,一按就出人。
  • 53、You are the center of the circle, I around you sing; You are a kite, I accompany you to fly; You are my land, light rain for you。 I am your little love mew, you are my little bird, love each other, and son xielao!
  • 54、古人云:你二或者不二,二就在那里,不三不四。
  • 55、Will love rest assured the bottom, the predestination cherish; Will be thinking of hidden in the heart, brewing fragrant memory。 Sleepless night is a song, sweet melody, the unending yearning to prove that the magic of love, miss you!
  • 56、千万不要在一棵树上吊死,要在周围几棵树上多吊死几次试试。

  • 57、快乐不是问题,问题是我快乐着你的快乐;想你不是问题,问题是你不知道我在想你;问候不是问题,问题是每次问候,你是否都快乐如意?勿相忘,多联系!