
  • 1、九里雪大,伏里雨大。
  • 2、不见面也有不见面的好,你永远是,我记忆中的样子。
  • 3、当天堂都已被锁上,当空气压痛肩膀。
  • 4、牵牛要牵牛鼻子,打蛇要打七寸里。
  • 5、十我说那是情绪的宣泄,你们却说那是无知的表现
  • Only in the lonely time, will think of the most familiar with you.
  • 6、Only in the lonely time, will think of the most familiar with you.
  • 7、Wang Buliu, the woman took milk flow.
  • 8、陪在身边才算拥有,爱到习惯才算长久。

  • 9、Today I anyway so, you have a call in my flat security.
  • 10、Don't lose hope. You never know what tomorrow brings.
  • 11、日落东风止,不止必转南,不转是雨天。
  • 12、把你的每一种样子都刻在脑海里,以供日后毫不费力的思念。
  • 13、女人啊,站在衣服面前就像一个皇上,每天都在想,今天该宠幸谁?看了看,哎,朕又该衲嫔了。
  • 14、时光总是让人来一场彻底醒悟让人红了鼻头睁不开眼只是个开始
  • 15、A man is anxious to forget his shame, and a dog is anxious to look at the wall.
  • 16、既然我留不住你的温柔就把回忆都带走别让我的伤口一次次伤痛
  • 17、未成年也可以大爱~~
  • 18、Woman is a moth, naturally not afraid of fire.

  • 19、Clean and clean, prevent all diseases.
  • Don't be afraid of being insipid, just be afraid of backlash.
  • 20、Don't be afraid of being insipid, just be afraid of backlash.
  • 21、提笔写情,落笔写心,我手写我心,一切皆在我心,只因情而起,繁华而已落。
  • 22、Men never know, the woman said to break up just to let him stay.
  • 23、一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。
  • 24、日落东风止,不止必转南,不转是雨天。
  • 25、The summer engraved in my memory is the tears we shed together in the sunshine.
  • 26、不怕不知味,就怕后反劲。
  • 27、When the heaven was locked, the pressure of shoulder pain.
  • 28、你能看到我留在屏幕上的字,却看不到我流在键盘上的眼泪

  • 29、If you want to have fewer colds, take a cold bath.
  • 30、一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。
  • 31、我今儿个反正就这么着了,你呀有种叫保安进来把我放平了。
  • 32、大多旳求爱都是奋不顾身,最后旳结局都是粉身碎骨。
  • 33、我挺好相处的只要你主动找我
  • Men never know, the woman said to break up just to let him stay.
  • 34、Men never know, the woman said to break up just to let him stay.
  • 35、我的青春不要留白,我敢异想就会天开。
  • 36、女人啊,站在衣服面前就像一个皇上,每天都在想,今天该宠幸谁?看了看,哎,朕又该衲嫔了。
  • 37、人要脸,树要皮,不要脸的没法治。
  • 38、You never know who you love how you make blind and disorderly conjectures.

  • 39、From the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.
  • 40、Sometimes, you have to let it go, to see if it's really worth having.
  • 41、提笔写情,落笔写心,我手写我心,一切皆在我心,只因情而起,繁华而已落。
  • 42、成功就是你被击落到失望的深渊之后,反弹得有多高。
  • 43、“清歌入喉像*胃的烈酒,说留下的人早已走远”
  • 44、Don't make a hairless cattle, don't ride a horse without a fork.
  • 45、Are the people as a father, would be rather baffling vexatious.
  • 46、有些话,适合烂在心里,有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记。
  • 47、在艰苦的日子更要坚强,在幸福的日子更要谨慎。
  • 你永远都不会知道,为你胡思乱想的人有多么爱你。


  • 49、或许太重感情的人,日子终究不会好过。信任,依赖,念旧,分分钟把你虐的万劫不复。
  • 50、宁可折断骨头,不可背弃信念。
  • 51、人急忘羞,狗急眺墙。
  • 52、我今儿个反正就这么着了,你呀有种叫保安进来把我放平了。
  • 53、You are like the light that falls through the yellowing leaves in autumn. It's warm and gentle.
  • 54、像传闻里所有陈词滥调的故事你不见了我才这样想念你
  • 55、我介意你的过去,但我更介意,你会变成我的过去。
  • 56、一辈子有多少的来不及和差一点
  • 57、我一看到他,就喜欢的自己姓什么都忘记了。
  • 58、人心要实,火心要虚。
