

  • 2、Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 3、Will love as an ideal one, there will be no real ideal.
  • 4、如果世界上只剩下我们两个人,那我便是你唯一的选择,多好。
  • 5、Some people go is never returned, so, wait and hesitation is the world's most ruthless killer!
  • 爱里面不但包含了许多悲哀和伤痕,还包括了埋怨,妒忌和轻视啊。
  • 6、爱里面不但包含了许多悲哀和伤痕,还包括了埋怨,妒忌和轻视啊。
  • 7、在我独享这片黑暗的同时我知道你早已离开
  • 8、Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
  • 9、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.
  • 10、You said that because of me, so I won the world.
  • 11、爱情不仅丰富多彩,而且还赏心悦目。

  • 12、十除了白骨黄土,我守你百岁无忧。
  • 13、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.
  • 14、When you fall in love, is to give each other, together. Love, is together, not separate.
  • 15、那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。
  • 16、没有爱情的人生叫受罪。
  • 17、你又没走过我的路怎会知我的苦与乐。
  • 18、爱里面不但包含了许多悲哀和伤痕,还包括了埋怨,妒忌和轻视啊。
  • 19、那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。
  • Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 20、Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 21、我想你了,我真的真的好想你!

  • 22、That was how to pick up the flight of time, straight ahead.
  • 23、信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信你。
  • 24、Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 25、余生不吹温柔风,不饮烈酒,不等不归人。
  • 26、Love not only included sadness and scars, also includes the complains, envy and contempt.
  • 27、爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。
  • 28、The wise never marry, and the one who is, will not be wise.
  • 29、Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
  • 30、If you are waiting for you is a kind of happiness, then let it go is a kind of perfect, perfect on both sides.
  • 31、Marriage nine pieces, twelve pieces, fool just divorce so expensive!

  • 32、To go with you is like walking on a very clear morning.
  • 33、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • 我说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。
  • 34、我说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。
  • 35、我爱的人已是我的爱人。
  • 36、Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.
  • 37、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。
  • 38、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。
  • 39、In addition to you, this world won't someone let my firm to out of control.
  • 40、The wise never marry, and the one who is, will not be wise.
  • 41、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

  • 42、Love is not a charitable cause, so it can't be generous.
  • 43、Happiness seems very close, but it depends on whether you can grasp it.
  • 44、The same word, both miss, but also missed.
  • 45、A casual, your smile is who the world.
  • 46、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • 47、那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。
  • 我不会卑微到求一个女人把离开我的男人还给我。
  • 48、我不会卑微到求一个女人把离开我的男人还给我。
  • 49、经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆。
  • 50、几度萧索,素眉浅画、芳华一叠,风若借、醉翻几页。尽言醉洒凄凉,谁笺梦书西厢?君莫妒,亦趁景、轻书玉兔。致广寒、邀来嫦娥,同醉明月。暂丢孤独。情若尘沙,最是浮生缠裹。秋风清、秋月明、落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。
  • 51、这辈子的微笑,只为你绽放,像那晴天的小彩虹。

  • 52、当你们相爱,就是给了对方,在一起的信念。爱,就是在一起,不分开。
  • 53、重蹈复辙的人是无可救药的蠢货
  • 54、我想你了,我真的真的好想你!
  • 55、把你蒙在鼓里有什么意思蒙在被窝里才好