
  • 1、Dream of the scar is the city of the future, the old woman lived in the city.
  • 2、鲜花等待绽放,为此要饱吸阳光,实现梦想,你准备好了吗?
  • 3、有信心,就有成功;有爱心,就有希望。
  • 4、Save water。 Shower with your girlfriend。 要节约用水, 尽量和女友一起洗澡。
  • 5、I do not really want to eat, but my mouth would like to exercise。我不是真的要吃,而是我的嘴巴想运动了。
  • The furthest distance in the world is not the distance of the tree and the tree, but the growth of the two branches, but not dependent in the wind.
  • 6、The furthest distance in the world is not the distance of the tree and the tree, but the growth of the two branches, but not dependent in the wind.
  • 7、挫折是生活对我们的考验,我们应微笑面对。
  • 8、Life can have a few back to beat, today when cardiac stroke.

  • 9、Work fascinates me。 I can look at it for hours! 工作好有意思耶! 尤其是看着别人工作。
  • 10、有了知识,你前进的道路才会畅通无阻。
  • 11、Especially liked a little lazy, and that is, do not learn。懒惰有一点特别招人喜欢,那就是,不用学就会。
  • 12、There is no the most stupid, only the most don't work hard.
  • 13、Especially liked a little lazy, and that is, do not learn。懒惰有一点特别招人喜欢,那就是,不用学就会。
  • 14、勤奋不是万能的,离开勤奋是万万不能的。
  • 15、All success comes from oneself, the success of the self, from the attitude.
  • 16、人生最快乐的事莫过于为自己的理想而奋斗。
  • 17、Especially liked a little lazy, and that is, do not learn。懒惰有一点特别招人喜欢,那就是,不用学就会。
  • 18、Your future depends on your dreams。 So go to sleep。 现在的梦想决定着你的将来, 所以还是再睡一会吧 。

  • 19、勤奋不是万能的,离开勤奋是万万不能的。
  • 没有最笨的,只有最不努力的。
  • 20、没有最笨的,只有最不努力的。
  • 21、走一步,冲出困境;再走一步,收获成功。
  • 22、Dream, continues, toward the front, I strive to run.
  • 23、这里是一个港口,只有努力才能通往梦想的彼岸。
  • 24、勤奋不是万能的,离开勤奋是万万不能的。
  • 25、Efforts to create the strength, attitude determines altitude.
  • 26、苦难无法阻挡梦想的前行。
  • 27、Step out of the predicament; Another step, harvest success.
  • 28、要是我们只限于梦想,那么谁来使生活成为美丽的呢?

  • 29、Learn to give up the heart desires, will have a better tomorrow.
  • 30、Success is a relative term。 It brings so many relatives。 成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚 。
  • 31、Odie, we eat ice cream bar, but you have to look at me to eat。欧迪,我们去吃冰激凌吧,不过你得看着我吃。
  • 32、Success is a relative term。 It brings so many relatives。 成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚 。
  • 33、Today, I do push-ups, the first prone today, tomorrow and then hold。今天我要做俯卧撑,今天先俯卧,明天再撑。
  • Life can have a few back to beat, today when cardiac stroke.
  • 34、Life can have a few back to beat, today when cardiac stroke.
  • 35、Everyone should love animals。 They are so tasty。每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。
  • 36、学习就像水泵中的水,有压力,才会有活力。
  • 37、有机会时不努力,那么想努力时多半是没有机会了。
  • 38、人生最大的骄傲,就是在成年时实现童年的梦想。

  • 39、Only learn to forgive others, his talent will be more close to you.
  • 40、Suffering can't stop the dream forward.
  • 41、God give everyone the ability to achieve your dream, just not everyone knows that it is hidden in there!
  • 42、Deep footprints, make a picture of success.
  • 43、走一步,冲出困境;再走一步,收获成功。
  • 44、学习永远不会停止,知识永远不会学完。
  • 45、To conquer yourself is equal to victory over the most powerful enemy.
  • 46、To conquer yourself is equal to victory over the most powerful enemy.
  • 47、努力造就实力,态度决定高度。
  • Flower waiting to bloom, therefore to full sunlight absorption, realize the dream, are you ready?

    48、Flower waiting to bloom, therefore to full sunlight absorption, realize the dream, are you ready?

  • 49、Have the confidence, there is success; Has the compassion, there is hope.
  • 50、If you can not beat your enemy, then join them。如果你不能击败你的敌人,那么就加入他们。
  • 51、未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。
  • 52、Save water。 Shower with your girlfriend。 要节约用水, 尽量和女友一起洗澡。
  • 53、学会放弃心中的欲望,才会拥有美好的明天。
  • 54、I do not really want to eat, but my mouth would like to exercise。我不是真的要吃,而是我的嘴巴想运动了。
  • 55、The future belongs to those who believe in the dream of beauty.
  • 56、努力造就实力,态度决定高度。