
  • 1、The reason why people can, is to believe in power.
  • 2、Books are ships that cross the sea of time.
  • 3、There is a expected life. The taste of food at the moment.
  • 4、Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from ordinary.
  • 5、I don't know how to win or lose without fighting.
  • Failure is something that should never be a man.
  • 6、Failure is something that should never be a man.
  • 7、Dearly beloved, you have me, I have you, the original, a person to eat no two people eat happy.
  • 8、有多大的思想,才有多大的能量。
  • 9、When I think of you, I am a little happy, a little sad about happiness.

  • 10、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。
  • 11、木尺虽短,能量千丈。
  • 12、One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you get your real happiness, you will understand that the pain is actually a treasure, which enables you to learn to better grasp and cherish the people you love.
  • 13、Don't be afraid to fail in learning, just be afraid to be sincere.
  • 14、I do not know love you, is not a good reason.
  • 15、在雨夜里思念的远方的人以及往日种种情怀一同复活了起来。
  • 16、I like to look to my eyes when I look elsewhere.
  • 17、第一千次摔倒了,就第一千零一次爬起来。
  • 18、There will be at least one time in your life that you forget yourself for someone, no result, no company, no ownership, no love for you. I just want to meet you in my most beautiful years.
  • 19、你不是小竹竿吗,三十年前你不到一百磅,今天好像不止一百公斤啊。《富贵再三逼人》

  • 20、走过一些漫不经心,方知人生容不得放任。
  • 21、这不在于我爱你多少,而是我能忍多少。《二次曝光》
  • 22、Are you tired of escaping? Afraid to face up to your nature?
  • 23、There were so many towns in the world, there were so many pubs in the town that she walked into me.
  • 24、不知道爱你算不算是一个贴心的理由。
  • 25、A love that is not accepted is not sad, but time, a time that can be used to forget. A deeply injured heart needs not sympathy but understanding.
  • 26、Piff is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.
  • 27、性格决定命运,选择改变人生。
  • 28、大师老跟丹哥讲,羽毛球的精妙之处就在那一刹,不停地追,不停地追,一定可以反败为胜。《全力扣杀》
  • 29、The mountains are climbed up step by step, and the boats are rolled out one by one.

  • 30、青春日让人想念,却再也无法得到。
  • 31、Can reflect on, can not regret, because that will not help.
  • 32、那些没有消灭你的东西,会使你变得更强壮。
  • 33、Speaking is better than seeing, hearing is better than seeing.
  • I don't need to attend every important moment of your life. I just know that every important moment you have me in your heart.
  • 34、I don't need to attend every important moment of your life. I just know that every important moment you have me in your heart.
  • 35、Life is a flight. You can't wait to die.
  • 36、只有上不去的天,没有过不去的山。
  • 37、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。《卡萨布兰卡》
  • 38、知不足者好学,耻下问者自满。
  • 39、Piff is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

  • 40、丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。
  • 41、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。
  • 42、口说不如身到,耳闻不如目睹。
  • 43、如果我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?《花样年华》
  • 44、Your mother has been to many places. And this hobby! Only filming the bed so abnormal!
  • 45、Abandoned the bird's petty aspirations, Mu Hongli and Gaoxiang.
  • 46、Your mother has been to many places. And this hobby! Only filming the bed so abnormal!
  • 47、我左青龙,右白虎,老牛在腰间,龙头在胸口,人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛!《唐伯虎点秋香》
  • My dream of love is in close proximity.
  • 48、My dream of love is in close proximity.
  • 49、宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。

  • 50、如果我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?《花样年华》
  • 51、If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.
  • 52、爱一个人很苦,我却不停付出;爱一个人很累,我却沉迷相思;爱一个人很傻,我却执迷不悟。
  • 53、悟空,你又顽皮了,怎么能这样跟观音姐姐说话呢?《大话西游》
  • 54、失败的是事,绝不应是人。
  • 55、My dream of love is in close proximity.
  • 56、花从箧里发,叶向手中春。《立春》
  • 57、I would rather laugh and cry than regret.