2023-03-10 23:46:36
- 2、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。
- 3、Those who let the end of life enclose cannot go forward half a step.
- 4、有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。
- 5、Only with concentration can we embroider flowers, and only with calmness can we weave hemp.
- 6、面对目标,信心百倍,人生能有几次搏?面对成绩,心胸豁达,条条大路通罗马。
- 7、燃起他人希望之火,重塑他人自信之心。
- 8、If you don't understand, you won't. If you don't learn, you won't.
- 9、万法不如一心万术不如一道一心所向无所不能一心所指无所不达教众多方法不如给你指路,你有万种技巧,不如一心一意去完成一个目标。
- 10、It's too late to learn on weekdays.
- 12、Achievement is the only real pleasure in life.
- 13、一个成功的人是以幽默感对付挫折的。
- 14、好高骛远的一无所得,埋头苦干的获得知识。
- 15、望着别人幸福的笑容。心里总觉得不安!
- 16、A person can not bring confidence to others unless he has confidence in himself.
- 17、Even if no one nodded to me, I would not give up flying.
- 18、A warrior's will should be as firm as a reef, and his character as gentle as the wind.
- 19、战士的意志要象礁石一样坚定,战士的性格要象和风一样温柔。
- 20、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。
- 22、There is no shortcut on the road of life, only down to earth.
- 23、——巴甫洛夫我们知道个人是微弱的,但是我们也知道整体就是力量。
- 24、Busy gathering bees, no time to talk in front of people.
- 25、It is impossible to dig through wood without understanding it.
- 26、Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.
- 27、我走得很慢!但我从不后退!
- 28、It is difficult to practise courage without taking three risks.
- 29、Handicraft is a living treasure, the world is hungry.
- 30、”漫漫长路,你愿一人独撑,忍受着孤独与寂寞,承受着体力与肉一体的压榨,只任汗水溶于泪水,可脚步却从不停歇。
- 32、松树在悬崖峭壁上巍然挺立,雄风不衰,是因为它具有勇于傲霜斗雪的内在气质。
- 33、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。
- 34、一个成功的人是以幽默感对付挫折的。
- 35、传入心里的曲调时而轻扬,温柔如水,汇成清澈的河,缓缓流着。
- 36、忍心为功名,墨汁污纸张。
- 37、Diligence is a good lesson, one minute of hard work, one minute of talent.
- 38、It is impossible to dig through wood without understanding it.
- 39、心专才能绣得花,心静才能织得麻。
- 40、成功之难如升天,覆坠之易如燎毛。
- 42、就算没有人向我点头,我也不会放弃飞翔。
- 43、土地是人耕出来的。
- 44、Water flows downstream and people compete upstream.
- 45、羡慕他人所得,不如用心努力。
- 46、不担三分险,难练一身胆。
- 47、磨练肌胳,防病御症。
- 48、From ancient times, we can see that success is at the end of our lives.
- 49、平日不学,用之已晚。
- 50、建议把化妆镜放脸下方的桌子上,然后抬起与桌面呈45度角,将手肘撑在桌面,一只手抬起眼皮,眼睛向下看向镜子,这样整个睫毛根部一览无余,描起眼线也完全不会挡住自己的视线。