2023-05-04 04:26:40
- 1、Love at first sight is a half-life search. Long life is a lifetime dependence.
- 2、If you want, I will always love you. If you don't want to, I will always love you.
3、I am waiting for someone who can accompany me for a long time.
- 4、说不出动人的情话,我只想带你回家。
- 5、我会用一万次回眸换取与你的一次相遇,再用我如莲的心,在某个遥远的角落静静地想你。
- 6、人的一生有很多幸运,比如遇见你,原来你是我最想留住的幸运。
- 7、I would rather spend a short life with you than see the vicissitudes of the world by myself.
- 8、不能见面的时候,他们互相思念。可是一旦能够见面,一旦再走在一起,他们又会互相折磨。
- 9、你沐一身晨露,送我一束红玫瑰;你披一身阳光,送我登程去远方。如今,玫瑰依旧,人处两地,星月秋风,相思犹浓。
- 10、我愿和你一同飞向遥远的天边,我的天空想和你连成一片。
- 11、我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。
- 12、If a lazy person like me doesn't like you, why do you think I'm so attentive?
13、Love and being loved are both things that make people happy. Don't let these things become pains.
- 14、Love and being loved are both things that make people happy. Don't let these things become pains.
- 15、There are many lucky things in one's life, such as meeting you. You are the lucky thing I want to keep.
- 16、有一次,我梦到我们彼此陌生,醒来后,发现原来我们彼此深爱。
- 17、女人在床上留的眼泪,比在任何一个地方多。男人在床上说的谎话,也在任何一个地方多。
- 18、我们一起走过万水千山;走过春夏秋冬;走过风霜雪雨,明媚了陌生花开,也芬芳了指尖流年。倾听那年的花开花落,一湖秋水一缕青丝为遇见而惊艳了时光。江南如画,烟雨绽芬芳,一笔一画勾勒着深深情意,砚墨窗前,写尽天涯相思曲。
- 19、微笑是一首传统的、流行的歌,每一个音符流露出来的都是真诚。
- 20、Living in one place all one's life, sleeping next to one person all one's life.
- 21、No matter how mediocre I am, I always feel that love for you is beautiful.
- 22、With you in my heart, no matter how good I am, I am not interested in thinking how charming you are.
- 24、山桃红花满上头,蜀江春水拍山流。花红易衰似郎意,水流无限似侬愁。
- 25、I dare not expect too much, just want to take the moment as forever, and turn the present into memories, bit by bit.
- 26、我忽略时间,因为等你出现;我忽略距离,因为等你出现;我忽略语言,因为想你一直未变。亲爱的,想你了。
- 27、The whole point of living up to now is to meet you at this moment.
- 28、There are many lucky things in one's life, such as meeting you. You are the lucky thing I want to keep.
- 29、Once, I dreamed that we were strangers to each other. When I woke up, I found that we loved each other deeply.
- 30、Living in one place all one's life, sleeping next to one person all one's life.
- 31、最初,挥手的瞬间,就注定要说再见,最后,恋恋不舍的缅怀成了虚弱的表现。
- 32、我不敢奢求太多,只想把瞬间当成永远,把现在都变成回忆,一点一滴。
- 34、我们真的心有灵犀,连分手都不用说。
- 35、I can't say anything touching. I just want to take you home.
- 36、一辈子住在一个地方,一辈子睡在一个人身边。
- 37、薄衾小枕天气。乍觉别离滋味。展转数寒更,起了还重睡。毕竟不成眠,一夜长如岁。也拟待、却回征辔。又争奈、已成行计。
- 38、你的那一片天空是否晴朗,还是像我这里正在下着相思的雨,你的那一片土地是否宽广,还是像我正站的这片土地只有你的身影那么细长,亲爱的,想你了。
- 39、将我献给你,连同深深的喜欢,换你一生够不够,不够的话下辈子也给你。
- 40、With you in my heart, no matter how good I am, I am not interested in thinking how charming you are.
- 41、If you want, I will always love you. If you don't want to, I will always love you.
- 42、Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you won't get lost.
- 44、思念是一种痛苦,而想念是一种煎熬,而过去的种种却是一种无法挥去的阴影,可是心却无法这痛苦与煎熬,只想告诉远方的你一句话:就是!我好想好想你!
- 45、I, wait for you, believe that one day you will appear to touch my head and praise me.
- 46、正是在不尽的思念中,人的感情才得到了净化和升华。没有距离,便没有思念。当轮船的汽笛拉响,当火车的汽笛长鸣,当汽车的轮子开始转动,当飞机冲击跑道腾空而起,思念便开始了。
- 47、心里有了你,再好的我都没兴趣了,想想你自己是有多么迷人啦。
- 48、只有跟你在一起的时候我才是活着的,我一个人的时候,就连最耀眼的太阳也失去光彩。
- 49、With you in my heart, no matter how good I am, I am not interested in thinking how charming you are.
- 50、我宁愿和你共度凡人的短暂一生,也不愿一个人看尽这世界的沧海桑田。
- 51、最爱的是你,最喜欢的也是你!
- 52、Want to accompany you to go shopping in the supermarket, cook, watch TV, live a simple life that belongs to us.
- 54、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。
- 55、我愿和你一同飞向遥远的天边,我的天空想和你连成一片。