
  • 1、那些没有消灭你的东西,会使你变得更强壮。
  • 2、如果你把金钱当成上帝,它便会像魔鬼一样折磨你。
  • 3、Birds want to fly high, but people want to go ahead and read first.
  • 4、再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。
  • 5、Don't give up your dream when you can.
  • 不要满足于眼前的小成就。问问自己:我这辈子就这样了吗?


  • 7、The pseudo style of genre is intimate with elegance, and the teacher who benefits more is your teacher.
  • 8、只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。
  • 9、在一个崇高的目标支持下,不停地工作,即使慢,也一定会获得成功。
  • 10、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。
  • 11、There is a expected life. The taste of food at the moment.
  • 12、As long as the number of stand up more than the number of times, it is successful.
  • 13、没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。
  • 14、Dared not country, things will still be found.
  • 15、If you are brave, you are your best friend.
  • 16、The darkness will pass and the dawn will come.

  • 17、The reason why people can, is to believe in power.
  • 18、Don't give up your dream when you can.
  • Have confidence, work hard, success in the front.
  • 19、Have confidence, work hard, success in the front.
  • 20、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!
  • 21、生活的苦,衬托出努力与选择的必要。
  • 22、It rained yesterday, blew today, and the sun will come out tomorrow.
  • 23、过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。
  • 24、生活会苦一阵子,但不会苦一辈子。
  • 25、There are no mountains that can't be crossed.
  • 26、不要满足于眼前的小成就。问问自己:我这辈子就这样了吗?

  • 27、It's often the end of the day when a key opens the door.
  • 28、You are not brave, no one is strong for you.
  • 29、The reason why people are ordinary lies in their inability to surpass themselves.
  • 30、人要是不失掉方向,就不会丧失自己。
  • 31、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。
  • The thousandth time I fell, I got up for the thousandth time.
  • 32、The thousandth time I fell, I got up for the thousandth time.
  • 33、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。
  • 34、Where there is an ideal, hell is heaven.
  • 35、每一次轻易的放弃,都是人生的一处败笔。
  • 36、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!

  • 37、Make a careful consideration before making a decision. If you make a decision, you should go ahead and stick to it.
  • 38、Your choice is to do or not to do, do not necessarily succeed, but do not do will never have the opportunity to.
  • 39、不经一翻彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香。
  • 40、人要是不失掉方向,就不会丧失自己。
  • 41、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。
  • 42、Diligence is the passport to the door of success.
  • 43、Discipline yourself and don't mind others.
  • 44、Don't be afraid to fail in learning, just be afraid to be sincere.
  • The past belongs to the God of death, but now it belongs to itself.
  • 45、The past belongs to the God of death, but now it belongs to itself.
  • 46、过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。

  • 47、The pseudo style of genre is intimate with elegance, and the teacher who benefits more is your teacher.
  • 48、You are not brave, no one is strong for you.
  • 49、The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.
  • 50、一个今天胜过两个明天。
  • 51、If you want to fly HISTEP, the horizon forget.
  • 52、山是一步一步登上来的,船是一橹一橹摇出去的。
  • 53、Happiness can only be doubled if we know how to share.